Hero Costumes Discussion

I had a key drop from MV and 2 drop from a red chest. They never dropped like this before the patch. I’d say this is pretty F2P friendly.


I just got Lianna. Anyone got experiences with her costumed stats?

I got one from an elemental chest and one from a war chest.

My two pulls on the chamber today were not bad. Skittleskull, who I didn’t have and Bane, who I had the hero but not the costume for.

Hoping to get Sonya’s costume at some point as I have a spare Sonya and really could do with a cleanser.

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Costumed Lianna is one of the best heroes in the game (including HOTM and Atlantis). She’s a rockstar.


Can I ask a silly question. What makes her the best in the game objectively?

I wasn’t going to do it but finally broke down and pulled for costumes. I’m happy with getting BT and Rigard! I admit to being confused by the costumes.

Do I put the costume on my emblemed BT and Rigard or costume the 2nd ones?Empires_2020-01-20-15-56-23

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She increases the attack of Lianna (ranger) making her snipe very powerful.

Two maxed costume Soynas with +20 Kiril can be a match for Gravedigger. Hope for a yellow flank Regard. U have a a fighting chance

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have make up got the clown suite they gave her

Level the costumes on your emblemed heroes first. You do not have to equip the costume to level it. Plus, once it is fully leveled (8/8 special included), the emblems are placed on the costumed hero as well. You can toggle between the costume and non-costume version. Also, each chevron of levelling on the costume adds a bonus to the base hero :).

You only need 1 Rigard costume to put on ALL your Rigards. So you can level the +18 first, and then level the normal one.


But costumed Lianna got an A+, not classic Lianna?

One frustration is the costume Emblems follow the same path as the primary hero. There are a few costumes who’s costume really changes the hero like Vivi. I have the primary Vivi @+2 and just pulled the costume(rapidly leveling). How does one make the emblem choice on the primary hero to maximize the costume hero? In Vivi’s world , it would be the go to hero.

@FrenziedEye The fact that she slows down mana generation along with a high damage single shot in that outfit. I think she has been dubbed Sailor Lianna now. Lol. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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@princess1 I would level the costume on all 4 because that way if you have one in a tournament, you can use the other costume or original in general gameplay.


Do people think her costume is better than Alasie though?

This costumes add on is trash. Makes me want to quit the game. Pathetic all the way around. Absolute garbage.

Care to elaborate or just doing a dump & run?

Why is it trash?
Why does it make you want to quit?
How is it Pathetic?


@FrenziedEye I wish I could say but i do not have both so I cannot say from experience nor have I seen any general consensus on the matter.

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She’s ONE of the best with the costume…might be THE best sniper. Snipers need to kill and she does it best with the highest damage output.

Is she better than Alasie? I’d say yes…but it’s close. Green is a color more in need IMO. Lots of great blue heroes.

I’d personally probably keep her OG outfit and take the costume bonuses…512% is insane damage.


One costume is enough to level all your BTs. Check this thread, it’s very detailed and well written. Right now the only function of duplicate costumes is food for the main costume. :stuck_out_tongue: