Let's fix Aegir

That WOULD be a fun hero.

“Edits other card abilities so that they put insults and troll stats to mess with the owner”


Hero: Mad Hatter
Special: Unbirthday gift
“For 3 turns, the ability of every hero on the battlefield except the caster is replaced by a random ability of the same tier*. Mana speed is not changed.”

  • 5* gets a 5* ability, 4* gets a 4* ability etc.

ON TOPIC Aegir is STILL not worth it. Bad hero. ad nauseum. My alliance mates like him, but I’m sorry, he’s sooo bad. Gravemaker can’t fix him but I’m sure Evelyn could. :slight_smile: Okay. That’s my on-topic bit.

I like the mad hatter :slight_smile:

What about a suite of Alice heroes? Not unlike the Magic:The gathering “Unglued” “unhinged” or “Cracked” series of cards.

Hero: Cheshire Cat
Special: Unsettling Grin
“For 3 turns, the mana speed of all heroes on the board is reversed. Very Fast becomes Very Slow, etc”

Hero: Red Queen
Special: Off with their heads!
“All ally heads are now removed and special attack animations are now replaced with head-launches”

Hero: The Twins (Tweedledee and TweedleDum)
Special: Double Trouble
“All very slow mana heroes have a 33% chance to fall asleep for 3 rounds, All very fast mana heroes have a 33% chance to attack an ally. All heroes gain +25% attack, All Heroes gain -25% defense”

Hero: White Rabbit
Special: The runs
“Very Very Fast (5.5 Tiles). White rabbit does 180% damage to all heroes on the board, leaving little rabbit pellet minions that absorb further damage, using 15% of the caster’s health. After 4 rounds, they self-destruct, doing the remaining HP damage to each hero”

Oh I could go all day


On topic is boring here, just another thread to complain that a solid hero isn’t the second coming of Guin but better in offense. Aegir is quite a good HotM, and there are many who would need buffing before him.

Off topic, I love all those idea. Though the Red Queen could be:
Special: Off with their heads!
“All minions on the battlefield are beheaded. Every hero except the Red Queen has a 10% of loosing 100% health.”
With a graphic animation, of course.


If SG went out of their way to fix Aegir because he wasn’t deemed “good enough” that would set a precedent that if people complain enough about something being too bad, they will have to change it. I say, LEAVE. AEGIR. ALONE… he’s only human. Anyway, Aegir isn’t a defensive hero he shines on offense and titans. I rarely lose when he and Khiona are on the squad and now with Zimkitty in the mix, he’s that more valuable to my team.


I think the people that complain about him already have deep benches.

I wouldn’t have minded him.


I think the answer is that not that many people are actually complaining about him. Face it - this forum represents a vocal minority of the player base. I’ll bet his usage statistics are pretty good overall.

He is a great hero, but he is a niche hero. In case you all haven’t noticed, SG is creating more and more niche 5* heroes.

I don’t think anyone from SG cares about this forum anymore. It was a long time ago when they were here.

As per Aegir, he is a terrible hero and a bad product.
Anytime I see him in raids I get easy points. 55:1 is my score against him and that 1 was an unbelievably bad luck.


…you document every single raid?

I keep a record about all Aegirs. We were running extensive tests (in a thread Anchor and Aegir) and I did a lot of them myself. If you want a test, put Aegir in your defence team, get to top 500, send me your player’s name and I’ll find your Aegir and you will see the result.


Fair enough, I was just curious as to how far the commitment went. Unfortunately I’d rather take my scopes to the grave with me than max him, but thanks for the offer.


They are very rare now. 3 weeks ago I got about 5-10 Aegirs a day. To find one now is very difficult as everyone removed him. These days I get about 1 in 2 days.


So, what it is said in this topic that i don’t already read other 200-300 times in about 4-5 different topics?

Ok, i say i’m ok you guys buff Aegir, but only after Thoth Amun.
And Perseus.
And Natalya.
And Guardian Kong.
And Thorne.
And Elkanen.
And Domitia.
And Khagan.

They was created before, they have priority :slightly_smiling_face:


You forgot Kadilen, dang it!

If Natalya would be buffed, she would become quite unfair.

Her mana stop and DOT is pretty powerful for the skilled player.
Thorne should just be retired.

Perseus is great as-is also.

Domita is a great niche 5* already.

I think Aegir’s perception is that he is only a defensive hero and I think that, if you discount him on defense, he makes sense as a niche OFFENSIVE hero.


Please, would you be the one to actually PROVE he is good at something?

If you DO have him, and have found him useful, would you be so kind to let us, the rest of the owners, know where and how he is useful?

@Rigs, @Uclapack and me, between others, have tried him in many ways, and he is been useless so far.


I have discovered something that Aegir is actually perfect for! Cup dropping with pride. Instead of inserting a defense team full of Aife, Derrick, and Brogan, use an Aegir tank flanked by some glass cannons and you can drop cups without the appearance of dropping cups. I’m now wondering what other maxed 5*s would be perfect for a trying/not trying defense team.


Natalya slow one, Hel stop three.
Natalya is lacking.

Perseus hit like half the damage of Magni and has a niche skill useless against not healers while Magni cover three with a huge shield. We can say pretty much the same if we compare him with Alasie.
Perseus is lacking.

Domitia hit half the damage of Sartana. The only thing useful is her dispel skill, but both caedmon and sonya are fast (instead of average) and dispel 5 (instead of 3).
Domitia is lacking.

Now if you want Aegir buffed, ok, i understand.
But first fight for them too.


I just feel like we’re going to disagree.

Hope your day goes well. :slight_smile: