Hero Academy level 10 - Results & Reporting

Sartana went in, Thorne came out (no costume) and he went back in immediately.

I may stop after this one to make sure I have 20 unleveled dupes for SE when it rolls around, I’ll need to recount my total. Otherwise I’m just a glutton for punishment.

Edit: I checked and have exactly 20 unleveled 5*. So I can continue HA10 until it succeeds, but once/if it does, then unless one of my TCs coughs up a spare, i can’t risk continuing to try any more until SE list releases.


A new one:
Lianna —} dupe Grimble (one of the few dupes I’ll level up, so great result)


Another Monday :unamused:

  1. Kadilen to Obakan (New)
  2. Marjana to Horghall (New, previous copies feed to SE)
  3. Leonidas to Obakan (Dupe)
  4. Obakan to Zocc (Dupe) :slight_smile:
  5. Marjana to Elena (Dupe)
  6. Elena to Anzogh (New) :grinning:
  7. Magni to Richard (Dupe)
  8. Richard to Thorne (Dupe)
  9. Elkanen to Isarnia (Dupe)
  10. Isarnia to Elena (Dupe)
  11. Elena to Isarnia (Dupe)
  12. Isarnia to Khagan (Dupe)
  13. Elkanen to Magni (Dupe)
  14. Khagan to Joon (Dupe)
  15. Elkanen to Joon (Dupe)
  16. Azlar to

I do my ha10 in Friday’s… Usually se is on a Monday… So I’ll have to stop over the weekend… But it really depends on what is in my 132 tc20s pulls as to whether i can swap or not.

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Horghall → Elena → ?

# Hero In Hero Out Note
3 Domitia #2 Red Hood New Non-S1
9 Khagan #2 Perseus New Non-S1
10 Khagan #3 Mitsuko New Non-S1
24 Khagan #5 cHorghall New Costume
31 Quintus #4 Sir Roostley New Non-S1
38 Vivica #4 Morgan Le Fay New Non-S1
51 Horghall #6 Elena #4
Success Retrains %
Non-S1 5 51 9.80
Costume 1 46 2.17

My latest retrain was Sartana, whe went right back in. Sorry I forgot to take a screenshot.

In my alt I got Balbar. Yay?

Good luck everyone!


I was thinking the same thing about stopping HA for SE. I’m definitely curious to see the official SE list.


Salutations. I’ve been wondering for a long time that the costumes in the academy exist and are received only for the heroes of the first season! As in 4 years of playing I have never seen any costume received in the academy that wasn’t of a hero other than the first season.


Congrats, you might want to join the club here :rofl:

5 Star Hero from MV Club!

  1. Quintus → Justice
  2. Justice → Marjana
  3. Marjana → Thorne
  4. Thorne → Marjana
  5. Marjana → Sartana
  6. Sartana → Horghall
  7. Horghall → Isarnia
  8. Isarnia → Domitia
  9. Domitia → Isarnia
  10. Isarnia → Richard
  11. Richard → cThorne (dupe!)
  12. Thorne → Vivica
  13. Vivica → Richard
  14. Richard → Leonidas
  15. Leonidas → Isarnia
  16. Isarnia → Elkanen
  17. Elkanen → Elena
  18. Elena → cQuintus (new)
  19. Quintus → Marjana
  20. Marjana → Elkanen
  21. Elkanen → Kadilen
  22. Kadilen → Elena
  23. Elena → Elkaneno
  24. Elkanen → cLeonidas (new)
  25. Elkanen → Sartana
  26. Sartana → Magni
  27. Magni → Elkanen
  28. Elkanen → Magni
  29. Magni → Khagan
  30. Khagan → Elena
  31. Elena → Kadilen
  32. Kadilen → Vivica
  33. Vivica → Isarnia
  34. Isarnia → Leonidas
  35. Leonidas → Lianna
  36. Lianna → Azlar
  37. Azlar → Vivica
  38. Vivica → Horghall
  39. Horghall → Vivica
  40. Vivica → Neith (:partying_face:)
  41. Marjana → Victor (:partying_face:)
  42. Khagan → Joon
  43. Joon - > Vivica → Food for Soul Exchange
  44. Grace → Obakan
  45. Obakan → Domitia
  46. Domitia → cKadilen (new!)
  47. Magni → Quintus
  48. Quintus → Azlar
  49. Azlar → Richard
  50. Richard → Sartana
  51. Sartana → Marjana
  52. Marjana → ???

Nothing special this time. Better luck next time. :wink:

Good luck to you all! :four_leaf_clover:


It is possible, but the chances are VERY remote. There is a 5% roll for a non-S1 hero, and a separate 5% roll for a costume to be included. So you have to hit the first 5% roll, then get a non-S1 hero that has a costume available, then hit the 5% roll to get that costume. I think it did happen a long way up-thread once, but it’s really rare.


Specifically, the chances of a costumed non s1 would be .25% (1 in 400 tries). 1 in 20 for the non S1, then 1 in 20 for the costume.

At 52 tries per year, you’d more likely than not get one sometime between anniversary 4 and 5… a statistics book could give you the actual algorithm.

Good luck, in other words.


But this assumes all non-S1s have a costume, which many don’t (yet).


Valid point. So the number would be further reduced by a percentage of nonS1s who do versus don’t have a costume. And the time duration for the pull increases accordingly.

Anyone want to run those numbers?

Edit: by the way, these dismal numbers are the reason I had said a while back they should bump the costume percentage to 15 or 20… it won’t kill the game economy and it’ll make us feel like something might actually happen.


#83 groot out and back in

See you next week :crossed_fingers:
Good luck everyone :four_leaf_clover:


History repeats yet again!!!


And NoW got this……:grin::smiling_imp:


Looks like you got it from event portal not the HA10. is it?


Event portal…. HA10 gave me the dupe Regular Panther….

That’s my comment to previous post….


Holy schnikies! Great luck for you. Congratulations.