Looking for a fun, active but friendly and relaxed, knowledgeable alliance? East of the Equator wants YOU

We’re a great place to land if you’re looking for a fairly relaxed group that still takes down our 14* titan early every day. And if you’re worried that might be too high for your heroes, don’t be. Come and check out the other alliances in our group on discord

Want a team that’s both fun and competitive? Join us! We’re all about strategy and teamwork, with a relaxed vibe. Whether you’re experienced or just getting started, we have an alliance that fits. Ready to play? Come find us on Discord

Come check us out! Active and supportive alliance taking down 14* titans and active in war!

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Want a team that’s both fun and competitive? Join us! We’re all about strategy and teamwork, with a relaxed vibe. Whether you’re experienced or just getting started, we have an alliance that fits. Ready to play? Come find us on Discord

Come crush alliance quests and 14* titans with us! We have one spot left in our friendly, laid back clan!

Want a team that’s both fun and competitive? Join us! We’re all about strategy and teamwork, with a relaxed vibe. Whether you’re experienced or just getting started, we have an alliance that fits within the equator teams. Hit us up on discord and check us out!

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We have 2 spots open on our alliance! Check out the discord and our expansive library of resources for free! Currently invite onlytoo avoid bots constantly popping in and out so send a chat in the welcome channel.

Come and check out East of the Equator if you’re looking for a chilled group that gets it all done without drama.
Find us on discord

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East of the Equator sounds like an awesome alliance! :trophy: Chaining *14 titans and having a drama-free, relaxed vibe is such a great combo. Plus, a huge Discord library? That’s a treasure trove for any Empires and Puzzles fan! I’m not quite at 2200 cups yet, but I’d love to give it a try if you think I’d fit in. Let me know! :blush:

Hi markwilly,
swing by our discord and have a chat with leadership and they’ll see if they can fit you in.

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We have space for a couple of extras this season. Our motto has always been “real life comes first” but we do expect team members to opt out and let us know of they can’t make it to war or get their titan hits in. Discord link below:

Gained one, one member retired so we still have 2 spots open on our alliance! Check out the discord and our expansive library of resources for free. Currently invite only to avoid bots constantly popping in and out so send a chat in the welcome channel. We’re laid back but competitive, chaining 14* titans

Still have a spot open on our alliance! Check out the discord and our expansive library of resources for free. Currently invite only to avoid bots constantly popping in and out so send a chat in the welcome channel. We’re laid back but competitive, chaining 14* titans. War is optional (use all flags if you’re in), and all our members are friendly!

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Want a team that’s both fun and competitive? Join us! We’re all about strategy and teamwork, with a relaxed vibe. Whether you’re experienced or just getting started, we have an alliance that fits. Ready to play? Come find us on Discord


East is a wonderful alliance!! I learned so much and had tons of fun when I was a member.

You definitely will love them!


We’re a great place to land if you’re looking for a fairly relaxed group that still takes down our 14* titan early every day. And if you’re worried that might be too high for your heroes, don’t be. Come and check out the other alliances in our group on discord

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Currently full up in the advanced alliance but still open spots for newbies and those looking to relax without keeping up with the Joneses!

Check out the discord and our expansive library of resources for free. Currently invite only to avoid bots constantly popping in and out so send a chat in the welcome channel. We’re super friendly and here to help you with whatever questions you have! War is optional in all alliances (use all flags if you’re in), and all our members are knowledgeable about the game!

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