General Team Advice?

Being F2P / very C2P I guess i have been lucky to get Ferant and Dun, as you say these newer 4* are better than the S1 5*. I also recently got and like Ptolemy 4* green healer, really enjoying his heal / passive boost hp and immunity against status which turns into heal, and like the Gaderius costume boost hp but at slow may not work and havent leveled him at all yet.

For now looks like Agrafena, Ferant & Kara will have to stay at 3-70 (since i dont have the ascension matts). But these characters at 3-70 are still better than maxed 3/4* (until emblemed 4*).
Looking forward to have more 4* leveled so i have different options for attack depending on team im attacking.
For now I may work on team: C Sabrina, Ptolemy, Ferant, Dun, Joon, as rainbow attack.