šŸŒŒ [MASTER] Contest of Elements - FAQs, Team Discussion, Portal Stats & Summons!

I love this quest! I love the team building and using depth heroes.
I did it differently than how I did it in Beta.

I broke my team out by function to help with the team building:

Stage TP Healer EDD D-Down Mana Control Mana Up Hitter 1 Hitter 2 Hitter 3
10 4,453 Alby Almur Silvaria Little John Kingston
8-9 4,222 C.Mel Buddy Peters Mielikki C.Lianna
6-7 4,324 Mother North Buddy C.Yunan Grace Cad
4-5 3,919 Ptolemy Dolgoon Little John Bertilla Elkanen
2-3 3,523 C.Mel Isshtak Tettukh Noril Noril
1 3,334 Grevle C.Berden Kad Fianna Whacker

I also changed it up to save my best team for 10 only so if something went wrong along the way, Iā€™d have another set of heroes to use.
I accidentally switched my Buddies and used the fully elmblemed one before I used the one at 4/70.

Stage 10 ended up being easier than the others. Itā€™s a fairly simple team with some slightly niche heroes. Alby isnā€™t super helpful there. Almur is great. I wish I had another. Silvaria helps with defense down and minions to help whittle away and add extra health. Little John has always been one of my favorite heroes for mana control. Then Kingston for sniping and attack down to keep me alive.

I looked at the heroes I didnā€™t use:
Healers: Brynhild, Gaderius, C.Friar Tuck, C.Belith, C.Faiez
Defense down: C.Brienne
Snipers: Lianna 3/70, Wren, Gnomer
Others: Gramps, Goopy, Carver, Shrubbear, Muggy, Mnesseus, Hissan

I used minor health, minor mana, antidotes, and revies on each level. I used several antidotes, maybe 10 minor mana, and 15 minor health.

I look forward to the future elements of this event.

Very helpful. Iā€™m not sure how loaded my top team would have to be for me to not use him.


Well, that paid off:



I swapped him in on stages 7 and 8, and I barely noticed him. It was weird. Had the most trouble so far with stage 7. Just couldnā€™t get the tiles, and C. Melendor was too fragile (not that I had other options). I think I used 3-4 revive scrolls on that stage alone.

My Silvaria is almost to 3^70, so I brought her on stages 5 and 6. Those minions were surprisingly helpful. I also ran Bertila on those stages. They both have wimpy minions, but they still show up big when there are 15 of them!

Just have 9 and 10 left. Feel pretty good about my team of Heimdall, Marcel, Mielikki, Francine, and Caedmon. Hope I donā€™t have a disaster board or a time-out, though. My reserve team would be something like Elkanen, Kadilen, C. Kasshrek, Hansel, and Gobbler. Donā€™t think thatā€™s gonna get it done!


Guardian Chameleon has literally stole the show from all the big guns by literally rendering the element bosses utterly useless and helpless :DDD

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My I get these from my 2 pulls

I didnā€™t expect 5*. 5* green is good since I donā€™t have many 5* green but Balbar is a bit weak in my opinion :sweat_smile:.

I wish I get Franz but second Kalo is ok :smile:. (first one from Black Friday summon)

For some reason, I get 2 Kalo within a couple of week outside the gargoyles events :rofl:.


Gotta say that iam really happy to have lady of the lake.
With her last two stages felt so smooth.
Its refreshing to see some old heroes working pretty well in this latest ingame events.


OK, my plan for Natureā€¦


And I will pay attention to my last experienceā€¦

I havenā€™t started yet,ā€¦ lolā€¦ there are too many events ā€¦ :sweat_smile:


I did green elemental quest easily, despite green being one of my weaker colors in 5* rarity,
1-2 with 5 3/50 green 3* heroes without emblems/LB - CB Belith, C Friar, Muggy, By-Ulf, C Carver
3-4 - CB Brienne 4/55 + 20, Noril 4/55 +20, Faiez 4/55 + 19, C Isshtak 4/55 + 20, CB Berden 4/55 +20,
5-6 - Shrubbear 4/55 +20, Peters 4/70, Ptolemy 4/70, CB Caedmon 4/75 + 20, Gramps 4/55 +19
7-8 - Gregorion 4/80, Bertila 4/80, C Horghall 4/80, Hansel 4/75 +19, CB Mel 4/75 +20
9-10 C Elk 4/85 +20, C Lianna 4/80 +11, Ptolemy 4/75 + 20, Franz 4/75 + 20, C Alby 4/85 + 20.
Strangely, I didnā€™t use Almur or Buddy.

Used minor mana and regular mana just in case, havenā€™t used that many of them, regular health potion and revive scrolls. I had no need for axes/bombs or antidotes.

Rewarded with dupe Shrub and dupe Gnomer + bonus 3* trainer, nothing exceptionalā€¦

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Here are the teams i used. there were some rough spots, but i found it overall pretty manageable. roughly comparable in difficulty to the holy one i thought, although what was up with Friggā€™s Alfheim auto-heal? it really seemed to heal for a lot. the stage with the highest item usage for me was 8, where i dumped like 10 mana potions on Marcel to repeatedly blast Frigg to get rid of her.

1-2: CB Belith, CB Carver, CB Isshtak, Gnomer, Muggy, all +1. lost Muggy at the very beginning of stage 2, but ended up not needing him.

3-4: Grevle +15, Berden +1, Noril +15, cMnesseus +1, cBrienne LB+20. this was a very good team, cMnesseus was super handy against Hisanā€™s sand damage. no problems.

5-6: cMelendor +7, Buddy +18, Hansel +18, CB Jack Oā€™ Hare +18, Little John +18. This team felt like ridiculous overkill for these stages. next time iā€™ll probably switch this up a little.

7-8: Mielikki +20, Tettukh +20, Marcel +20, Skittleskull +20, Faiez +15. was a little concerned this might not be enough firepower, but with the exception of Frigg, no problems. dropped a couple of mana potions on Faiez at the start each time and the rest was fine.

9-10: Bertila +18, Lianna +20, cCaedmon LB+20, Franz +18, Arco +20. this seemed easier than 7-8, hardly used any items, but then, i brought more firepower.

My two pulls netted me a dupe Buddy and:

:astonished: :partying_face: I donā€™t even care that thereā€™s no costume, my greens are weak and sheā€™s. nice hit-3. iā€™ll LB her to make up the stats difference, and i donā€™t need the EDD as i have Almur anyway. it would have been nice if costumes were included here but whatever, i dropped all my EHTs at Halloween and only pulled Ana-Belle, so this is a super nice consolation prize. :grin:

speaking of Almur, i thought iā€™d end up using him somewhere and then didnā€™t. hunh. ditto my LB+20 cMelendor. i had saved him for the last two stages, then decided to go with more firepower.

good luck if youā€™re still working on it, and with your pulls! :shamrock:


I feel that the nature quest is much easier than the holy oneā€¦

I have also learned from my mistake from last contest as I did not bring revival scroll, which turns out to be a grave mistake. Once you lost your healer in early waves, it is very difficult to come back. Minion summoners are also very helpful for these event.

Midlevel stages are actually tricky for players with limited roster coz you tend to leave the best teams for Stage 9 and 10 and then as a result, Stage 7 and 8 could end up being more troublesome.

Good luck everyone.


Guardian Chameleon totally made the final levels fun. Turned the hordes and the bossed to Ice heroes. Then unleashed that Elemental Chaos and all the green tiles destroyed the hordes. Then the power gems that are normally green, became blue. That was absolutely fun to watch.

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Itā€™s a breeze if you have chameleon. Franz, quenell, cham, Almur and c alberich for the last 2 stages

Chameleon is really powerful in CoE btw. Changing those two to blue not only exploits the type weakness, it protects your green tiles from being weakened as they can only affect blue tiles from then on

I may even dare say when dark CoE comes, the salmon will have a legit niche

  1. Do we have confirmation on what the next color in this series is going to be (red?)? ā€”No small amount of this event seems to be how many healers (ideally, overhealers) one has ready across the board in a given color.

  2. Anyone else just hanging onto coins? I suppose I kind of feel like if I have enough roster in a color to actually finish, then I should be saving coins for another color instead.

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I went with all support team for stages 9/10 just for fun

C MN (minions/rez)
Ptolemy (chance of overheal lol)
Tarlak (large att up)
Franz (damage taken up)
Guardian Chameleon 3/70 (color change/crit/attack)

Stage 9 the final wave was a little tough, as the board didnā€™t give me many combos/diamonds.

Stage 10 was a breeze as I started final wave charged up and with a green diamond, and elemental chaos ready, and I got useful tiles after all that


OK done as planed.

Last stage

2xpull coins: Grevle and Kaloā€¦ both dups :sweat_smile: maybe I will level 2nd Kalo.
And get 2nd Balur for SE.
Get bonus trainer which is great :+1:

Goodluck everyone :muscle:


Gonna give some credit to shurbbear :green_heart: helped a alot in early stages, if lower folk want to get further in this def max two for future plus always handy for vf wars


Yes, he was wonderful.
I have used him too :slight_smile:


How they handled trainers is way better than those ones in the CF. But also people will kill them if they pop out like CF, imagine paying 400 gems for a feeder


Yeah, Iā€™m concerned about this, too I think my only 5* with a healing function is Noor (sheā€™s deifinitely NOT a healer). After that I have two Boldtusks and Junaid, and he doesnā€™t really count, either. Are there even any red overhealers?

Hathor when she arrives next S5 portal