🌌 [MASTER] Contest of Elements - FAQs, Team Discussion, Portal Stats & Summons!

My teams and results:

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 7

Stage 8

Stage 9

Final Stage:


A bit of fun with GrandmasterMax and the dirty bunch, to spice it up a bit I’ve put invisible potions on everyone in boss stage just to see them confused :dog:


Had fun as always - really enjoy this quest :slight_smile:

Holding my coins for another element, maybe Yellow or Purple, as I need more depth in those. Green, Red and Blue are all on + have long levelling queues

Teams used:

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A few updates to three of the guides that add the next new legendary heroes for each element.


Nice one my friend and what a heroic of Aife!! :joy:
I did similar too as my green also sucks. :joy:
Now i am at stage-7, and will also post some screenshots when I am finished :kissing_heart:

updated stage-7 is tricky to me as it looks easy until Atomos continuous revival! I have no mana control and he charge very fast and he kill my bear so my team starting to die! @Dzibong I saw your screenshot that you also seems struggle a bit here as well right?

Difficult to get exact 5 ghost tiles, not to kill him off before he fires his special :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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For anyone interested: I made a basic battle items planner spreadsheet to test out how many Contest of Elements stages you could complete with battle items alone. It auto-totals the number of battle items being used and the damage that was done:

E&P Battle Items Planner

You have to make a copy of the sheet (download it or copy it to a Google Drive) to change the values.


No liu bei so this is something new for me. Would have been pissed if I got him on the last pickup summon


It will depend on your roster but still want to ask which element portal do you guys think is the best to do summons?? :innocent:

The pulls were terrible, but the chest was nice at least


That’s exactly what happened. He kept respawning and slowly destroying my team. Ultimately, I used two scrolls to resurrect the heroes who were ready to fire. That’s the only reason I finished him off. The biggest irony is that after completing all the levels I was left with one unused Caedmon, which would have come in very handy back then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I used only three items in the entire quest (two on this particular board)

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Lol, it is so difficult to find the 5x3 ghost tiles. i think with only 1 hit, he would charge again and we have to wait another 5 turns! I began to feel uncertainty since i did not bring any revival scroll :scream:

And i just fed (unleveled) Caedmon away to clear space… At least i could use him with revival scroll to make my life easier :joy:

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This is a fun challenge to feel good about roster progress. I was able to get 80 coins this time around and next time I should be able to get a 100 or more and thus ensure enough for a summon.


I like this as a good 5 month roster update. In that time I’ve added Frigg, Leadria, Viselus, C2.Little John, C.Mielikki, C.Hansel, dup Almur, Anton. Of those, I only leveled Frigg, the Epic costumes, and the dup Almur.

I pulled Noril and Orla from the portal. I already have two Norils and certainly don’t need another. I also already have Orla and barely use her.

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I sometimes use Orla-Cillian-Aodhan together; having their Slayer buffstacks automatically grow every turn ain’t shabby for events and the like. (Obviously, not for this event per se, but generally for early Tower stages and/or 4* Challenge event levels.)

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That’s about the only situation I find her useful. She gets a depth W3K hit. But often the other two are more helpful in a harder level where Orla just doesn’t do enough.

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Personally, my dark is weakest , so i wait 2 months, for the dark CoE

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if we don’t consider one’s roster, then it becomes a matter of comparing which of the 5 elements has the most useful heroes overall. (which can be answered from the perspective of: which colors have the most powerful / useful heroes; and also considering which have the highest proportion/chance of getting a useful hero).

I don’t know enough about that to give a good answer, unfortunately :slight_smile:

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Unknown are the paths of the game designers… I have been trying to get few heroes like Anne for a long time and mostly these CoE are giving just crap.

Yesterday I pulled Desmond so did I today. No money spend so far. Just used old coins I had. Weird.

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Is there a “best value” with coins too?
I have 875 coins and wonder if I would get 10x summons with ~900 coins

I didn’t take note about my stages from 1-6 but these were my teams for the last ones


Ma’at - LOTL - Almur - Hammertusk- Quenell


Myoin-Ni - Winifred- Evelyn- Hatter - El Naddaha