[Master Discussion] - Fated Summon (Counter doesn’t reset on list change)

The first one that comes to mind is Guinevere for dark reflect, than Sif and that old red cat hotm don’t remember her name, her costume dispells and attacks all. Also not sure if Perseus was available, he would be a great pick also.

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A big caveat is not knowing when the Outfitter will arrive or how often… or crucially, how much it will cost, of course.

I think it’s fair (and potentially exciting!) to have one eye toward the possibilities that an Outfitter will bring to pity-counter choices, but if SG drops the ball and makes the Outfitter highly infrequent and/or demand berjillions :crazy_face: of gems… one doesn’t want “but the costume” to be the only consideration either.

Case in point: Guardian Kong

GK without costume isn’t just an older hero (as pity counter choices are), but also has a hilariously glass jaw. Hit-all and cleanse is nice in principle, but he has to live

GK with costume isn’t “just” buffed by costume bonuus. but also better stat balance, gets dispel instead of cleanse, yadda yadda and REFLECT BLUE

GK becomes fundamentally different with his costume. (I’d go so far to say, especially the more monstrous that modern-monster heroes get, reflect [color] can possibly be the single best ability in the game.)

On the one hand, that may make him a very tempting pick, knowing that he has such a valuable ability once his costume is obtained.

On the other hand, if Outfitter shows up once in a blue moon and demands the Koh-i-noor and Hope diamomds, the Star of India, and the La Peregrina Pearl for each costume… then picking GK is “gathering roster dust, hoping the Outfitter ever becomes better/cheaper/more frequent”


Definitely right about this. I kinda wish we had the chance to take ursena now. Before i was indifferent because she is not great without her costume… But…



And yes, I think he’ll be the first costume I take if this goes live.

I already had Gazelle and for my first fated summons of this current batch, i took Lepiota, but later drew a better purple in a portals so she’s on hold now. I will likely get to my 2nd fated summons once Black Friday event is done. I was originally trying to decide between Hatter since his special seems fun, and Krampus, to get another taunter, since I use Ludwig so much. I have quite a few green projects waiting so, was thinking maybe Krampus first, since I never managed to ever get him (or mother north) through the seasonal EHT draws. Now with the whole outfitter thing, I wonder if I should reconsider any of the other heroes listed based on their costumes, which I’m not that familiar with.

Has anyone done a write-up or a video of the fated summons choices if costumes could be obtained from the outfitter later?

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This is it

Btw, @Gargon may update when the visiting outfit event is available, for selectable costumes

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Yes that will change things for sure… But I won´t do any changes on the guide until we get something solid in the game, not based on some beta speculations… never know if it will become a useful feature or just another useless or buggy and abandoned feature.


36 days for the next batch of Fated Summon. I’m 89/100 and already picked the heroes I wanted

Now it’s time to hold the summons

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I’m at 83/100 and need to decide to hold or pop my tokens. When is the new list due?

I’m guessing we might see the next list in the final days of January

Let’s just wait for our brave oracles and data diggers to come up with the information for us

You may participate in forum prediction league, https://forum.smallgiantgames.com/t/fated-summon-prediction-league-win-an-exclusive-emoji-title-entries-open/353000/99 , where from the last SE, I have noticed SG accepted forums’ acquire through the prediction.

Hope you will get what you want

Got Gazelle, Lepiota and Krampus. All I wanted and all I could get ^^ now I’m at 30 summons and waiting for refresh.

Thanks. I wasn’t aware of that topic.

I’ve made my predictions

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