Forest friends need help:)

We’re a small alliance, slowly growing and not strong now. Anyone who wants to join is welcome, Need help on titans and (optional) on war. I talk too much sometimes, but communication is not a must, just thinking a lot about mechanics and optimization. You’re patient on growing and not egoistic, than we’re the right place. Greetings from Vienna and go Rams :))

“Go rams” didn´t help. :upside_down_face: We´re about 10 right now and are still searching for players. very laid back, still not strong. The main work on titans and in war is done by me and my co-leader, but we waste no flags usually. We are on discord too, but beside me not the heavy talkers, just trying to help out each other and communicate the basics. Take a look if you´re interested in growing patiently, cause we are mainly f2p.