ℹ Lady of the Lake – 5* Nature/Green from Knights of Avalon

@ Mr. Spock, Yes in offence. Would love some advice from you as to a better team. I have a rather skewed lineup.

I’ve seen those healer-heavy teams work, it’s just different than my natural inclination.

Want to post some roster shots?

I guess it depends on who you’re attacking and whether you use mono or 3-2 etc. Are you saving wizard emblems for anything? Proteus is a great home for them going full shield path. I use him with costume Rigard quite often as the 2 in a 3-2. Also, JF is worth giving the rest to for attack path.

Don’t underestimate costume Kiril either—he’s great!

@Mr.Spock Interesting idea, at the moment I’m using wizard emblems for costume Sartana. Could try switching…

Usually go 3,2. Or 3,1,1. Don’t like mono except for titans.

Ahh forgot about her. She’s a great use of them. Well all your hitters are pretty much purple and all your healers green lol

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Lady of the Lake is the one character that is so OP she actually ruins game. The mana reduction abilities allotted to the minions makes it nearly impossible to defeat her and thusly, the entire team, as she gives her allies sword minions as well. You’d have to have a highly unlikely first round move, stacked with combos, that somehow don’t hit her, and then have a strong enough strike to take her out the next turn. Otherwise, you can not attack her or anyone else with any sufficient power, because:
starting with 5 minions, and stacking, each with a chance to deplete mana has meant, from the very beginning each sword stops a hero from using their super, such as removing minions or dispelling buffs and while I’m trying to gain manna, so does she, creating a totals of 10 and 15+ minions each taking the mana I accumulated. This nullifies the basic and essential objective of making matches to earn mana to use special attacks. The imbalance is too great to overcome with tactics alone and even the other OP heroes being created still need supers which they can’t use.

I propose that keeping the sword minions but taking away their ability to diminish mana, and instead giving that ability to the Lady of the Lake, herself, once a turn, for a few set turns will mean that she will remain a formidable opponent without undermining the basic function on which the game is played, as well as it’s enjoyability.

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Basically, I look to tale LoTL out first when I’m up against her in a raid. Like it’s talked about in this thread:

Sniper School :dart: - Which Heroes are Must Kill?

You have to take out the most dangerous opponent hero first. Whether it is the tank or a very dangerous sniper, focus on taking them out before they cause too much harm! Alfrike, LoTL, Drake, Jabberwocky, etc., are all examples of heros you don’t want to fire due to the damage they cause.


I thoroughly disagree. There are only 3 minions (assuming all other heroes are alive). If she looks like she’ll fire, save a good match until after to kill 1-2 minions immediately.

If she was average speed I might agree but at slow speed there’s plenty of room to move around. Will you win every time? Probably not, but LotL is so far from game-breakingly OP lol

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You can’t “build up” because your mana gets taken away. And “only 3 minions?” Was the Lady of the Lake already taken down a notch sometime in the past few days? Or do you mean 3 minions per hero? Which would make 15? If there are only supposed to be 3 minions someone needs to look into that, because that’s definitely NOT happening. I agree that I should have some chance at an advantage, especially with a team of fast and very fast mana-gaining heroes, but I’ve never experienced anything to such the minor degree of what you are describing. I would concede that I may have beaten a team with her on it, to account for a margin of error. But I have stopped doing raids against her because of how going up against her was not anything like you described and it is thoroughly ruining tournaments since you can’t not go against her and I lose no matter what I try. Even with more powered up heroes and troops and higher defense. Since I can’t use my supers, I can’t do anything effective.

Lady does not summon a minion for each ally, but one for herself and one for each of the two allies beside her - 3 minions per special, not 5. If she fires 3x, it will max at 9 minions, not 15. That is what Spock is referring to I assume.

I love Lady, but agree with Spock that she is not OP. You can save a special or dump tiles on her after she fires. Yes, that special may be lost, but her minions are not too tough to kill with tiles alone.

If she were OP, you’d see her a lot in the top 100 teams, but you almost never see her. You see other event heroes like Finley and Jabber all the time so rarity isn’t the reason.

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Exactly, more than enough minions to have multiple attempts each turn to steal Mana and prevent moves. Troops can kill a minion, does no good when there are still more minions than heroes, and hitting with troops builds up your opponents (including lady of the Lake) Mana, working more to your own detriment. Both of you are also assuming there is only one Lady of the Lake on a team. I’ve already come across a team with two. At least that opponent put me out of my misery in just a few turns since only they could build up Mana and use supers.

Not to mention I’m even talking best case scenario that doesn’t really happen when all five of your heroes gain and are able to use Mana at the same time. 3 heroes ready to use supers on the same turn is an exceptional result of a good board move and yet just the 3 until minions can and frequently do nullify the opportunity. You aren’t disproving my argument very well contradicting yourself, because as I’ve said, and you agree, the special moves you try to save are lost, and because you have to go through her minions first (I even have Gobbler and Noor) she is more difficult to defeat with troop hits than others who don’t have minions, AND again, hitting her with troops builds up her mana faster. The number disparity, combined with the minions effectively having their own special move instead of just a basic attack, combined with the fact that the effect of that ability nullifies the objective of the game is overdone.

My proposal is more mathematically balanced. Whoever codes the game, please just look into this. I didn’t start this account just for this issue to argue with ppl who don’t want fair competition when their OP gets knocked down a peg. (I’ve personally experienced it, with multiple heroes, when the last round of adjustments were made, and you got no complaints from me.) I love this game, have been playing it for years and want to keep playing it for years to come. I sincerely just want a major imbalance corrected; and in fact, seeing that the creators/managers listened to and addressed those previous lessor imbalances (that other people had apparently been complaining about) gave me hope that I might also be heard. I have clearly stated my case, and so I have nothing more to add and will not be replying to anymore responses on here. Thank you.

I was not meaning to anger you. I was primarily trying to point out a mistake in your belief about her game mechanics.

I do think it is hard to argue a hero is so unbalanced when almost no top team uses her. I am not a top player, but I don’t use her on defense myself. At +19 she doesn’t hold flags as well as Finley at +5.

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Agreed. Surprised this even came up after all this time she’s been around. Just part of the current culture where ‘every hero needs to be changed’…

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She is not OP, but considered fair and good hero. Slow mana tuning down her strength, so she is perfectly balanced.

She only will be OP if the minions for all allies.


To me, LoTL is a “fun” hero! First off if you are lucky enough to have pulled her during the event, great! The reason many of the Top 100 aren’t using her is because she is hard to get. Second if you did get her and you have Telluria as well (over 80% of the Top 100 are using her at tank in last analysis), most of the Top 100 will go with Telluria and other heros to maintain a “rainbow” defense. Thus, LoTL will stay on the bench. Third if you did pull her and you put her out in defense ahead of top tier Nature heros like Zeline, Kingston, Evelyn, etc., you probably are looking to play around with the whole minion-mania.

MINION MADNESS IS HERE! Are you Ready for it?

Tactically, LoTL has a place. I have her on my leveling project list. The third option is what I’m working on as I have LoTL, Freya, Telluria, Buddy and PiB! It will be hilarious to see all those minions going off in a raid! :wink:


As I said, I love her. I was responding to the claim that she is op and game breaking. Imo that just isn’t true.

Even rare event heroes crack the lineups of top teams if op. According to Titan Mafia, the following event heroes appear more often on top 100 teams:

White Rabbit
Black Knight
The Hatter
Master Lepus.

Great? Yes! Game breaking? Not close.

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How can you call LotL game breaking but not Finley is beyond me.

Finally got to full lvl her and I love her. Not OP, but she´s great and very fun to play.

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