Not a bad idea. Neither of them are very good, and it looks like you have several 3*s in green and purple already levelled. They would really just be for museum purposes
I was thinking Vollermork too. I just don’t see myself using him. And I’ve already fed 2 other Priscas but I just got her w/costume. But do I really need her? I’m just feeling overwhelmed so I’m ready to get rid of some.
Any s1 3* if you need space id get rid of as probably and no doubt see them agian also yes vollomok i have maxed and dont think iv ever used .
He can’t take heavy hits but he is able to sponge up a lot of the weaker hits.
While Rekhetre is faster, Faiez has the very useful ailment block
Gormek is definitely a good choice. Very useful hero not only in 4 star world, but even in wars. In general most 4 star heroes with double costumes are good, some are even better than that Caedmon, Gormek, Cyprian, Li Xiu stand out I think.
And of course some of the healers, like Rigard and Kiril
I’ve been using Gormek a lot & I’ve advanced soooo much. I LB 1 of his costumes. He’s awesome!
LB both of the costumes, both are top class depending on what you need. In 4 star world the c1 is the best minion killer and the c2 is the only dispel first/hit-all I can think of. And with the LB C2 stats you can use him even in 5 star world.
The base version is less important (although not bad), when you think about embleming. Personally I focused on attack for the C2, while the C1 is fine with any stats. If you think mainly about 5 star world, I´d focus on def/HP for both.