Leadria – 5* Nature / Green - December 2023 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

Think about this. She is great, you just need to pair her correctly. If you max out her emblems you should be getting about 570 hp minions. Give or take depending on when the healing % is applied and what troop you have. That is effectively a instant heal for 570, as your minion gets hit first. Call it temp hp. Now pair her with Mirc that does “damage share”. The damage share also applies to your minions. So now your opponent has to cut through 2850hp before they can damage your base hp. While they are trying to cut through your minions. You have a boost hp regen, +def,+ skill power, and + mana regen to fire off the minions and mirc skill again. All this is a “fast” and avg skill to pull off.

Ive done some testing with Wilbur bc i dont have mirc yet, but the results are very promising.

You take 2 not so great heros that are easy to get, bc of the up coming SE, that work very well together and you will awesome def.


Mirc? Lost me there. And your argument is sound… But I still want 200 per turn.

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What about combo with taunter ?

He is talking about Mica. Yellow ninja from upcoming Soul exchange.


That’s a good combo, it works great with Shrubbear (if you can trigger Shrubbear). Even the initial taunt can save you if you’re up a mean fast tank. Queen Anne would be better but I don’t have her.

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Wouldn’t work. You only get healed if the minon is up. You couldn’t keep a minon on a taunter. So he would never get healed. I was talking about sharing dmg across all minons. Your idea is focusing on just one.

In PvE or any environment where you don’t have to face counters, you get all this plus slow ongoing boost healing.

I think a concern, though, is that “all that hp your opponent has to cut through” potentially goes up in a single puff of smoke with minion removal – and minion removal has become reasonably more common amongst 5* heroes especially over the last year or so (much less, e.g., cGormek filled out with a double costume bonus).

So in that sense, for people who have a choice, having a large actual heal (or even overheal!) might seem preferable to an effective minion-heal, since there are more ways to simply undo minions than completely reversing or even blocking healing (or even just undoing overhealing) – and Leadria’s actual boost-heal-over-time is tied to the minions, so removing the minions’ “effective healing” also removes their actual healing as well.

Another issue, especially in PvP, is that a Leadria + Mica defensive combo doesn’t have any component that deals with my foes – and offensively I’m almost always fighting uphill against bigger damage dealers than what I have. Surviving what they can sling out is important, but if I limit my ability to punch back too much, I’m only prolonging my agony.


Yes, you are tieing up 2 of your heros with just def. So having 3 heavy dds would be a must. This combo would be more for pve then pvp. Not only that, the timing of when to you Mica would be a key part of the strategy. Leaving to pvp def AI will not get it done. Plus! This combo would be easily overcome with a simple dispel. However with all that said, on offense or pve, there is still great potential here, and could easily be improved on by using this idea. As i said, 2 heroes that are easy to get and are not all that great could definitely make a jump up in a free to play or cheap to play user.

As far as minion control, yes it is out there but it is not very common. Not only that, how many ppl are really taking these heros all the way to 80. Id bet not very many. How offen do you see a 5* minon control hero on someones raid def? Super rare and id bet it would be accompanied by some 4*s.

All that said to say this. She is not horrible, she could very much put in work. With the right team.

Couldn’t I just use a 4* Gold Pig with Mica and get similar result plus dmg at the end of 3 turns while Leadria offer effectively nothing else but meat shield. :meat_on_bone::rofl:

That’s not to mention Yellow + Yellow synergy compare to a Yellow + Green synergy, less moves require to charge them up. I am sry I feel like a evil villain putting her down but just trying to be a realist here :sweat_smile:

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I pulled my 3rd over her today. I’m feeling that I’ll take one to 3.70… but I don’t know that for sure. Feeders are at a premium for me because I run 4 tc20s… stupid pre-nerf.

But the other 4 gets healed … healing is per turn. Card is wrong … but do not tell the devs… ssssst

Tbh they could turn her into a great support hero if they keep the healing/minion nerf but boost the SSDam boost.

That will make her still mediocre in healing with just 30% minion that does nothing much with a weak Boost over time, but could give SSDam boost to like +40%.

If +40% is too much then you could lower it from 4 turns to 3 turns to balance it. But talking about a HOTM causing imbalance in the game when we have OP events hero introduced every 2-3 days sounds a bit delusional, sry.


I started leveling her. That will stop as soon as I have Winifred from soul exchange… But… Like I said… If I pulled 3 of her… I was more likely to level one… I think she needs a buff… Maybe split the baby and do 150 overheal per turn… Or maybe 100 per minion present, so max of 300. Also maybe the minions do the healing like hulda or red hood rather than a status effect.

I guess we will see in 2 years when she is the last hero to receive a buff before the game flatlines.

My idea is to just Noor her. Give her 10-20% heal.

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me too, I thought she was great at the beginning even my co member in alliance wants her. and then i just got her and found out …she was nerfed?

They will ig-noor her. Have bigger heroes to buff than a hotm


Of course, they need to buff strong hero for balance sake. Weak hero like this are not strong enough to cause imbalance so it will not get buff for balance sake. :rofl:

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She will probably wait till Dec 2024 to get a buff. As all the hotms that got buffed this month were all from december. Maybe it’s a trend they’re starting that they buff all the hotms by the month they’re released

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By which point their stats will start showing age anyways :rofl:

I know you mean good, I am laughing at the situation they have created

Finally I get a HOTM and tadaaa a ■■■■■■ one