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Did Grazul get a nerf for this event? Not the 22% I was expecting, or even the original 15% :face_with_monocle: :shark:

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The opponents in any quests have different (lowered) values in their skill than the heroes itself. in portals or your roosters

Probably it was lower last time before Grazul’s buff, and actually she received a buff here too.


I gotta say, getting a lucky board is hardly a strategy I find rewarding. :woman_facepalming:


Stage 8 was my nightmare… Several different attempts failed :sob:
Finally succeeded thanks to the combination of the skills of the two heroes: Viscaro & CoD.


This is exactly my problem. This quest is the most unrealistic quest ever.

I mean, if I wanted raids I would be doing raids… And even playing against the best raid team in this game wouldn’t be this difficult…


Level 8 is ridiculous- within 3 turns the defence team has reflect, minions and has cast multiple fiends…. How is this fun? It’s a joke…… I have used so many flasks waiting for pure luck on the board. I’ve tried rainbow, mono, 3:2 splits…… I posted that the Pets was stupidly hard and this is 5x worse.


Stage 10 gave me so much hilarity. I brought 3 VF/F Yellow plus Alucard & Hathor.

The opening board was all green & blue. Rinse, repeat green & blue.

Repeat. Same same.

Went in with 3 Fast Green, Skadi & C Ariel. Opening board was still that beautiful blue / green. :rofl::joy:
Fight was over so very fast. :joy::rofl:

Zynga wanted me to use my B/G team. They should have just indicated that to me. :joy::rofl:


What does Zynga really want? Disgust the remaining players?
To answer @Katja66, it wouldn’t be the first time that the difficulty has been lowered during an event… (see the musketeers…).
I finished the event soon after it was released, but it was very difficult !!

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I agree. this quest seems more like a living ad for "hey, look how strong YOUR defense can be if you summon all these nasty heroes… " except it doesn’t add the disclaimer that “oops, you may want to choose all the mana nodes and give like, high level troops to your heroes to make them charge this fast, hee hee!”


Not sure if I want suggest anything, just an observation. The difference was breathtaking, so I shared it.

Level 9 went pretty easy…

…level 10 was hard, but I forgot to record it :confused:

(Yes… I known… stupid mono…but I haven’t got better idea for this stage)

This time around I had difficulty with Stages 6 and 8, the rest I did first try, including 9 and 10.
Stage 8 I think I had to do about 8 times!
I tried mono purple for most of those, but I rarely got the tiles, and would get mostly GREEN tiles, why green I don’t know - because the tank is green?

Eventually, I switched to a mono-green team, guess what now? FULL of purple tiles constantly, every move I made, new purple tiles came in. I tried this mono green 2 times, but nothing. Eventually went 3x Purple 2x Blue and won on the first try.

I used 2x WE flasks total on this
Stage 8, their mana goes way too fast and they constantly have minions, and if you notice it’s always that stupid yellow guy who gets the minions first, then the others do, so you waste 408 damage on his minions and get counter attacked from the others.

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If it’s not a bug, it’s pretty obvious what SG is doing here. Nobody likes their new aethers. They are trying to convince us we need to spend for those so we can field a team that can withstand enemies hitting almost 2x as fast as anywhere else in the game. Feels like a big middle finger from them. “Oh, you want to complain about 2nd level LB? How do you like beating this quest with your current heroes?” :man_facepalming:


Yes, but the pact quest is unfortunately a bad joke. I do not know what they are changing, but they improve the values of the opponents. Normally I got my problems with this stupid gargoyles, but now I need 8 trys to win against a team with a power of 3800. Sorry my team has only 4900 and was killed 8 times by an Easter bunny and sand storm heroes. The Mana production of the opponent is to fast. I have only quick and very quick heroes in my team, but 2 or 3 were dying before I was able to use my SA. And if they are infected by sand storm and other effects, the rest is also death before your healer, if he or she will really survive the first 3 SA is able to cure it. Sorry SG, if you need luck or 8 tries to win against a team with 1100 less power, there is something wrong.

I think it goes in a slightly different direction… The level is too hard? You can buy “bonus” ( see “Love Booster”).

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Jove getting the boot was a big loss for me lol. Xen is awesome but the new hungle heros meh as u said

I know alot of folks are complaining about the difficulty. But really I beat the forat 5 levels on auto. I had to restart a couple levels especially if Xnol was involved but it wasnt that bad.

Has anyone proposed whatever team combinations people used to deal with Stage 8 of this event yet? It’s not some top secret team of literally having every hero from every portal in this game, is it?

This worked for me, had to get a good starting board though (as would be required for most mono combinations).

Couldn’t overcome in using non mono teams as my roster is just not strong enough (and I don’t have any levelled minion counters)


Forcing players to choose mono and wait for an ideal board isn’t exactly emphasizing “strategy”. This quest is just the most recent reminder the developers don’t care if the players are actually enjoying the game; just that we’re using resources (either WE flasks or gems to continue in this case).