Hero Academy! Can we please have more information?

I do think hardwork deserves rewards, so in fact, I’m going to propose that a really fast speed for HA is actually the best method to make it good for f2p.

Let’s say HA took 1 minute per action, just like TC19. Heck, maybe even 20 seconds per action. But have a very low chance of getting a desirable hero; otherwise you’re just getting another dupe quintus back. Let’s say 0.001157% chance. This isn’t a randomly given chance, by the way, it’s calculated by assuming that one can get a 5% chance per day, so 3 runs per minute, 60 minutes per hours, 24 hours day, that’s 4320 possible runs per day.

5% divided by 4320 = ~0.001157% per try.

In this way, it’s good for everyone because:

  1. Free players can get a relatively good chance (5% per day) if they are super active. Less active players obviously have less chances, which make sense.
  2. Veteran players with a lot of dupes have an advantage over newer players with less dupes, because they can make the Queue longer, which means they get to be less active.
  3. P2W players can benefit from an even longer queue, but it doesn’t benefit them that much because you would have to pay lots of materials in order to constantly run the HA so many times per day, something p2w players might not be willing to do. Also, no matter what, a free player with lots of time can get as good as p2w by constantly being active.

@yelnats_24 @TomSnow @Rob_DI @FrenziedEye

Of course, like always, actual numbers are up to debate, it’s the format of the thing that I’m trying to propose. Obviously there’s no way I’m able to come up with perfectly balanced numbers off the top of my head in 5 minutes of writing a comment, I’m not god.

How does it work? What are we getting?

3*-5* in exchange for our dupe 5*?

Or no exchange?

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You’re throwing in 1 5 star hero and mats for a 0.001157% chance at a special, HoTM/s2 etc hero, and a 99.884% chance at getting a s1 5 star hero.

So you’re not losing anything other than time and food/iron/ascension mats.


I like the idea but the odds seem… Punishing? I wouldn’t have enough 5* or mats to last half an hour I think!

This is the post you are reffering:

But then you said this:

The problem is the 1% chance of HoTM per month IS NOT your system but you claim it as an agreement for your emblem system. 1% chance of HoTM per month??? That is equal to 0.77 EHT per month? But P2W can get 30 EHT for each days for the first hundred of days, that is far above the 1% HoTM per month.

So when I said that 1% HoTM per month is undesirable for P2W, this is not an agreement for your emblem system.

Yes I admit I misread that one. Sorry

By SG logic, the more precious the hero who can appear, the longer the duration.

I am not going to be surprised if they make it 7 days instead of 3.

But you change a lot of what I said:

5% chance of non-S1 heroes in 3 days become 5% chance of Gravemaker each day.

3.3 gem pulls without VIP become 3.3 gem pulls with VIP. EDIT: 3.08 not 3.3.

It seems the one about 1% HoTM per month is undeseribale for P2W is more of misunderstanding as I have explained above instead of tampering.

Few days ago I have already said that 3.3 pulls (800 gems/260) is not including VIP but it seems you didn’t read it.
EDIT: 3.08 not 3.3.

Here are some basic calculation:

360 + 120 + 120 + 112 + 90 = 802

I have not count war chest and war loot.

I told you it was 800 gems without VIP, however in the last month I actually got 900 without VIP (and without counting the Christmas gift from alliance members).

If you are wondering how I make that calculation, that is based on actual average. Some might argue about the frequency of elemental chest, but it is not only from personal experience but from forum research from other players that prove elemental chest appear each 4 to 16 days (average 10) for thos who do not use gem to speed up but fill their chest regularly (monster chest every 12-13 hours and raid chest every 14-16 hours…). With the help of raid tournament, I can fill my raid chest faster and that result in slight increase of elememtal chest frequency from 3 to 3.5 per months.

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That’s kind of the point, because with my idea of 5% chance per day, you are averaging 18.25 special heroes per year, which is significantly higher than any other proposal. So of course it should be super super active :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe 20 seconds is a bit too fast, it also makes it hard to include ascension mats because it would take too many procs, and ascension mats aren’t that common, even 1 star ones.

So maybe 1 minute, 2 minute max per proc, with odds recalculated so that it’s still say 3-5% chance per day IF you run it 24/7.

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In that idea, the 5* result in another 5* so you won’t run out of 5* if the result is undesirable.

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Ya but I could run out of mats?

(I guess it depends what mats we are talking about)

yeah, I think mat cost should be decently high but not impossible so that p2w players do still have an advantage, but not a huge one, and f2p players can choose what’s more important, saving mat for other things or chasing a special 5 star hero, whereas p2w players can choose to do both via normal summons.

If this is the case btw then we only need 4 5* dupes, and anything beyond that is unnecessary, assuming 4 TC 21s. Even less if just one HA

Cause the 5* just get recycled

That is actually generous. While I make an example of 5% each 3 days, I actually think SG would make it 5% each 7 days or even worse 2.5% each 7 days…

Anyway there is time required to click it and you are not always online for 24 hours a day, so direct calculation to define the new probability cannot be used.

When SG change the frequency of Mystic vision from once every 16 hours to once every 8 hours, they don’t change the loot to 50% but to around 65%. I don’t know the exact number but the staff confirm that it is increased. They know that if they make it 50%, player will get less loot because of not always online when MV ready.

If you want multiple other 5*, you will need multiple 5* as after you get a desired one you won’t use it as a feeder.

In the AMA, the dev did say that the last few level of HA will convert 5* into another 5* or 4* into another 4* (same rarity).

However we do not know about the lower levels, it could be troops, emblems, or even EHT.


Last level will probably let you trade your 5* for Renfield :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They did say into the same rarity (5* for 5*)
Does that mean we will get a 5* Renfeld? :crazy_face:


This, all the stats and other stuff aside, this is what I want. 2 year’s and only Mitsuko as my nons1 5. But I only really want sartana and marjana from tc and don’t have quintus, elkanen, azlar or thorne so I’m luckier than many c2p now f2p. I also have 2 dupe Joon, Justice and magni but would trade them for ANY old hotm (ones w no element link). Yes they’re some good ones like Delilah, hel, Athena but also others like Thoth and Perseus.

And as posts above nobody has all the heroes they want including me from tc20. After 2 years still not all the bare minimum to keep up but as s2 and 3 come up I don’t see how people get so upset if we get a chance at an old hotm. P2w are going to pay for s3 as well as c2p. Everyone seems to act like putting the old hotm , no event heroes as I’d love them but see why they won’t add them, they look like we will just run ha and get hel or zeline each time. If that’s true you’d all have the snipers and Viv plus the other decent tc20 heroes.

When it was just tc20 heroes people still paid to get them faster. Despite knowing you might get them from tc they paid. If you want zeline and had to have her you paid for her. They now want the new Finley’s and bk and s3. If I get a Joon or sartana does a p2w care that they bought theirs? No. Even if in a 5 stack look at event winners and you don’t see classics much anymore . Last one the top had 4 seshats and hel so you think they care if I get a chance at hel. ‘hel’ no.
One hel or zeline keeps me grinding for mats to level them. A second Joon does not make me want to grind for more darts. A new hotm from the old pool does.
Stats and all aside as I said, that is the reason for ha. Eventually I will likely get all the heroes. I have another 15 in 3 camps in 10 days or so for 45 more total. But wanting only 2 out of the group makes my odds less likely than my start of tc20 . Would you rather have people collect all the classics and eventually get bored and leave or give them old premium heroes on occasion and keep them grinding @

One other thing is enp had no competitors 2 year’s ago. Then mythwars came out. Then conquerors and puzzles. Now there are at least 5 other clones that look and play exactly like EP with 1 having an editors reco in play store. Only more will come and players might never start your game plus others might try the clones and leave. I got beta access in one clone already and it has all the features of EP plus some. Am I leaving EP …no. at least not right now. But as the grind wears on others might. I might. And that doesn’t even account for EP other game which uses same ideas but different type of heroes instead of mythology. There are many options even ofvthis game type . Just let me have a new toy once in a while. I still need the evasive mats. But that’s another thread.


Slightly misleading as 260 isn’t true single pull cost. It’s 10x pull cost. A single is 300 gems . True you can save for a 10x but you say 3.3 per month. While it’s all technically true that stat is slightly misleading to casual players. Your stats are legit in the math as you present I’m not looking for argument but how many also get the vip invites and you also know that the reward is both limited and steep. You get some for 1, 2, 3 but then it jumps to 5 then 10. That’s huge to get 10 people, or yourself on alts to l10. And even if you do it’s a one time vip the that’s it. Again your facts are true but a little clarification needed for the whole story.

It is average, if I said 10x pulls every 3.25 months, everyone will be confused.

10 per 3.25 = 3.08 not 3.3… wrong number…

Also Atlantis costs 350 not 300 so there’s that…


Actually, in my first post, I said this.

But then:

So I got carried with it.

Try the pull simulator at allheroes.eu and watch how bad a 10x can really be. Waiting 3 months to get all 3s doesn’t keep many playing. They’d rather have 1 5 that they need mats for than none that they have to dream about.

Not everyone plays daily just cause we do. The forum by it’s nature is usually more active players who are futher in.its going to be what it is. Wishing and hoping are just going to disappoint. SG is king at this. They are research oriented and want a mid core game to pull in a few whales and tons if c2p but they got the jackpot and are now trying to adjust to it.