I know it is a very small pattern but seems for me frustrating.
Description says: “all heroes have a chance to be lucky and cast the speical skill 2 times in a row”
So no mention that the defender is favoured, but my experience was terrible.
It is very unbalanced if the def team is working like a machine gun.
I hope that it is just a bad luck and it will be equal - examining bigger numbers.
Share your experience please
I really dislike this Cloverfield war type because it introduces another layer of randomness to combat, which is too random already. Bad boards are annoying enough. Combat should be tactical, allow for creative synergies and clever counter mechanics. Right now every single hero on defense got a lucky cast while none of my attackers did. Nothing fair about it.
Clover Field is another stupid development in the game. With the overpowered teams, which already power up faster than your equivalent team, you have NO chance to win. Especially with the algorithm used to literally give you little gems colours you selected for your team. And if you do get a true random board, which isn’t often the case, you rarely get big cascades. So basically the average player gets bent over in Wars again. Thanks E&P for continuing to reaffirm my decision to almost never spend money on this lopsided game.
2 years ago I stopped recommending this game to new people, as daily grinding and strategy went out the window for F2P or C2P like me to do fairly well.
My honest suggestion is to make mana power up level for both Wars teams and make the boards actually 100 % random again. Stop putting players in a hole, with hands tied behind their backs, where strategy is made obsolete .
The only thing that make this game intetsting, for a lot of players, after so many years, is war tactics.
I really think that lucky, unpredictable, hero skills are the worst stupid idea a development team could imagine.
You should develop higher titans (30 minutes for a programmer)
You may choose so many war rules without the lucky bottom use.
You should avoid to loose tons of ours of development for stupid boring dragons. Epic fail
Start today please! Give credit to beta tester and stop giving us stupid things. Beeng lucky to pull heroes is enough. Leave the rest of game to reason and tactics.
Absolute joke. This game should based on tactic not on luck as enemy teams is already hard take down of 7.2 k team power and now they shoot twice as my team was lucky just once to shot twice. You need stop this and start lisen beta beta players who is saying already is bad as it sounds. Please consider more like higher titans or anything else. As this game will die with time as it’s quite stupid. Regards Leoo
For the new clover field war buff, where did u get the percentages it will activate: 35% for attackers & 25% for the defensive team? This doesn’t seem right as the percentages for everything have always been n favor of the defense.
From what I’m hearing, that actually often does favor the defense for intact teams, since they tend to fire more often early in a fight that attackers trying to line up enough tiles to fire the first time. (Namely, 25% of a larger number, especially up front, can outweigh 35% of a smaller number, much less 35% of zero if the early defensive Specials cause an early wipeout.)
Given that many defenses can land crippling blows before offenses can get traction, the “lucky” mechanic can wind up just magnifying existing trends from imposing defenses (or cleanup specialists ghosting tiles).
I had 3 good flags and 3 awful flags. The first one was good- clearly luck favored the attacker in that instance. It was over quickly and I was that happy when you know you haven’t earned the win. The second flag was similar. The third flag, however, was over in around a minute. Had a board full of the one color I didn’t bring, and I didn’t fire a special. Fourth flag looked better to start, but then dried up. The enemy was able to heal back to near full health with one lucky special and then destroyed me. 3 points. Fifth flag I was able to die before he healed, so at least I lowered some health. Sixth flag I couldn’t tell you if I got lucky because I was already soured on the whole experience. Losing so devastatingly, especially when you were evenly matched, ruined the times when the luck was on my side.
I’d rather remove luck than to ever experience no tiles and no luck in one flag (again). Having spent the time and money to not only summon fancy heroes, but to level them, it sucks to have the strategy portion removed completely. I hope someone is enjoying this….
Bloody battles should be fun. Ancient terror….we’ll have to see. Attack boost I’m good with. But in its current form I’d be tempted to skip Clover if I wasn’t OCD about my war chest percentage.
They found a way to add more “rng” to the game, “rng” specials on top of “rng” boards. more often than not, the defense fired twice wiping out my whole team in one cast… whoo thats “fun”
lets give these guys more money to pull stronger heroes ( more rng ) spend more time and resources to level legendary troops in the hopes we’ll be better in clover wars.
Not going to happen from me, I’ll opt out. Sucking the fun out of this game with another update to the game
Ok, experience second part.
Last 3 battles, 2 balanced, but in the last all of my heroes had luck and the enemy had no time, not even to attack, but to take a deep breath.
Hole enemy team was wiped with my first wave of attack.
So it seems that the lucky factor itself is not def biased, but:
it is the worst battle mode so far, because it is 100% pure lottery. The win is absolutely in the hands of fortuna (rng)
probably i am in a minority for actually liking clover field.
i lost flags because of it but also won because of it. it has different approach with team building and firing order.
there are ways to make it less random by making it a bar that fills up then the hero(es) who fires when it’s full will fire twice. another way is that each hero can only get lucky once per battle.
war changes are nice, i prefer if we have formation rotation added to the wars or new rules related to the attack/defense team building.
some of the old rules needs to be updated… attack boost is almost useless
I have just added a poll to the OP where you select your sentiment about whether this just ended Clover Field War rule type is good or bad or you are neutral in this matter.
Further polls will be added once the other new War rules will arrive to the game.