I usually have to worry about hitting the maximum character limit with my overdrawn anecdotes trying to elicit illicit laughs from the public…
…which is why my occasional brevity being hit with 20 character limit (****** me off) causes me intolerable consternation.
No pants is an understood…like how you breathe without thinking…similarly a Voidstrike is pantless. (Putting on pants is like when you challenge your friends to see who can hold their breath the longest).
Mod edit - I’ve taken @Math4lyfe’s advice on your behalf and modified some vocabulary
Idiot Edit: @Gorann I’ve accepted the shame of my terminology failure and integrated into my sentence about eliciting illicit laughs. I have no pants…clearly I am not family friendly.
Squeee, my first! If only the real Vivica would grace my roster with her presence…
Anyway, on topic, I made the mistake of listening to the naysayers concerning the bee man, ate his duplicates and got stuck into levelling Mist instead of him. As a result my team suffered in the recent Bloody Battle. Won’t make that mistake again, and recommend you don’t either. After him, Sonya’s cossie. Can’t have too many cleansers - or any, sometimes. Not to mention that even if she doesn’t wear it she can do with the extra stats. The others - meh, niche.