👑 Knights of Avalon: Black Knight – Thoughts & Discussion

BK position is tank - that’s his best position by far. If you don’t cooridnate tank colour in your alliance you can go without any problem with BK tank and flank him with Ariel ( better Ariel than Guin ). If most teams are 4K or below have the feeling you will be eating on each reset 4+ flags :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the info. Currently, my BK is +6 and aligned with Kingston, Seshat, White Rabbit and Rigard (to be replaced by Ariel).

We are putting in place a common blue tank, hence my question about Ariel tank. But most of our stronger player have better tank options than blue heroes.

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Would put them in following order Seshat Kingston BK Ariel Rabbit if you go with BK tank.

or try if you go with blue tanks

Seshat King Ariel BK Rabbit

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thanks for the valuable input. I will try both setup for sure.

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No prob. Good luck, you have great heroes.

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The thing that makes Ariel special is that she really juices up the mana of your team. Even though she doesn’t do any damage the rest of your team is now playing on fast forward. She actually can make a mediocre team excellent.
Heal, cleanse and mana boost can be terribly effective when combined with MN (better than Alby b/c of the higher rezzing odds, Ariel can then heal so the low health after MN rezzes is less important).

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Add me on it


After 2 months I got BK to node 19 and if I finish POV could be very close to finishing him to node 20.

I followed on last node split mana path, maybe should go on defense but really would like to get him with mana troops to fast speed. So hope this will help people.

My talent trees are always strong side, hp.


Yesterday this team got me to global 3 on defense when I was offline.


This is my current raid defense, results are OK. Would I be in a better position taking out Alby and inserting Vela once I have her leveled? For war we use purple tanks and Sartanna is tank with BK on left flank and Ariel on right (Alby left wing and Poseidon right). Again, results are OK.

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I’m wondering if Margarett could be a good BK flank.
What do you think?

I use Ariel as a left flank to my BK tank in my raid defense still. If you browse the leaderboard though you’ll see that few high ranked players use a healer on defense. It’s simply better to be all fast damage, which is why Ursena is the best tank, IMO. However, as long as I’m in diamond, which I am, I don’t care about ranking.

Ariel can be an effective tank, but if you’re going to flank with BK, first I’d run him at left flank so his attack up benefits as many as possible, and second, the other 3 need to be some pretty threatening damage dealers. Lastly, give her some emblems if you can.

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Ariel and BK at right flank? They’d both be better at left flank where BK can buff the attack of most of the team or Ariel can cleanse before most the team fires. Ariel should always be on the left and 99% of the time at left flank.

Nice team. BK can never get to fast speed, he can only get to the point where he charges in 9 tiles instead of 10. On offense, you’ll hear this called “functionally fast” because he’d then charge in 3 matches, like a fast hero, but on defense he would not charge as a fast hero would.

Lastly, Finley should really be on left wing so he can apply defense down before your other heroes fire. Having him at right wing is a bit strange. Kingston makes sense at right wing too because if he is firing last, there’s the greatest chance that an enemy hero hit with his attack debuff will stay alive to be afflicted by it.


Too soft on damage. She could do something there, yes, but you’re far better off with a hero who deals damage than one who stalls the match. BK is your hero to stall the match and then fast hitters are the best pairing so you make efficient use of his attack boost while he protects the team.

I use this defense team.

The idea is use BK when I have it leveled by Mitsuko.

Other 5* I have: Alby (+6), Quintus (4/80), Richard (4/80), Elena (4/80) as total leveled heroes.

I think BK will improve my defense team.

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Ariel should really always be left flank. You want her cleanse going off early to remove any ailments from your team.

In raid defense I’d try Vela at flank with Lianna and kick Poseidon out to left wing. Your cups will tell you if this is better or worse than having Alby, but I suspect it’s better.

For war, it’s a bit weak to have Alby, Ariel, and BK on your defense, except for maybe field aid or arrow attack, where stalling can be an effective strategy to win. I’d remove one of these heroes and add another sniper or strong AOE hitter to make best use of BK buff and threaten to attacker a bit more.


Ok, I wanted to get in on this and get some opinions.

I was happy with Ursena as tank. Now I have BK and I’m wondering if they will go well together and who should be tank.

Other heroes I usually run in various combinations are Kingston, Magni, vela, zeline, Joon, and costume regard. I also have jabber and white rabbit I can throw in.

Any suggestions on how to set up best defense? How about for a field aid war?

Appreciate the input. Thanks

I’d try Joon - Zeline - BK - Ursena - Kingston/Vela/Rabbit

I wouldn’t attack that defense lol

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Thanks. Live long and prosper.

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I agree with you, should have gone on defense with BK on node 19. Looking on one tile difference in speed, it is not a big thing. But it’s done now, got one more so he will go on different path.

Regarding roster, was trying something different then everybody else. My logic was that when hitting last, Finely could wipe entire roster as they will be damaged from Rana, Kingston and Ursena.

Strange but it is working great.

Thx for advice. :sunny:

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