Kashhrek is too powerful in raids

The first part of your post was right on, oh how my opinion of Kasshrek has changed. :slight_smile:

But thereā€™s a HUGE difference between the time when Guin was the only issue and now, when the whales all have Guin + Tell + GM + Vela + full emblems and Level 35 troops. Guin could be overcome with a stack, the situation now requires tiered play because most of the game is unplayable unless you have those.

:grin::grin::grin::grin: nice one :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Theyā€™re though, theyā€™re not unbreakableā€¦

ā€¦ 5 min agoā€¦

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Am I missing something here??

5 star troops have a maximum level of 40.

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Unless Iā€™m missing something

Ill grant you that. In the Guin Kunch era (like that was ancient history, it was less than 3 months back!)ā€¦we had to strategize how to kill a tank that was difficult to get a special on. Kunch you could hit but was hard to kill before he made you easy to kill, and guin was just a painā€¦you really started the fight and you knew when you saw the board if youd won or lostā€¦barring a miracle 15 level cascade suddenly happening before any enemies shoot. My 3150 team could handle guin maybe 30%, but I depended on proteus or Leonidas (See, he DOES have his uses!) shooting before Guin. if either one of them fired, I could USUALLY kill guin or Kunch before they fired (or before Kunch fired twice, once was not that big a deal). Other friends stacked fast dark or yellow, or brought a blinder or a whatever to delay 1 or 2 turns and pray the drops let you kill. There were workable strategies that at least gave us all a good shot if we carefully planned based on the tank and support we faced.
Now, its even more tile luck dependent. If you get a diamond blast for a fast 450+ sniper in the 1st 2 moves, or for a mana blocker like Hel/Protā€¦its over. Telly will usually die without ever shooting and if none of her support crew has fired yet, you take em out 1 by 1. If you dont, in all likelihood you are done. By the time you can 3 or 4 tile up your specials, Vela has started the steamroller towards you, then Grave/Ursena/Finley/whoever steps on the throttle and you wait to die.

BUTā€¦we have new heroes in the cue. Ill grant, some of the heroes are freaking ridiculous. For those not in beta, lets call the new group ANIMAL FARM or THE OLD MCDONALDSā€¦
You have heard all you need to to know how little you want to know. Lets hope they never get tapped.

Point being, right after they started the new wave of minion heroes, they came up with a 5 star minion killer. So they TRIED to kinda make options. The fact they were stupid enough to give Telluria minion killer resistance is just pitifulā€¦why have Grimble if one of the 3 new heroes he was designed to combat is completely immune? They make out heroes. They invented Mitsuko when blue heroes like Athena and Finley were too threatening. They had the Telly problem solved and then made her immune?

THAT, was bad planning. Now if one of the new heroes has MINION REDIRECT, that will be a game changer. Casts his spell, the minions switch sides (Think Hatter, except ad that it works for minions). Let them bring Telluriaā€¦they will be killing themselves just like bringing Athena against Mitsuko.

But, they seem to be kinda acting weird. I am not pulling this atlantis. Id only want Alasie and Mitsuko, all the rest of the monthly 5s would be dupesā€¦and the chances of GETTING dupes so outweight the chances of those 2, only 1 of whom is highly flexible (Alasie, though Mitsy was a great anti-blue for a year! I lost MANY battles with her on the other side killing athena, in the Telly era she will see less value). Im thinking that Kage needs to get more love vs Telly, get that 1st 450 hit in from his very fast, then with any luck 2 punch him with Fenrir for the 600 to follow. But very dependent on tile luckā€¦like all the Anti Telly strategies,

For a month or 2, it is what it is. Next month, it will beā€¦this againā€¦or something new with Clarissa being great or terrible. We shall see


I wouldnā€™t mind an Alasie but Mitsuko leaves me uninspired.

We are a long way away from talking about Kashrek here butā€¦

Mitsuko is amazing. Itā€™s like have a sixth hero that insta kills blue hitters. She is nice without that, good hit and mana cut, but that makes her wonderful

I think a Kashhrek+20 complimented with any two of Cyprian, Boril, and Elena with emblems in the Front 3 with healers in the wings during a Field Aid war will be hard to one-shot for most players including your 4000+ team power players.

I actually went back to my AW records to check up on the team that has given me the hardest time in the last 2 months and it tells me I played 5 flags against this team. #1 was a fail. #2 was a partial, #3 cleaned up. #4 failed as did #5 at which point it seems i quit (there is a pretty strongly worded statement there that implies this much).
The team in question was Grimm+, Li Xiu+, Kashhrek+, Cyprian+ and Bold Tusk+ (in that order which seems backwards to me) and I stupidly have not included the troop details. However the memory is vivid. i just couldnā€™t get a break; Kashy looked after Cyprian and Li Xiu well. I simply could not get my dispeller snipers charged before Li or Cyprian got their specials off first.

Kash used to be THE hero I played with up through parts of S2 and then I realized he wasnā€™t great and I got my first green 5* in October aka Kingston. Kash when I first played was amazing, and now, he is meh at best.

He was very hard to play around too, but Iā€™ve grown past his heal, and stacking any color other than blue is good against him too.

I started in June of 2019 and now I have stripped him of all emblems, and Proteus holds them.

Kash is so good, and fun when you first start playing. Average mana with 45% heal is nice and a defense buff against your what you are weak against is very good. But he is not unbeatable and you wonā€™t see any in Platinum or Diamond.

Has anyone drawn the Kash costume yet?

I actually didnt pull a single ā€œnewā€ costume this go round that I didnt have from before. Magni-cicle having defense finally is a scary thoughtā€¦

I pulled itā€¦kept them but havenā€™t leveled.

Not trueā€¦ have seen plenty of Kashā€™s in Plat. And, theyā€™re just as annoying there as they were in Gold-Silver-Bronze-etc.


In low Platinum there is a plenty of Kashhreks.
I want to find Kashhrek costume flanked by Vela in Platinum to try him.

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I got the costume for him, and used him, unleveled, in the tank position for level 4 of the tavern quest. The costume ability to add health above max is pretty sweet. I kept my front three with basically double max health through each group.


Powerful, when I get it, I donā€™t like it, but itā€™s very good when u go against weak or regular enemy

Which is a reason why Baldur and Gullinbursti from Valhalla are going to be tough to face.


Agreeā€¦I am pretty excited to do a 10 pull this weekend and possibly snag one of the new 4*s in valhalla.

Well I guess Baldur is a 5, but either way, the new heroes they have rolled out for Valhalla this month are pretty nice additions.