Hero Costumes Discussion

So ive ran into two snags while getting my melendor costume maxed and emblemed…im sure more than one person in this 900+ post thread has mentioned it but id rather not read through all of the post…first snag was i had the original melendor at 3^41…tried to ascend the costume to 4^…cant pass the original heroes ascension…back up 19 levels take the original to 4^1…maxed the costume to 4^70…cant access the talent grid until the original can access it…so now ive got to back up 69 levels…my question is: is this going to be a problem once i get both to the talent grid? Like will the original have to be at say +5 before the costume can go to +5 and so on and so on? If so that sucks…

And a separate question…can you use the costume version in a war match and then come back and use the original on another war team? If so that kind of makes it worth having to level both to max, but i really dont have much interest in the original melendor so its a bummer i have to put so much effort in to his original form especially if you cant use both of them on different teams…

You only give emblems to the original hero never to the costume. The costume gains the exact same path as the original hero. So for Melendor you need druid emblems. If you want to use the costume you need to take a look at the costume path which is different since every class has a different grid.

Simply… no you can’t.


So youre saying that you cant use the grid for the costume? or i shouldnt? I guess im just confused as to why they made all the costume versions different classes if you only use the grid from the original?

The talent tree on the costume is automatically used.

The talent path activates also on the costume when the hero reaches max level + max skill 8/8.

If you spend emblems on the talent grid on the next node then the costume will get the same node position automatically without spending emblems twice.You always need the emblem type of the original hero.

Original hero and costume always have different classes. A talent tree is class specific.So you will know how the talent tree looks like just by the class. So costume and original hero will always have different talent trees.

So for example Sonya.
Orignal hero : paladin
Costumed hero : druid
Now the talent tree differs. On a node where paladin Sonya gets defence bonus druid Sony might get a life bonus. Got it?
Some pic from the end:

I say when you want to use costumed Melendor you need to have a look at the path of the costume…keep that in mind and activate it on the original Melendors talent tree.

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Gotcha…thanks for the info!

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Ok so im needing further clarification now that ive digested the first bit of info…so…what if i wanted to keep my druid emblems for Ranvir? and melendors costume is my desired wizard to put emblems in? Will it let me only put emblems in the talent grid for the costume and leave the original alone to save my druid emblems? Or are you saying that you have no choice but to emblem to original so to save from wasting the wizard ones just follow the path the desired way like you described above

You have no choice. Only druid emblems can be used for Melendor. No wizard emblems possible.

Sonya: only paladin emblems, no druid emblems possible.

Dilemma. I will be in some similar situation when Ares (paladin class) 4.60 will be maxed as I will be using him as my tank and on my war team.

I really love Sonya and now she is as sturdy as a 5☆ hero and really don’t want to strip off any of the 505 emblems as I will loose mana bonus seen in pictures. She brought me most of my 22 victories in last weeks raid tournament. Once I get my blue mana troop to lvl 11 she will be even better.

Have Melendor +15 and sadly no costume. My only 5☆ druid is Guardian Owl sitting at 3.70. Don’t know your roster but I have already seen people stripping emblems off from Ranvir after beeing highly disappointed. Costumed Melendor can you help much in 4☆ events and tourneys. Emblems are worthy on him in my opinion.

People have the same discussion with wether to remove fighter emblems from their Boldtusk+18 or not to give it to a 5☆ fighter.

Alright you answered all my questions…thanks again

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This is a thing?



Check the release notes.

Costume keys can now be gathered from wanted chests (monster, raid & Titan), elemental chests, mystic vision and war chest.


Thanks. The costume bonus plus 17 emblems has made her an impressive 721 atk 770 def 1279 (and one more atk node that will add 19pts). Compare that to maxed Leonidas 731atk 718def 1221 maxed or Joon 749atk 636def 1339. She is effectively a 5. And I am loving it… got no 5* yellows!

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Once you use the base hero in war are you then able to use the costume as another hero for another team?

No, you can only use the base hero once in war, either with or without costume. The costume does not make a separate hero.

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Ive read that the keys will become part of the loot like Atlantis coins but that is yet to be seen

There are reports here of keys from chests, and I think one from MV. So they are now starting to drop.


In my alliance there are three players who reported them to drop from Mystic Vision, so they do drop. I guess elemental chest would be probably best bet.

Edit: I got one myself now from MV, so definitely can confirm.


I can’t wait for Thursday, to see how many keys I’ll receive in the warchest. I hope for 2-3 :slight_smile:

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Since the patch I’ve gotten keys from mystic vision and an elemental chest

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I just want to know when they’re going to do the rest of the classic heroes

Got one from MV and a few from chests…