🦸‍♂️ Kalø - 4* Nature / Green from Sanctuary of Gargoyles

Hey u2371, thanks for the invite!

Kalo is awesome!


What’s the difference? There is multiple videos above showing him in action, the last of which shows that even though he waited to have all 4 other heroes die for full effect, when Kalo was first powered up his two Congaleshes were already dead.

A double Congalesh special at the same time from one hero should absolutely not be possible by any hero, let alone a 4 star

Feel free to start listing all of the ways this can be handled without either capping his special by the number of dead heroes he can use their specials or limiting the use of his specials to 4 star heroes or below.


Ignoring the fact that these are both 5 star heroes and should have good specials, neither of these alone are even close to Kalo’s potential special. Like not even in the same universe.

i mentioned those for the sake of example
we have strong heroes of all rarities

Lord loki and kalo being dynamic with their usage makes their potential high and because he is has a new mechanic, we see lots of videos on him. same for treevil and franz when they were out

it is a bad justification to say kalo shouldn’t be good because he is not a 5*

gramps and anton can revive
treevil has a better special than any 5*
franz is also better than most 5*

they all have great uses especially in rush wars and tournaments… kalo on defense is very strong if the attacker leaves him last


Lord Loki is a 5 star hero and he is only limited to potentially using one other 5 star hero’s special and that hero actually still needs to be alive to be used at all. Kalo can do that times 4 and it’s worse because you usually want to kill the heroes with the best specials first.

So, you’re absolutely forced to kill Kalo, a 4 star hero first, leaving those actual 5 star heroes with what should be the better specials alive while you do it.

Again, this is not even a close comparison.

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None of these heroes have the ability to cast more than one 5 star heroes special.

And while Treevil and Franz are great heroes, they’re both also very slow(Kalo is average) and neither of them are you going to focus on killing before most of the other 5 star heroes in a defense. Because, to be quite frank, if all you have left in a defense is a either a Treevil or a Franz, them going off is not going to be catastrophic in most cases. Kalo going off with multiple dead 5 star heroes is. And neither of those heroes can be exploited in the way Kalo can

I’m understating it when I say that’s an extremely significant difference.

He’s also extremely strong if there’s only one dead hero and increasingly so depending on the dead hero, regardless of the circumstance.

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How painful would a Mother North on left wing be with Kalo on right wing…

If she were to die once, Kalo will bring her back
If Kalo dies, she will bring him back :rofl::sweat_smile::rofl:


they can revive them which is the same if not better

they can turn the tide of battle

and all are super good in rush

if kalo is very slow it willl be the same, as by the time he is charged, his teammates will be dead


Kalo can revive too, if there’s a reviver who was dead. Which ironically enough can then be revived by Kalo and revive everyone else who did get revived by Kalo when his special went off.

he can

but why are you explaining him like he will always fire when all his teammates are dead?

explaining any hero in a perfect situation will make them more powerful with that bias

is he strong? YES. are players exaggerating his power? definitely!

he is fun and powerful, his power is dependent on his team. if his team is strong already, why does it matter?


Right. Constantly attempting to let others die so you can use kalo to max effect…lets see that overall win rate. Id guess you would be better off trying to win straight up in the first place. OP extreme examples aside. i say, you want to play little games and have fun with kalo? Do it. enjoy. he seems fun. But hoping to die isnt a winning strategy in the end and why this hero is merely a fun addition to the group and nothing more. Its all about having fun anyway. Lose 8 in 10…but i got them GOOD on that try. And thats whats its all about


I just fought against a team that had double formation, cAlbe on the left wing, Ludwig and Prof.Lidenbrock front, Alfrike behind and Kalo right wing. I got both Ludwig and Alfrike out very early on, but I didn’t know which one to focus on: Kalo or cAlbe, because I was afraid that cAlbe would resurrect Kalo, Ludwig and Alfrike back if I let him live, but if I let Kalo live he would cast all of the above… Also Prof. had fired and Kalo had overhealth already, so pretty much I couldn’t even kill him. So he fired both Alfrike’s Mindless Attack and Ludwigs taunt, which then made Prof overheal like a crazy, and while I was under Mindless Attack, cAlbe was ready to fire and resurrected both Alfrike and Ludwig back, I tried to survive for a while, but then fled with 0 heroes down. Pretty tough defense, have to say :smiley:


This team? haha. Sounds like it. Stuck out to me because it was the first Kalo i saw in the wild. Scary for sure.


Man, you’re acting like everyone in the whole community has access to every hero
In the game and they can control who the enemy defense targets, annndddd kalo is somehow immune to the enemy defense until his team is dead.

You’re on the warpath against a hero that can be easily, easily countered.

I mean, man. Kalo is good and fun, it’s actually okay for a 4* hero to be both.

Having more accessible heroes who make the game more Fun is a good thing.

Unique team comps that are more readily available to
Players is a good thing.

Okay say it with me, we don’t have to nerf everything that’s fun. Lol.

Maybe you play a different version of E+P than the rest of us where your tiles never cascade and feed the enemy teams specials.

Maybe you never get hard boards where you don’t have 3 matches wAiting for you.

Maybe all the Enemies hit 3 heroes only ever hit 2 against you.

Maybe you are straight up just more lucky than the rest of us so your gameplay experience is drastically different.

For the rest of the community, who doesn’t have every 5* hero, who doesn’t get perfect boards, whose opponents defenses target their weaker heroes, who
Get bad boards, who have their tiles cascade and feed enemy specials….you know, 98% of the community, Kalo is great, just the way he is.

Get off your horse, put it back in the stables. The British aren’t coming, everything is great.

Good portal, fun heroes, not overpowered. Every New hero they released has solid counters available. We’re in a great spot. Breath my guy, enjoy the ride.


That was it! I couldn’t try again because the owner logged in straight after I lost to it :confused:


I’m going to ignore that this strawman and actually even address it. I’m level 101(will be 102 in about a week) in an lower upper tier alliance and I see nothing byt the absolute highest tier defenses in the game. We routinely war against teams that have zero or very few defenses less than 4800. So, in my world, I am seeing players that have access to many of the best heroes in the game,

But that’s even beside the point, because in the case of Kalo, you only need access to four really good heroes and you can exploit his special to the max. And the way he is currently constructed, you absolutely should be doing that.

Okay. Please feel free to let me know how he’s “easily countered”. I’ll give you a scenario of a defense that is similar to ones that I regularly see in raids and wars, but I’ll sub in Kalo for one of the usual 5 star suspects that I see.

Let’s go with a Christmasy-type defense: C-Mother North, Ludwig, Mr. Pengy, Lady of the Lake, Kalo. Double formation with Ludwig and Lady of the Lake as the tanks

And here’s one a little more traditional: Kalo, Penolite, Xnolphon, Frigg, C-Finley. Reverse formation.

And one last one that I just pulled up for my raids: C-Mother North, Bera, Octros, Krampus, and Kalo(replacing Wolfgang in the original defense). Again, double formation in this case Bera and Krampus are the tanks.

No, creating overpowered heroes, especially when they are supposed to be 4 star heroes wrecks the game. It may benefit some, but it’s both completely unbalancing and unfari

This is another strawman argument.

Uhh, what?

This is another strawman argument. You have now veered off into la-la land and aren’t even trying to address the topic at hand.

Hi. In this very same post, you just argued that not everyone has access to every hero. As a matter of fact it was one of the first things that you said. Does that no longer pertain to your argument here?


Why would you not absolutely take advantage of a hero can do this? And further, you don’t even need to let all other heroes die for him to go off to devastating effect. Depending on the heroes, you can do it one. You can effective have an average speed Alfrike. Or an average speed Mother North. Or an average speed whatever other hero that’s normally slower than average speed and has a devastating special.

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I think you’re so far down the rabbit hole that no on can convince you
That you’re wrong.

I’ll try and help you some, but the underlying tone of your text is that you are fully convinced you are right and no one can persuade you differently.

Having access to counters is drastically easier than having access to the highest end 5* heroes in
The game.

For example, one of my old guildmates favorite war teams was 5 chao. Not 5 max level chao, we’re talking team power 2800 chao lol. He won 80% of the time with it, if he got tiles he would just control the flow of mana and dominate the fight. His opponents were 4500 power+ Another variation he really enjoyed was double li xou, 1 chao and a costume rigard+regular rigard. Stay alive, boost attack control mana.

Double proteus is great also…

For what you do Against all those teams and examples you gave, who do you have to work with? What’s your roster?

Do you have ruby? Do you have 2? Run double ruby, prof lindenbrock and 2 li xou. 9 tiles in red or yellow and you win that game.

Mana control is still one of the strongest things in the game.


Because when you’re on offense, you have to chose who to target. And you have to target a 4 star hero first, as opposed to the other very powerful 5 star heroes. Of which, the longer it takes to kill them, the more likely it is you’ll lose.

Which is ridiculous for a 4 star hero.

Because for like the fifth time now, he’s way overpowered for a 4 star hero. His special would be overpowered for a 5 star hero.

I’m not at all sure why this is hard to understand.

I mean, why bother even having stars determine what power of the hero be? Just give ever hero auto kill ability for 3 opposing heroes. And while we’re at it, make that hero a 1 star hero. Seems legit.


An average speed…already dead alfrike. its not free. kalo has to outlive them. that isnt a given. And sure…try to take advantage of it. why not? But id rather put someone away now, rather than holding a special for turns on end…hoping my own heroes die first. if you had someone else you would probably fire it right then and there and win anyway. All this really adds up to is a different type of game play. A gamble of sorts. Its not like this guy is just going to be a wrecking ball every time. Sometimes yes…most times not even close. It wont always be alfrike that dies first. extreme examples dont make an argument a winner.