🌌 [MASTER] Contest of Elements - FAQs, Team Discussion, Portal Stats & Summons!

Not a fan of these portals. I get lots of drops but they’re mostly old heroes.

Why does the Holy Contest of Elements have tougher stages? Each category is higher up than their counterparts in all the other four. Last time, I thought they were going to make them tougher as they went but then the next color was back to original. They also commented at one point that the stage difficulties for holy was set back to normal but now they’re back up again. Why?

All I want was jequn for my df-jequn-luna-firmin-deadboot team.


@Dudeious.Maximus Do you really expect me to read through a thread with over 800 entries? This category is very broad and my question was specific.

The constant merging of topics is an irritation. Too many varying topics get lumped into one gigantic thread and information is not easily findable.

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I find the lack of merging and lack of use of threads to be an irration. It can be tough to find something within this thread, but it gets even harder when there are multiple threads to search in.

Whether it’s a new thread or merged into an existing one, everyone is free to respond. So it shouldn’t matter where it is, because you’ll get your discussion.


Well i have taken a relaxed approach on the forum for a about a year … Maybe more with merging.

I usally leave for 24 hours to see what traction it will get. As i understand new folk who have joined may not seen the older topics, before hand can chime in new eyes different views.

Your topic had NO comments after 22 hours so i merged. :woman_shrugging:


And after a few months, finally managed to finish Yellow CoE.

Don’t need to have 25 maxed OP heroes. Just any 25 is enough (OK, I needed only 24 because I have Jequn)

Stages 1-2:

Start with freshies…

Stages 3-4:

… continue with freshies.

Stage 5:

Stage 6:

Replaced Joon with Jequn.

Stage 7-8:

Stage 9-10:

Used: arrows, axes/bombs, dragons, mana pots


And my alt’s teams, for future reference (although I did only 8 stages, no more heroes here).

Stages 1-2:

Stage 3:

Stage 4:

Replaced Gan Ju with Zione

Stages 5-6:

Stages 7-8:

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You might be able to finish the last two stages if you go only 4 heroes the first 2-3 stages. You can rely more on battle items to compensate being one man down

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Yes, you’re right. I could take Nash as 5th hero, but didn’t want to risk more (using heroes at 1/1 was risky enough for me) or use valuable items (used dragons and it made me feel bad about “wasting” them here)

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In dark CoE where I lack very much rosters (only 20 dark), I finish all stages by using 1* hero on the first two stages and nuke them all with items :joy:

My other dark rosters are not well developed so similar to your experience in the past, it usually 1000+ TP behind the recommended TP. I had tough time even though finished it …

This month I decided to reduce my game time a bit, so it’s the 1st time I just leave the holy CoE unfinished (even though, unlike dark, I have 25 holy heroes) … I just let some quest go so that i will not burn out with all these quests :sweat_smile:


Did you pull something decent or you exchange these items for Morris and +1 to FS? :wink:

On my all accs I pulled Kailani, Bane, DAWA, Poppy and Hu Tao. At least increased FS counter.

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Hi my friend, I actually “never” pull any CoE heroes since January 2023 … My goal is to collect as much coins as I can to pull only once and aim for better chance
(average the RNG out)

Now I have 22 saved pulls (some from PoV) and at first planned to divide half for Green / Dark CoE next year …

However , with these strategy, this month I average RNG in pickup summons and Xmas on 44 pulls, and be agle to get Ginger, so I decide to stop my green project for now. (The same strategy to get Alucard and C.Francine on Haloween as well as Ithar and Vanoimanen on Aug, Haulstone on June [no post ref] )

Now my goal is to wait until Feb 2024 to pull the dark CoE once and for all with at least 25 pulls !! (I know it;'s not enough to hope for good 5*, but at least perhaps good 4* :sweat_smile: )

Hopefully not 20 chars/pulls of Morris!@!


Hahaha well thats funny.
Christmas Portal closes, i do 3x pulls on the Green COE, and I get Buddy - my first ever one of him :rofl:

(By-Ulf + Belith were my other 2)


Just pulled Mother North, what the actual hell is the point in a super premium expensive portal when the heroes don’t come with costumes? This big bonga mamma is useless now, even if she had her costume I have Heimdall Costume who’s just better, damn. What a shame - SE food.


Wow I finished the challenge, and on my last (5th) pull I got XANDRELLA!


Either is good at mana control. Congratulations

yeah, this event helped me clean up a lot of my 4* dupes. it’s also interesting to see how many heroes have similar skills, and can play similar roles, even within the same element…


You inspired me. On my alt, mighty Aife did 1 stage without touching the board :joy:
I could use dragon’s DOT to save some items, but it wouldn’t be fun.
And now, I have only one dragon attack in stock :joy:


wow! good job for doing that @Ufeel , @Ei-Dunn ! hah! what a fun way to do the first two stages of this quest!