Hi! our alliance is looking for new members like yourself! We just had a purge of all the non-active members and are wanting to grow. We are a small (hitting 4* titans with only 5 regularly active members), but fun group and looking for people to help us in war and with titans. You can come in and be a star right away, we don’t even care if you are not a Liverpool fan! Just have over 600 trophies, and you will be welcomed with open arms.
Firstly, welcome to the forum.
You might want to add the level titans you are hitting as well . GL
Good call, thanks for the advice.
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Does this still apply if they’re Everton fans?
Quite often, those on the other side of Stanley Park are agreeable chaps and come together in times of crisis…
… That lot down the East Lancs road however…
(YNWA and good luck recruiting)
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(High five to fellow Liverpool fans. That trophy lift tonight was special.)
We share a car park with Everton so might as well share an alliance
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