Hey Guys,
Our alliance currently has 5 free slots available for new group members! But before I’ll tell you what we’re looking for, I start talking a little bit about us!
We are a German alliance called “Dark Matters [DM]”, an ambitious and passionate group willing to go as high as we can get to someday finally face the big and famous alliances!
We are very active and already fight against 11* Titans with only 25 people or face opposing war teams with mostly 4.2k teams!
Though mostly German speeking we do have members from all over the world.
We have our rules but more then rules we favor and preach good behavior, a friendly/familiar atmosphere and of cause lots of fun!
What we’re looking for are strong people, that…
- are active on daylies basis
- are skilled fighting tough titans
- have at least 20 fully leveled 5*/4* heroes (combined) to help us in wars
- have lots of fun playing the game
We accept solo or group requests and feel free to ask me for specific details or anything else!
Btw spending money is of cause not necessary!
Line-Id’s for contact: mad-scientist-padd (me, the humble leader) or synie88 (our head-recruiter)
See ya soon!