International Fight Club is recruting

International Fight Club is looking for some great people to join us we are in the middle of rebuilding our alliance we are a top 100 alliance when full we are taking down 14* titans wars are free tanks of your choice please join us and help us come back to a top 100 alliance thank you for reading my post.

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My husband and I come from a 170k+ alliance, but I had had him joined just a month ago and he is low on level and trophies.
I’ve been playing since 2018, and he’s a gamer who’s a beast on Xbox and other consoles and is leveling fast.
Anyway both of us could join?

Come on over when you guys get the chance!! :slight_smile:

Hi gobucks, thank you!
Sounds good!

He’s at 3200, but is leveling 3 Zargas, a Daemon, Mother North, Natalya, Athena as examples.
I’m at 4900+.

How do we add ourselves if it’s Invite Only?

We’re also active daily, so we will defn. contribute.

Just request and invite. Its confusing but when uou apply for invite only it sends a message to the alliance foe us to either accept or reject. The default message is something like “I’d like to join your alliance” just change it to something like “gobucks is awesome” and ill be sure you get in :slight_smile:

Sent the request, thanks!

But my husband doesn’t have the Request bc his trophies are at 1k and not 1.8k.

Is there a way to knock the trophy reds down for a minute so he can send the invite.
Thank you!


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