Kashhrek is too powerful in raids

Gadeirus is a mini ares and a good 4* tank

Kashrek’s defense needs to be patched. His signature boosts defense against fire elementals by %94. That’s great for shutting down my Scarlett who at the time of this is a Level 28 Tier 4 Rank 4, but whenever my Rank 5 Tier 2 32 Magni or maxed out Balthazar with Skill Rank 11 who are both capable of inflicting well over 500 damage are barely even chipping, doing a mere fraction of that, that’s a problem. He received no additional boosts other than health from another champion. I even checked the icon and it said %94 defense boost against FIRE. Ice and Dark were useless and Jenneh, my Rank 2 Nature wasn’t even close. This happened in Raid battle and isn’t my first experience with this but has gotten to the point where it needs to be addressed. I don’t know if other players are having this issue maybe not paying attention or what but it’s cancerous and this toxicity isn’t healthy for the game. Please fix this immediately. If anyone knows of any other broken characters that need to be nerfed, comment below. Maybe they’ll release a patch update.

Have a read of this ground breaking thread on the games defence mechanics.

Kash certainly isn’t broken and won’t be nerfed, although he is a tough mid-level tank.

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@Cyraine, are you attacking with a rainbow team? (At least that is what it sounds like from your description)

I would definitely suggest you consider running a stack of some sort: mono, 4-1, 3-2, 2-2-1. I would also suggest avoiding red when facing kashhrek, would probably go with a 3-2 green and purple.

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Or if that can’t be helped, add a dispeller for the red defence buff - tyrum, belith, Melendor, Sabina or Sonya if necessary


Or Cadmon!

For 20 chars


Doh… Of course!

The main man

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I use falcon to override kash fire defence. Saves me a slot from debuffer.

Apart from the great advice above the main thing with kashhrek is that he is very tough to kill at that level, especially with the heroes you listed. So my advice :

  • Don’t kill kashhrek. Kill the heroes that actually hurt you. Use your specials on the other heroes and leave kashhrek for last. There is no reason to focus on him specifically. He used to give me trouble long ago when I faced him regularly and the scond is started killing off the other heroes first he became a walk in the park.

  • If you do use specials on kashhrek don’t fire them seperately. If you use specials on him you should be killing him so either. Keep your specials until you have multiple loaded and can kill him with multiple specials or use specials when he is on low life and will die. there is no point hitting him once with a special and having him heal and hitting him again. Load multiple specials and fire them in one go.

Kashhrek is such a great hero to be in this game because he makes people stop and think early in the game. usual tactics from lower level players simply don’t work so you need to rethink yoru approach. Learn to beat him and it will serve you well further down the line.


This right here is excellent advice. :point_up_2:

I had so much trouble with him early on, as well as dealing with Colen’s DoT, that I completely stopped raiding for months. Then I figured out how to defeat these guys by applying different strategies (many listed above). You have to either dispel his buff or you have to focus your attack on every other character. Find the next 2 most powerful heroes in the setup and focus your efforts on them.


I agree with much of the above, Kash is very annoying at lower to mid levels. He’s really not that great (or scary to fight) once you get up into the higher levels. He pretty much just stands there patiently waiting to die while posing no real threat to your team.

Also, Gadeirus > Kashhrek


Anyone ever tried Brynhild-Telluria-Kash as the front 3? I am new, so I’m still naive to some game mechanics, but given how Hildi and Kash both heal nearby allies, and how annoyingly fast they generate mana, figured having them as flanks should cover everyone while providing mad props to the tank. I realize having 3 greens upfront can be risky, but I got curious. When I can level them up (which will be many moons from now), I might try that…unless there are glaring issues with it.

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When you are new, Kash is king. Pun intended. Not so long after, you will laugh at anyone tanking with him. It is simply a matter of growth. He won’t be any kind of problem soon, and neither will Guin, his big sister, for that matter. Keep grinding and see what I mean.


Kash can be an absolute beast! I faced one recently in AW and thought, “A Kash Tank? How hard can that be?”…

I should have paid attention. He was a +20 Kash Tank with a lvl 18 (??) mana troop. It was punishing and educational! I have given the idea of a Kash Tank serious thought since (in my level; Platinum; ~3700 tp).

I t was a horror!! Both times…


Kashhrek has been around since the year dot as far as I am aware (without buffing/nerfing)). He has not gotten easier, he has not gotten nastier. He is sent as one of those “lessons” that teach us about the game. Fail to learn at your peril.

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Hard to imagine that this was even a thing back in the day. It is a nice reminder with all the nerf tell threads going around

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I am genuinely intrigued by that. I only got Falcon recently but how would that work? I mean - 54% defense attack special against a - 94% defense buff against Red special skill? Is that - 54% of just 6%???

Sorry, but my brain isn’t functioning!

The fire defence buff is completely overwritten by falcon’s fire defence down.


I didn’t realize that, thanks for the info!

Its a point to remember those of us who were here pre season 2 and those who came after have very different takes on most things because we have watched it grow and adapt, and the new players want instant success (what new game player or teenage dater doesnt?). Kash, is the perfect growth hero. All of us had him and/or hated him. And other than maybe a team 6 green swap in for a healer, or a once in a blue moon green tan in a raid tourney that ISNT bloody…we grew out of him. He was and is VISCIOUS against most 4 star teams unless you color match or mana block or something…But when you get some 5 star hitters, 400+ damage on at least 2 players, you reallize that if you save specials and fire your 2 400s at once, plus another in the 300 range…he will drop in a single turn. None of us COULD do that in our 4 star days. Now everybody whose been in this game 2 years or more can.

History forever repeats. For the past year Guinivere was the unbeatable tank people said needed to be nerfed. Now its been switched to the Telluria plus Vela plus Gravemaker 3 pack and people say Telly needs to be nerfed. Next week it will be Some other HAS TO BE NERFED…

I do look forward to NEXT month. We get a new HOTM that looks alot like a purple Gravemaker, Jean Franc was kinda the next DOT fore gravemaker, but without the very fast speed it didnt work nearly as well on defense and they nerfed down JFs offense before release.
Next months hero look like Gravemaker 2.0, new and improved (and very fast again!).

Should we start the NERF PLEASE posts now, or wait till we actually SEE her?