Homaclese alliance world tour

So far ive stayed with crew jesters, one stop titan shop, the incognitos and brothers of the sword. Great alliances each and every one where i have learned something from them and where they (i hope) have learned something from me.

Im looking for a new alliance to move.onto for 2 weeks after this weekend war. Does anyone have a spot? The only real requirement is a strong preference for chaining 14* titans


You’ll get to see some of his quirky war teams which is worth it just for that.

It was a pleasure having you with us for those 2 week dude.


Hey Homaclese,

If you’d like to give Endless Knights a visit we have 2 spots at the moment. We are more casual than top alliances, but have many former top members with us enjoying the pace. And we are currently chaining 14* even though it is obviously easier for us to do when we are full.

Feel free to reach out if interested, and enjoy your travels!


Was definately fun having u in the shops… Hope your dreams are back to normal :imp: :smiling_imp:

Leaders… Let him in… :popcorn: :biting_lip: u won’t regret it.


Really enjoyed having @Homaclese stay with us for a bit. A lot of good conversation and some great perspective!


Enjoyed having you with us in The Incognitos. Good luck with your tour. Anyone who takes @Homaclese in will be getting a great addition. :sunglasses::+1:t2:


Floozy! :stuck_out_tongue:


Hello check out equator alliances click on the link below and let’s see if we can find a home for you.

I checked you guys out - interesting mix of player levels. Ill come knocking after this war finishes

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Thank you! It waz a traumatic yet enjoyable experience. I mean it when i say you guys are unique in the world of e&p!


Twenty of the flooziest

Thanks! It was a great experience you guys are so chill for your level


Thanks salty id recommend you guys to anyone


My pleasure also. Quirky is where the fun is at!

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Hi! I’m not sure where you plan on heading after Endless Knights (my original home) :relaxed:

But Test your Might (formally known as Too Tough for Titans) would love to have you come hang with us for a while. :relaxed:

Drop me a message on Line Lace2022 if you’re interested.

Anybody looking for someone to fill a spot after the alliance quest/weekend war?

We’d love to have you pop in at TBD: Part Deux - as a champion of the underappreciated you’d be more than welcome.

We chain 13* - any 14* rare also gets taken down, and we’ve currently got some vacancies due to people stepping back for a bit. Our leader, @Macaque1902 used to be in T.I with @Saltyy .


need 1 to fill a spot. check us www. legendsof.space :pray:

Thank you for the invite. Ill come after the alliance quest finishes


Looking forward to it! If you want to join discord as well justarobin#5103