Jean-François Or Tyr for defense

I currently use Kingston on my wing so I won’t have the emblems to share with Tyr but idk how useful Jean really is on D. (I don’t have Telluria which seems to pair well with him)

Any ideas here?

I usually run:

Kingston - Ursena/Hel - Guin - Vela - Seshat/Hel

I also have Drake, Joon, Anzogh, and Grazul (Just naming some maxed 5*s that seem relevant and if you have any further advice I’d appreciate it)

Edit: See: Forum ToS of my reply

There are quite a few topics discussing this.

I would shift your lineup to the following (Ursena tank, Drake flank and then you can shift the rest properly):
Kingston - Drake - Ursena - JF - Vela

No emblem conflicts and optimizes the heroes you have.


Thank you for doing all the homework that I should have done, I appreciate the advice

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