Kingston – New October 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): Thoughts & Discussion

71 x 247 k food = ‭‭17.537‬ m food

For Extra Low cost ( RT11 ) and Uncommon ( RT02 ) both are 50% 1* heroes and 50% 2* heroes.

If you use 50% 1* / 50% 2* heroes, all colors to level a 5* 1.1, you will need approximately 15.3 m food to reach 5* 4.80.

If you only use 1* heroes, you will need approximately 22 m food.
If you use only loot drop heroes, you will need ‭approximately 19.766 m food.

A wise man.


Click for notes

This are only estimates.

It depends what size batches you use, and RNG.

This are only estimates.

It depends what size batches you use, and RNG.