General Team Advice?

Hi, i am currently running a 3940 TP main defense team (team 1 with Melendor instead of cademon) which seems to hold its own at 1900 - 2100 trophies. I dont attack as i just loose cups and its been that way since i had 2000 TP and 600 cups. Always matched against higher TP so i dont bother raiding.
When attacking in events or maps i like minion style 3500 TP using Freya, kara, Xiahun dao, Ptolmy, Khagan over my team 1. Is this team viable if leveled over my current main.

Whats best defense from my current lineup (or characters to work on)
Also as f2p / c2p how do i get tabards for 5* purples, then need to really consider if i want an Agrafena or Freya team and build team around them? Got 2 in a year of playing…
Few questions there but looking for any general advice which would be appreciated :wink:

So your attack team mot a great d teamas is but when your 5* blue is stronger than kiril switch them. Switch joon and agrafenas positions. Talbards pop up in quest snd mystic visions plus chests just keep cranking. Freya Agrefena that is the question i have both at 4/80 20 emblem and still can’t decided who to LB really just depends on your game play I love both those ladies. Wish i had lb 1 of them over Leipota actually so could just lb both. Your d with your roster is solid i would just make adjustments listed above as for attack i mix mine up alk the time depending on what I’m up against.
Good luck and have fun

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Thanks Miah21, i switched Joon and Agrafena positions.
I dont have any 5* Blue as yet, so will keep Kiril and this type of defence team as its pretty solid maybe cause of Ferant being tank?

Yes this is the source or my main dilemma atm, currently Agrafena gets more use on my defense team (with ferant/kiril/joon who are leveled), and in the highest challenge events, but for the majority of my play lately i have been enoying Freya/kara/xiuhun dao combo, ptolmy works well for healer and passive to boost health which is great when all heros are covered with minions and replenishing them. Feel like Khagan (even though slow) works better than gormek, and once his special goes off he gets mana boost.
I am not sure of a Agrafena, Freya, Kara, Xiuhun / healer combo would work on attack.

Is Melendor overkill on defence team since i have Agrafena and Kiril? (he was my first max leveled 4*) would I be better to use Cademon as i do on attack, or anyone else in melendor place?

M’s dispeler is really handy but depends on who your up against . Cad is a good option for swapping out. For attack with Ag and Fr together they work fine together Ags 2nd special puts everyones offense so high having just big blue as main weapon is fine . Depending on what levels freyas raven might make it where you don’t need a healer

I managed to full emblem and LB Xiahao Du (stilling levelling), wonder how this defence goes with him instead of Kiril. His minions have 292hp

The team synergy of this minion team works well, kara to taunt and keep xiahao minions alive, Ptolmy to heal/boost hp and provide immunity to taunted kara, Xiahao for sniper plus minions with debuff, freya for defense & boosted attack to minions / meat shield. Khagan is slow but with mana boost , defense up and massive sniper damage feels better than ferant or gormek. Really fun!

The other issue i have so many druids and not much emblems after ferant lol

For defense Ferant is definitely your best tank! I use him too :slight_smile:
However I think you need more healing. Try CMelendor instead of Caedmon. Put the green next to Ferant (as people are more likely to attack you with blue.
If you can get Sabina upgraded you can use her instead of Agrafena and then Use Dun instead of Kiril.

On offense try switching to a 2-2-1 or 3-1-1. I don´t think you have the right colour healers for that yet, but if you get them it is a very good team. It would have to be red (Ferant+Healer), Yellow (Joon+Healer) and an third colour healer. You can also swap one of the healers for a mana control hero. So Boldtusk and a yellow healer would be great, but just to start playing with the team you could use Ferant, Joon+Li Xiu, Kiril, Melendor so a 2-1-1-1. Not ideal but a good enough start. Even on Offense put Ferant in the middle and then the more sturdy 2 next to him. The heroes with lower defense on the edges (where they hopefully get hit a little bit less often)

Not sure what your 3 star roster looks like, if you have trouble getting loot. Start with your 3 star roster and play that content, then move on to 4 star roster and play that content. That way you get the materials to work on 5 star heroes. But honestly you don´t even need 5 star heroes. Most things can be done with 4 star heroes. It´s more important to put together a good team than to have 5 star heroes. And when you have 1 good team build 2 or 3 more good 4 star teams, so you have variety in your attacks, so you can deal with even more things.

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Thanks, some ideas to work on there. I mostly play rainbow on maps/events and have only been playing around with 3-1-1 and 2-2-1 for titans. Melendor was my only healer for a long time then i got Kiril. Since then got vivica and sabrina and Shale.
I just got Sabriba Costume last night and she is the next the purple I am levelling now. Vivica as the yellow and for Red healer I have the ninja Shale. (i level one of each colour at a time using only the same colour feeders for each)

I have been able to complete 3 star events with my current ones, have some interesting ones there waiting to be leveled but i focus on the ones above first.

Its interesting how the game rng works, seems to give you more of the same hero you already have rather than ones you dont.
i didnt have sabrina or sonya in a year of playing but since getting them,i then have got 4 (and 3 sonya) in 3 weeks… Similiar with Kelile and Colen. My sons both play the game and both have mutiple rigard, grim and wu kong, and i dont have a single of these.
At least now i finally have TC20 i can get 4* with chance of 5*

I personally wouldn´t upgrade any S1 5star heroes, it´s too costly and slow to upgrade, when I can get a newer 4 star heroes that is at least as good a lot cheaper and faster.

CSabina is amazing I use her all the time! Just makes you laugh at all those Krampusses and other taunters :smiley: Dispel and buff immunity in one go is as good as it gets!
The only problem is the heal over time in the costume versions, for one it can be dispelled and it makes playing 2 of these healers together a bit more complicated, especially CRigard and CSabina being same colour and same speed would always overwriteeach others heal, so 1 has to go normal version. At least Mel is a different colour, but since Mel and Sabina both dispel it´s maybe a bit overkill. But that´s a luxury problem :smiley:

Being F2P / very C2P I guess i have been lucky to get Ferant and Dun, as you say these newer 4* are better than the S1 5*. I also recently got and like Ptolemy 4* green healer, really enjoying his heal / passive boost hp and immunity against status which turns into heal, and like the Gaderius costume boost hp but at slow may not work and havent leveled him at all yet.

For now looks like Agrafena, Ferant & Kara will have to stay at 3-70 (since i dont have the ascension matts). But these characters at 3-70 are still better than maxed 3/4* (until emblemed 4*).
Looking forward to have more 4* leveled so i have different options for attack depending on team im attacking.
For now I may work on team: C Sabrina, Ptolemy, Ferant, Dun, Joon, as rainbow attack.

This defense team performed well in war of kingdoms

Which should i use as Raid defense,
above team or my current?
(I dont have materials to ascend Agra, freya or kara atm)