For all the players who don’t own Gravemaker

Mana control is amazing. Fingers crossed for me

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Investing all your game budget to have a chance, is the way to go. Be it all your gems and coins you have spared or the money you use for the game. But dont get tempted to go overboard just because you feel you are almost there or that you absolutly need him.

Chasing this “Must have” heroes are a rabbit hole that will burn you, unless you can objectively afford to do so (by being able to spend thousands in your hobby budget).

I did my best to have Telluria last month (the most OP hero that it has been done since Gravemaker). And I didnt get her, she was the perfect match for my team that has Justice as tank (and 2 purples one is Rigard), so I could have use Tell as a tank/healer and switch Rigard for Joon. Making my team evolve to it’s end game for a FTP (never again having to upgrade it and being able to stay at 2500 confortable), but I didnt get her. It sucked so much, but at the end of the day that was my budget that was my chance. Going further would have meant to switch my idea of having fun: not playing the game but by chasing “opportunities” (heroes). And that’s how you get a gambling addiction started.


My hopes are with you…

Am thinking out loud. Would be super funny how even in this Atlantis ppl just prey ( me as well but i still got him ) not to get Atomos, considering also SGG push to green tanks meta with release of Telly and Heimdal, if they decide and finally buff/ re-do Atomos to a vstrong hero :slight_smile:

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Proteus and Wilbur are my fav heroes… I couldn’t have done Atlantis hard without them. if I don’t get 5* heroes in their class, then they are fed with emblems until the end

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I play without him although my first month playing he was available the first time.

You don’t have to chase him. You can be competitive without him. And I think there are so many heroes you can counter him with easily, even four stars!

Unpopular opinion: I like raiding against teams with him. It’s often a victory for me.

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this is really an unpopular opinion…

I made my own as I was getting jealous. I am willing to share my Gravemaker with anyone who needs one


Got Gravemaker today at second pull on atlantis. I fell just fine, finally something really good as i am mostly a FTP, dont pull more than one or two shots, when i can.

Can someone please point me to the ascension materials required for red (or better all) colors for all levels?

Thank You.


Just check the first post here.


I literally pulled Jahangir with an Atlantis draw thinking…that’s the wrong Red.

In the meantime, for all the players [like myself] who don’t [nor will ever] own Gravemaker


No GM, but with 30x +2 more I did get my first Proteus, Kageburado, and Clarissa. Tough decision on who to level first…Also got Wilbur, Little John, Danzaburo, and Sumitomo.


I’ve played 26 months now without GM. Well, 3 of those months were before he was HOTM so … 23 months without him. I do fine and enjoy the game. Will I pull for him? I have some Atlantis coins saved up to use. Will I chase him? No. Will my game change dramatically if I get him? Likely not. He would go on my defense eventually and help keep me a little higher in diamond. He would help me in raids for sure to combat the higher quality teams I would be facing as a result (I’m looking at you Telluria-Vela), likely a permanent fixture with Malosi and Ariel. Would anything else change in the game for me? No. I doubt I’ll make a push for #1 anytime soon, and I prefer the casual nature of my current alliance over a top 100 competitive one.


These are wise thoughts!

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Thanks bunny, i learned one more thing today how to find ascension materials, have a nice day.

Are there accounts without Grave, Vela, Telly and Clarissa? :crazy_face:

You probably should opt out of everything esp. life in this case.


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Here…don’t have Grave =D

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Of course. There are many Atlantis heroes I don’t have, yet I’m basically done summoning there because I already have most of the good ones and I’m not into the habit of summoning just for the sake of it.

And if I may add, it’s not always even about heroes, oftentimes it’s about your roster needs. A lesser hero like Poseidon would improve my roster much more than Gravemaker would.

And on that note, I doubt I qualify as a veteran yet, but my advice to new(er) players is to try and get what’s best for them, not merely what’s the best of the game. Many times those two are the same thing but sometimes they’re not.

What I’ve always been wondering about Gravemaker is why he looks so much like General Grievous. Since I neither like the prequels nor identify with the dark side, it’s only fitting that I just pulled Ranvir instead :sweat_smile:


Thank you. Not very often I get referred to as “wise” :stuck_out_tongue:

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