⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Noor

Great recovery! Noor sure is a godsend, isn’t she?

She typically does things behind the scens so nobody even knows she is doing anything… but she definitely does. And she is a great surivalist, as can be seen in this vid. The special defense up + minions goes a long way towards protecting reds. I may even decide on dropping the last 250 emblems on her to up her defense… its either that or start to rebuild Vela.

I just pulled Tyr, who was 2nd last on my wish list for Valhalla (first being Fenrir), but I have seen a few videos of his survivability skills. Perhaps I will pair them up in the not-too-distant future

I think you will like Tyr, Homacleese. Used on offense he win battles singlehandedly when no other hero would stand a chance. There is a degree of skill and timing in playing him which takes practice to master.

The situation in which he shines is when things have gone horribly wrong and he is your last man standing against multiple enemies. Obviously you want to ghost tiles to keep him charged and resurrecting while whittling down the enemies. Almost as obviously you sometimes delay his special so as to be protected when the enemy fire theirs. But the less obvious point is that the AI is dumb enough to fire multiple specials at his ghost. So sometimes you want to deliberately launch cascades to charge more than one enemy at once, clearing bad tiles as you do. Then you can get them to waste their specials while you resurrect and carry on the fight. Sometimes his fighter talent kicks in too. It doesn’t happen all the time but he has won me more ‘impossible’ raids than any other hero including seshat.

In addition, his hit is better than it looks on the card. His excellent s3 stats, def debuff bypass and stackable bleed (stacks with burn and with itself) all make him stronger than it seems as first.

As with all heroes who need a bit of skill he just isn’t that great on defense - he is tanky but nothing more. But on offense he is great.

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340 lady loki revives. without that, match is over this was the best I’ve seen her in a battle though. It shouldnt have been that close though imo and you would have won a lot quicker with any other red 5*

Amazing analysis , kudos for you!

Turning Noor into average and then check how is her performance after the change looks as the best way to sort this , Átomos and Aegir went from slow to average and now are much viable , I hope that S&G acts quickly on this heroe


They won’t until she’s the Featured Hero in Atlantis or ToL.

They don’t give a dang about balance except as how it’s related to their revenue.

Funny thing is the idiots have lost all income from me because they don’t care about balance.

Do you just say things randomly?

There was one Lady Loki revive. It allowed her to throw back 2 Vela specials, which was useful. But that was her conrtibution post revive.

Now - you say that any other hero would do better in her position. The truth is any other hero would not even be in her position (except possibly Tyr). Any other hero would be dead! She had 3 self-minions plus a thorn minion plus 2 special minions before she even got to the position where she was last man standing. At that point, another hero might have been able to keep going, but it is hard to say - but again, another hero would not have had that opportunity. Her innate minion when facing off against summoners is a huge boost that when combined with her tankiness gives her the opportunity to make a final stand like in this video.

Here is another example. I played whatever small odds I had at the end, but the luck was on my side. But again, without Noor it could not have happened.

Loki doesnt revive at 340, its game over. This match should have been over even before that as when you take out the tank, its a win which is pretty much all you have ever shown.

Can you please show me how great Noor is with your “dream team” against the Ninjas or Grumpy Grampa in the middle flanked Frigg and or Odin or with BK.

Yes, I’ve gone 1 on 1 with Noor and its pretty much an easy win on several different occasions.

Wins are pretty easy when you pick and choose your match ups. Noor has a very small niche


It is not a small niche, it is facing any team with a summoner. She is actually not my strongest minion counter, I have Skadi and Grimble who counter minions better. But she does a good job of minion countering whilst helping herself and her team with survivability

I think there are a couple of Bera/Frigg/Oding combos in this lot. These are the ones I try to target the most these days so I can improve my gameplay, but I have to climb to around 2700 cups before they become prevalent.

I wouldn’t take Noor unless there is a minion summoner as tank, or at least 2 other minion summoners. That just doesn’t play to her strengths. I’d take on a lot more BK teams if I had a decent dispeller, but if I can find a BK tank with flank summoner I’ll take them on.

Krampus is a similar story but he is a summoner, so just for you I’ll take him on

and here is one I just did vs bera tank. Lady loki was useless but I was too lazy to replace her

Nicely put…plus I know how much the alliance likes her and I am beginning to see why.

I agree this was a nice write-up.

And for what it’s worth I am in a top 100 alliance and she gets a war spot each and every single war, and her team has a very high win rate. She gets a spot in most PVE formats I engage in and in the last challenge event she helped me to get high scores in the last levels that I couldn’t match with any other hero. She is also back into my regular daily raid team (i.e. 24 raids/day minimum) in the following team:

Noor: “Garbage”, “Worst HOTM”, “Doesn’t do anything”
Myztero: “Useless”, “Worst purple”, “Underpowered”, “Flimsy”
Zocc: “Underwhelming”, “Weak”, “Worse than 4* mana controllers”
C Rigard: Widely regarded as good
Lady Loki: Also regarded as good

This team of mainly misfits deals with minion & ailment dealer teams very effectively.

Noor, pretty much garbage in PVPbut it’s possible to make any 5* successful in the right situation. She’s great for maps and challenges and challenge events

Myztero is the same as Noor but can turn the tide in PvP. Works great with a cleanser or blockers but not with Malosi

Zocc is a stud

C Rigard caused a lot of people to strip Kunchen who was the best tank in the game before Telluria. He is 1 of 4 4s I use every war leaving a few 5s on the bench. That’s how good C Rigard is

L Loki is a game changer and damn good. Of all the S3 reds, she’s the 1 I’d want

Just my assessment

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Benching 5* is an eye-opening, and often heartbreaking experience.
There’s a lot pacing on that day.
And the earth’s gravity seems to increase.

I wonder if I would like to be a fly on the wall when that day comes, but… I find myself less inclined to think so. And more inclined to get some of those springy eyeball glasses for reading forum threads.

Mist at 20 is better than Vivica who I stripped and never makes wars unless its a purple tank which I only see with the rush wars

Almur at 20 is pretty nasty on my green team, GC Rigard +20 along with BT +20. Wilber will make the cut if its a non Hiemdall/Telly tank at +20 also

C Richard and Victor get left out a lot with wars for me

Noor and all other driuds should summon their hero ability minion if they have one (like Freya). That way having a fully emblemed hero doesn’t literally weaken their hero ability. Having a bird summon and then randomly replacing a better minion with a weaker one makes ZERO sense. If the druid summon can’the fixed then Noor needs to be a made a Cleric, Monk or Paladin. Anyl of these fixes would help.

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why don’t you get Noor to medium mana? now it is useless.

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Even if she owns medium mana speed, she will be useless. The arrival of Uraeus deducts her use from infinitesimal to zero :smile: That’s her destiny.


SG - Please listen!! You seem to Nerf everyone this forum moans about so why do you ignore the community when we ask for buffs to Noor. Oh, and please do us all a favour and if you are going to make very slow heros make sure they are game changers. Alfrike is the only example of you getting it right! Sort it out


While I’d like to see Noor at average, I have been using her lately as more minion tanks are common. She pairs fairly well with Krampus. She isn’t much of a threat beyond killing minions though