🏝️ [Master Discussion] - Monster Island - Global Beta

:desert_island: Purpose

Purpose of this thread is to provide {fairly} comprehensive information regarding the new feature titled the “Monster Island”, specifically the Global Beta planned for the start in November, 2022.

  • Please use this thread to ask questions or give advice about the event.
  • A new topic has been added to give feedback where you can share other thoughts about the event.

Disclaimer from Staff

:mantelpiece_clock: Schedule

General Timeline:

  • Sign-up Phase – 24 hours
  • Exploration Phase – 2 days
  • Rewards - After the exploration phase is over.


Opening dialog

Ending dialog after the event ends

Global Beta

The following is the timeline for the Global Beta:

# Sign-Up Phase Exploration Phase Additional 500 flags arrival Rewards
1 2022-11-29T07:00:00Z2022-11-30T07:00:00Z 2022-11-30T07:00:00Z2022-12-02T07:00:00Z 1. 2022-11-30T15:00:00Z
2. 2022-11-30T23:00:00Z
3. 2022-12-01T07:00:00Z
4. 2022-12-01T15:00:00Z
5. 2022-12-01T23:00:00Z
2 2023-04-11T07:00:00Z2023-04-12T07:00:00Z 2023-04-12T07:00:00Z2023-04-14T07:00:00Z 1. 2023-04-12T15:00:00Z
2. 2023-04-12T23:00:00Z
3. 2023-04-13T07:00:00Z
4. 2023-04-13T15:00:00Z
5. 2023-04-14T23:00:00Z
3 2024-03-06T07:00:00Z2024-03-07T07:00:00Z 2024-03-07T07:00:00Z2024-03-09T07:00:00Z 1. 2024-03-07T15:00:00Z
2. 2024-03-07T23:00:00Z
3. 2024-03-08T07:00:00Z
4. 2024-03-08T15:00:00Z
5. 2024-03-08T23:00:00Z

:information_source: General Information

This brand new mini game inside the Empires & Puzzles.
You can work together with your Alliance and explore Monster Island.
Your alliance can earn points by discovering new areas, defeating enemies, and opening chests
Rewards are based on global Alliance rank and event difficulty

There 3 difficulties, and alliances are assigned an event difficulty based on their Titan performance
Each difficulty has a different leaderboard, and rewards are based on difficulty.

The event uses a brand new “Monster Island Energy”, and each operation uses that energy.

Event Rules

Credits to @Cap

Click here for Written format.

Monster Island Event effect

Monster Island Energy

  • You receive 500 Monster Island energy when the exploring phase is start, and you receive additional 500 energies every 8 hours.
  • You can only store 1000 Monster Island Energy all the time so if you receive new flags when you have more than 500 Monster Island Energies, then you will lose some of the granted energy.
  • Step on undiscovered cells consumes 25 Monster Island Energy, and it also gives you 750 points in the event.
  • Steps on discovered cells only need 1 Monster Island Energy.

Monster Island Energy Flask

Image will be added.

In game tooltip:


Created by @LatiyFundiy

The Map consist of sectors, which are marked from A to I and from 1 to 9.
Each sector consist of Map hexagon cells (about 1200 in total), which can be any of these:

  • Campsite:
    • You can change your team, and items here,
  • Forest, Desert…
    • You can visit it, but there is no action to do there.
  • Sea
    • You can not visit this cell.
  • Reef
    • You can visit it, and it connect lands
  • Chest (Relic or Treasure)
    • You can open it if you have keys
  • Enemy Horde
    • You can attack the Enemy Horde, which can drop Chest Keys if defeated.
    • If defeated, then it changes to a counter, until the Horde is revived.
  • Apex Monsters
    • You can attack it, and it will always drop Chest Keys if defeated.
  • Danger
    • The cells around a Monster Horde / Apex Monster are blocked until the enemy is defeated.


  • Your team is shows up at a special area of the map called Campsite.
  • You can only change your heroes, and fill up your items.
  • If you move away from the Campsite, then you can edit your team or fill up your items.
  • If you used some items, then when you arrive back to Campsite, then those are refilled.
  • You can take the usual amount of items with you.

The guide by @Cap about the Map:


There are two kind of enemies:

  • Monster Horde
    • A Monster Horde contains of various nmber Monsters, and you can defeat maximum only a part of them at each attack.
  • Apex Monster:
    • It is similar to a titan, and all the rules of the fight is similar to a titan fight.

The first attack of any enemy takes 10 Monster Island Energy, and each additional fight with the same enemy increases the needed energy with 15.
So energy on cost needed on consecutive fight is 25, 40, 55…
Hordes are respawn after a certain amount of time, and when they respawn the energy needed on the first attack is reset to 10.

20% of the attacks by enemy is permanent.

Permanent damage

  • Damage received by Heroes in the event persists between attacks
  • 20% of the damage received by a Hero is permanent and can’t be healed back during the event
  • Overheal and Minions can prevent your heroes for receiving permanent damage, but Overheal can not revert permanent damage reduction, and heroes with minions receive +100% more damage.
  • Killed Enemies remain killed, and can not be used in the event any more until you revive them, but if you revive your heroes, then the remaining maximum HP is reduced with 50%.

Monster Horde

@cap’s guide about Monster Hordes:

Written Details
  • You will defeat Monster Hordes if you defeat all of them.
  • You are facing against only part of them in one attack.
  • Each group has different Energy consumption see above.
  • When you start the attacking them only 3 of the are shown in the middle, and more are appearing in each turn.
  • In total you can only see and attack 8 of them on the screen.
  • Each of the Monster have random element.
  • If you defeat some of them, then more Monsters will appear on the screen until all non-defeated monster are visible.
  • The battle has a 10 minute timeout. You need to finish killing the opponents during this time.
  • You can see the remaining Monster count on the screen.
  • Each monsters have different stat on each difficulty.
  • Once a Monster Horde is defeated it will revived in 13 hours and 15 minutes.
  • If you can not finish a Horde group, then the killed monsters are stays as killed. So you need to kill less of them later.
  • If you can defeat a whole Horde, then your alliance gets 9780 points.
  • Defeating an Monster Horde may give you a Chest Key.

There are 3 kind of Hordes:
Small, Medium, Large, and the total monster count is only difference between them:
kép kép kép

Horde Monster in Horde Defeatable Hordes in an attack Minimum attacks needed
Small 40 10 4
Medium 100 20 5
Large 180 30 6
Deprecated info for first two occurence

There were only one kind of monste hordes in the 1st occurence.

Different hordes were added in the second occurence:

Horde Monster in Horde Defeatable Hordes in an attack Minimum attacks needed
Small 80 20 4
Medium 100 20 5
Large 120 20 6

Apex Monsters

@cap’s guide about Apex Monsters:

Written Details
  • These are looks like a Titan fight, which also take 1.5 minutes as usual titan fight.
  • The Apex Monster has a Weak Point, and if you attack it with tiles, then it is stunned similarly to Titans.
  • Their stat is different on each difficulty.
  • There are various Apex Monsters with different elements and special skills.

Here is the list of the Apex Monsters:

Name Element Special Skill
Carapace Kaiju Holy Blade Tail Swipe
-Deals 100% damage to all enemies.
- All enemies get -20% attack for 4 turns.
- The caster get +40% defense against Specil Skills for 4 turns.
Megalocroco Nature Monstrous Bite
- Deals 100% damage to all enemies.
- All enemies get -10% mana generation for 4 turns.
- The caster gets +19% mana generation for 4 turns.
Bat Dragon Dark Dragon Claws
- Deals 100% damage to all enemies.
- All enemies get -26% accuracy fo 4 turns.
- The caster resists new negative mana effects for 4 turns.
Behemoth Frog Ice Venom Slash
- Deals 100% damage to all enemies.
- All enemies receive 584 Poision damage over 4 turns.
- The caster get +26% defense for 4 turns.
Brimstone Brut Fire Vockfall Bash
- Deals 100% damage to all enemies.
- All enemies get -20% defense for 4 turns.
- The caster is immune to new status ailments for 4 turns.
  • Your alliance is getting 25% of dealt damage in points.
  • Defeating an Apex Monster always give you a Chest Key.

Chests and Keys

You can find two type of chests on the map:

  • Treasure Chests
  • Relic Chests

Both of them can be opened by Keys which your alliance receives by defeating Apex Monsters and you may receive it by defeating Monster Hordes.

Any of your alliance members can use the found keys .

Treasure Chests

  • They contain loot that will be randomly distributed to all Alliance members at the end of the event

Relic Chests

  • They contain a random Relic that will buff all your Alliance members’ Heroes during the rest of the event.
    • Stack (Max. 10): All Heroes get +5% attack each turn
    • +25% power to Special Skill attacks
    • +50% additional Troop damage against the weaker element
    • -20% reduction of all incoming damage
    • 20% chance to dodge Special Skills and normal attacks
    • +5% mana each turn to Heroes whose current HP is lower than 50% of their initial max health
    • +5% mana to all Heroes each time a Special Skill is cast
    • 5% health recovered for all Heroes each time a Special Skill is cast
    • All Heroes counterattack with 30% of received damage
    • +25% attack
    • +25% defense
    • +25% critical chance
    • +50% healing from Special Skills, +100% healing from Battle Items
    • +20% mana generation

@cap’s guide about relics:

Other misc information

Screen layout, Top bar, Menu bar details

Monster Island Screen

The Monster Island can be accessed from the left pane of Quest screen with an icon similarly to the Mythic titan or the Tower events.

When you first log in to the Island, then game notifies you about which difficulty you are assigned by the Titan rarity, and afterwards you need to setup an exploration team and items.

Screen layout

The screen has the following layout:

  • The map itself in the middle, which is divided to sectors.
  • Top bar, when you can see you energies, keys, chest and score. You can read more bellow.
  • On the top right you can see which sector are you seeing in the screen.
  • Bellow that you can see the Event History. (Keys found, Horde is found, etc…), which you can enlarge if you click on it.
  • You can directly access the alliance chat from the bottom of the screen, when you can see the last few messages similarly how you can see them in War or in Base view.
  • On the left there is a menu bar.

Top bar

In the top bar you see:

  • Your available Monster Island energy and the maximum too.
  • You can see how many Chest keys do you have.
Chest Keys description

Number of Chest Keys your alliance has collected.
Use them to open the Trasure Chests and Relic Chests hidden in the Island. Apex Monsters and some Hordes in the Island will drop Chest Keys when defeated.

All keys you collect can be used by the whole Alliance, so remembering to communicate with your Alliance Members.

  • Collected Tresure Chest count
Treasure Chest description

Treasure Chests collected by you and your Alliance members.

  • Alliance Score. If you click on it, then you open up the leaderboard.

Menu bar

You can access these options from the Menu bar.

  • Gearbox icon with these Sub menu items:
    • Toggle Chat: You turn on / off the alliance chat view.
    • Event Info: You can read the Event Information what I have quoted in the Event Info above.
    • Leaderboard: You can open up the Leaderboard from here.
    • Rewards: You can check the Rewards from here.
    • Alliance info: You can open the Alliance Information screen from here. (See bellow).
    • Hero Rooster: You can open up your exploration team and items, but you can Edit them unless you are the Campsite. (See Bellow.)
  • Map icon: You can view the full Map, where you can see the explored area, and active monsters.
  • Relic icon: You can see the collected and active relics.
  • Maginifer Icon: You can switch to examine mode, where you can avoid moving accidenly, and the special map cells are highlighed, while all other will be turn dark.

Rewards will be given at the end of the event based on the number of chests collected.

Alliance Info

It can be opened up from the Menu bar or if you click on the Event History.
There are two tabs:

  • Event History, where you can see the events occured during the event and in wihich sector such as:
    • Someone has discovered a Horde
    • Someone has defeated a Horde
    • Someone has discovered an Apex Monster
    • Someone has defeated an Apex Monster
    • Someone has discovered a Treasure chest
    • Someone has discovered a Relic chest
    • Someone has discovered a Chest Key
    • Someone get a new Relic for all allaince members.
    • Horde respawned
  • Top Players: You can see the Alliance members scores, and if you click on a member you see their current Monster Island team, and remaining Monster Island Energy.


It is different for each difficulty, and rank based.

@cap’s guide about rewards:

Reward changes starting from 3rd occurence
The only difference is that you can get Ice trainer heroes instead of Fire, and the amount of all of them is doubled on all loot buckets and all dificulties.
Eg: You get 2x Epic Ice Trainer Hero, 6x Rare Ice Trainer hero and 6x Uncommon Ice Trainer hero instead of 1x, 3x and 3x.

Rewards on Easy difficulty
Rank Tokens Emblems Ascension Materials Battle Items Avatar
1 10x Legends Coin
10x Three Kingdom Coins
10x Tower Coins
3x Summon Token
5x Barbarian
5x Cleric
4x Advanturer’s Kit
4x Practice Sword
4x Rugged Clothes
1x Arcane Scripts
5x Bear Banner
5x Arrow Attack
Meadow, Maheegan
2 -
6x Legends Coin
6x Three Kingdom Coins
6x Tower Coins
3x Summon Token
3x Barbarian
3x Cleric
4x Advanturer’s Kit
4x Practice Sword
1x Arcane Scripts
5x Bear Banner
5x Arrow Attack
11 -
6x Legends Coin
6x Three Kingdom Coins
6x Tower Coins
3x Summon Token
2x Barbarian
2x Cleric
4x Advanturer’s Kit
4x Practice Sword
1x Arcane Scripts
4x Bear Banner
4x Arrow Attack
51 -
6x Legends Coin
6x Three Kingdom Coins
6x Tower Coins
2x Summon Token
2x Barbarian
2x Cleric
4x Advanturer’s Kit
4x Practice Sword
4x Bear Banner
4x Arrow Attack
101 -
5x Legends Coin
5x Three Kingdom Coins
5x Tower Coins
2x Summon Token
1x Barbarian
1x Cleric
4x Advanturer’s Kit
4x Practice Sword
3x Bear Banner
3x Arrow Attack
301 -
4x Legends Coin
4x Three Kingdom Coins
4x Tower Coins
2x Summon Token
- 4x Advanturer’s Kit 3x Bear Banner
3x Arrow Attack
501 -
4x Legends Coin
4x Three Kingdom Coins
4x Tower Coins
1x Summon Token
- 4x Advanturer’s Kit 2x Bear Banner
2x Arrow Attack
1001 -
3x Legends Coin
3x Three Kingdom Coins
3x Tower Coins
1x Summon Token
- - 2x Bear Banner
2x Arrow Attack
1501 -
3x Legends Coin
3x Three Kingdom Coins
3x Tower Coins
1x Summon Token
- - 1x Bear Banner
1x Arrow Attack
2001 -
1x Summon Token - - 1x Bear Banner
2501 or
1x Summon Token - - -
Rewards on Medium difficulty
Rank Trainer Tokens Emblems Ascension Materials Battle Items Avatar
1 6x :star::star: Ice 20x Legends Coin
20x Three Kingdom Coins
20x Tower Coins
4x Summon Token
15x Barbarian
15x Cleric
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
1x Leather Armor
15x Bear Banner
15x Arrow Attack
Dawn, Fianna
2 -
4x :star::star: Ice 12x Legends Coin
12x Three Kingdom Coins
12x Tower Coins
4x Summon Token
10x Barbarian
10x Cleric
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
1x Leather Armor
15x Bear Banner
15x Arrow Attack
11 -
4x :star::star: Ice 12x Legends Coin
12x Three Kingdom Coins
12x Tower Coins
4x Summon Token
8x Barbarian
8x Cleric
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
1x Leather Armor
13x Bear Banner
13x Arrow Attack
51 -
2x :star::star: Ice 10x Legends Coin
10x Three Kingdom Coins
10x Tower Coins
4x Summon Token
8x Barbarian
8x Cleric
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
1x Leather Armor
13x Bear Banner
13x Arrow Attack
2x :star::star: Ice 10x Legends Coin
10x Three Kingdom Coins
10x Tower Coins
4x Summon Token
8x Barbarian
8x Cleric
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
1x Leather Armor
11x Bear Banner
11x Arrow Attack
201 -
2x :star::star: Ice 10x Legends Coin
10x Three Kingdom Coins
10x Tower Coins
3x Summon Token
8x Barbarian
8x Cleric
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
11x Bear Banner
11x Arrow Attack
301 -
- 8x Legends Coin
8x Three Kingdom Coins
8x Tower Coins
3x Summon Token
8x Barbarian
8x Cleric
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
9x Bear Banner
9x Arrow Attack
401 -
- 8x Legends Coin
8x Three Kingdom Coins
8x Tower Coins
3x Summon Token
7x Barbarian
7x Cleric
1x Arcane Scripts 9x Bear Banner
9x Arrow Attack
501 -
- 8x Legends Coin
8x Three Kingdom Coins
8x Tower Coins
3x Summon Token
7x Barbarian
7x Cleric
1x Arcane Scripts 7x Bear Banner
7x Arrow Attack
601 -
- 6x Legends Coin
6x Three Kingdom Coins
6x Tower Coins
3x Summon Token
5x Barbarian
5x Cleric
1x Arcane Scripts 7x Bear Banner
7x Arrow Attack
701 or
- 6x Legends Coin
6x Three Kingdom Coins
6x Tower Coins
3x Summon Token
5x Barbarian
5x Cleric
1x Arcane Scripts 5x Bear Banner
5x Arrow Attack
Rewards on Hard difficulty
Rank Tokens Trainer Emblems Ascension Materials Battle Items Avatar
1 2x :star::star::star::star: Ice
6x :star::star::star: Ice
6x :star::star: Ice
100x Legends Coin
100x Three Kingdom Coins
100x Tower Coins
5x Summon Token
3x EHT
3x ETT
75x Barbarian
75x Cleric
1x Battle Manual
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
1x Chainmail Shirt
30x Bear Banner
25x Arrow Attack
10x Super Antidotes
5x Timestop
Adalinda, Cleaver
2 -
6x :star::star::star: Ice
6x :star::star: Ice
70x Legends Coin
70x Three Kingdom Coins
70x Tower Coins
5x Summon Token
2x EHT
2x ETT
50x Barbarian
50x Cleric
1x Battle Manual
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
30x Bear Banner
25x Arrow Attack
10x Super Antidotes
5x Timestop
11 -
4x :star::star::star: Ice
6x :star::star: Ice
70x Legends Coin
70x Three Kingdom Coins
70x Tower Coins
5x Summon Token
1x EHT
1x ETT
45x Barbarian
45x Cleric
1x Battle Manual
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
26x Bear Banner
24x Arrow Attack
10x Super Antidotes
4x Timestop
51 -
4x :star::star::star: Ice
6x :star::star: Ice
50x Legends Coin
50x Three Kingdom Coins
50x Tower Coins
5x Summon Token
40x Barbarian
40x Cleric
1x Battle Manual
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
26x Bear Banner
24x Arrow Attack
9x Super Antidotes
4x Timestop
101 -
4x :star::star::star: Ice
6x :star::star: Ice
40x Legends Coin
40x Three Kingdom Coins
40x Tower Coins
5x Summon Token
35x Barbarian
35x Cleric
1x Battle Manual
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
23x Bear Banner
22x Arrow Attack
8x Super Antidotes
3x Timestop
151 -
2x :star::star::star: Icee
6x :star::star: Ice
35x Legends Coin
35x Three Kingdom Coins
35x Tower Coins
5x Summon Token
25x Barbarian
25x Cleric
1x Battle Manual
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
23x Bear Banner
22x Arrow Attack
8x Super Antidotes
3x Timestop
201 -
2x :star::star::star: Ice
6x :star::star: Ice
30x Legends Coin
30x Three Kingdom Coins
30x Tower Coins
4x Summon Token
25x Barbarian
25x Cleric
1x Battle Manual
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
21x Bear Banner
21x Arrow Attack
7x Super Antidotes
2x Timestop
251 -
2x :star::star::star: Ice
6x :star::star: Ice
25x Legends Coin
25x Three Kingdom Coins
25x Tower Coins
4x Summon Token
20x Barbarian
20x Cleric
1x Battle Manual
1x Arcane Scripts
1x Dagger
21x Bear Banner
21x Arrow Attack
7x Super Antidotes
2x Timestop
301 -
6x :star::star: Ice 20x Legends Coin
20x Three Kingdom Coins
20x Tower Coins
4x Summon Token
20x Barbarian
20x Cleric
1x Battle Manual
1x Arcane Scripts
18x Bear Banner
18x Arrow Attack
6x Super Antidotes
1x Timestop
351 -
6x :star::star: Ice 15x Legends Coin
15x Three Kingdom Coins
15x Tower Coins
4x Summon Token
15x Barbarian
15x Cleric
1x Battle Manual
1x Arcane Scripts
18x Bear Banner
18x Arrow Attack
6x Super Antidotes
1x Timestop
401 or
6x :star::star: Ice 15x Legends Coin
15x Three Kingdom Coins
15x Tower Coins
4x Summon Token
15x Barbarian
15x Cleric
1x Battle Manual
1x Arcane Scripts
15x Bear Banner

Rewards for each collected Treasure Chest

You will get these for each collected Treasure Chest on hard difficulty:

  • 5 Three Kingdom Coins
  • 5 Tower Coins
  • 5 Legends Coins
  • 2 emblems from random class
  • 1 random 3 star ascension material
  • 1-2 random 1-4 star crafting items and battle items

These rewards / chest rwards are might be outdated or based on difficulty.

Monster Island Summon

Available Heroes

Monster Island Summon Portal currently includes the following Heroes:

  • All Rare and Epic Season 1 Classic Heroes
  • All Plain, Jungle and Abyss Hunter heroes

Appearance Rates


  • Rare Classic Hero: 19.6%
  • Epic Classic Hero 11.6%
  • Rare Monster Hunter Hero: 51.4%
  • Epic Monster Hunter Hero: 14.6%
  • Legendary Monster Hunter Hero: 1.5%
  • Legendary Featured Monster Hunter Hero: 1.0%


  • Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%

Monster Island Bonus Chest

Summon 10 times to open a Monster Island Bonus Chest !

The chest may contai following items:

  • Trainer Heroes
  • Master Trainer Heroes
  • Food Bundles

You progres towards the next chest will carry over to the next Monster Island Summon. if you still have chests in stock.

Chests in stock: 20.

Summon Costs


The Summon Costs for Monsgter Island Summon:

  • Single Summon: 350 Gems or 100 Monster Island Coins
  • Summon x10: 3000 Gems
  • Summon x30: 8400 Gems


  • Boosted HP can prevent applying permanent damage on your heroes.
  • Reviver heroes and items can revive heroes died in previous battles, but they reduce the remain max HP with 50%.
  • If you can not score 39120 damage on an Apex Monster, then defeating a Monster Horde gives more points on Hard difficulty so maybe those players who can not score that much should focus on Hordes as they are easy to defeat.
  • Energy costs increasing for each attack / player so it is adviced to not do more than 1-2 flags / Apex Monster or Monster Horde and let others to finish the job.
  • Prioritize finding and opening Treasure chests as they increase the final rewards.