For all the players who don’t own Gravemaker

now after you said it, I see it too. Can no longer be unseen :crazy_face:


180 Atlantis pulls later, I got another Kagan, another Marajana, another Atomos and 2x Clarissa. Really wanted Kage or GM, would have liked Ranvir.

Between that and how broken top-level raids are, I’m on the verge of quitting. I think I won’t, but I’m definitely going to very cheap to play.

Any good trick for the pull? I’m trying to pull since JF, have been paying a lot and got nothing :frowning:

Took 38 pulls including my first ever 30 pull to get him… :smile: no Clarissa, but I’m super happy, Ive been chasing him when he was hotm with no luck :smile:

GM has been maxed on my bench for well over a year. 36 maxed 5-stars right now and I wouldn’t even put him in the top 10. I didn’t even start using him regularly till Telluria came out. Even now, I don’t see him as a necessity and would gladly swap him out for a handful of other heroes.

“Must” haves right now are heroes like Grazul, Malosi and Zimkitha for raids and war. Heroes like Tarlak and Miki for titans. There is no area in the game right now where I feel GM would put you at “another level”.


50 summons and landed an Atomos. I’m done chasing Gravemaker even if this is the last opportunity to get him fr. This is supposed to be a game that helps me relax and worrying about chances of landing one specific hero goes against that. So I’m just gonna chill out and forget about todays summons today.

Do I wish my fire heroes were stronger? Absolutely yes. But at same time I honestly don’t care if someone has an edge up on me because of stupid luck. Personally speaking, if gacha constantly gets in way of me enjoying the game then I’m gonna take that as an indication to quit this game. So far it’s going ok without GM honestly.


Can anyone clarify the odds for me please? Atlantis odds show 0,3% drop rate for non-featured heroes and 1,3% for featured ones. But they’re 4 of them. Which means 0,325% each?

So this whole “featured” thingy adds 0,025% chance for those up there? Am I missing something?

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There are far more non-featured heroes though. So while your math is ok for featured, to get the exact % for specific non-featured you need to divide that 0.3% by plenty.

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Right. If there’s 35 hotm, minus the 4 featured, you must divide 0,3 by 31. Which gives less than 0,001% to get one specific hero. That’s (maybe) one in 1000 pulls.

Thanks. And good luck y’all.

Updating my last post, I checked a few things and figured I could do One More 30 pull this Atlantis. I pulled duplicates of Wilbur and Gadierus, a large number of duplicate feeders and…Gravemaker! I also pulled another tonic and rings from the bonus chest!
That’s enough for me this Atlantis (and maybe next!) I’m ready to farm for feeders and mats


What did you check exactly. I’m curious. :thinking:

my credit card balances, lol


Hmm but you can’t pull any other past HotM out of the Atlantis portal. The only available ones are the two in featured pool. The non-featured pool is all the other Atlantis heroes except Atomos and Kage, that is Ariels, Mitsukos, Mok-Arrs etc.

I have no Gravemaker.

No Guin.

No Telly.

No Vela.

No Zim, no Ariel, no Vivica, no Finley, no Albi, no Fenrir, no Frida, no Evelyn, no Zeline, no Wilbur, no Drake, no Heim, no Delilah, no Poseidon, no Hel, no Guardian anything, no Kage, no Seshat, no Alice, no Master Lepus, no Mother North, no Ursena, no Hansel, no Gretel, no Jabberwock…

I don’t even have a Proteus.

But I’m hanging in there. As best as I can. :grin:


Oh! You’re right again! I always thought we could pull all past ones with very very slim chances… Thx.

meh I made the mistake of looking at this thread …
no gm for me >.<

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I sympathize with you, because that’s what happens to me too

Now that’s a great idea. They got Atomos right when they made Tyr, unfortunate they haven’t gone back and given the “Aegir makeover” to a couple glaring heroes.

Has the OP posted his pull results so far? @PacificOcean

Don’t have him,

Will pull for him,

If I don’t get him, I have my trusty Marjana, Elena, Boldtusk, Gormek, Scarlett, Lancelot, Kelile and Colen… I’ll manage :slight_smile:

Brought Elena out for farming Atlantis today (she’s approaching 3/70). I already know I enjoy bringing her along, and she’s gonna get a spot on my Green Titan and raid offense teams :slight_smile:


There are only a few old HOTM I would worry about if you don’t have.

Miki (or Ranvir of you don’t have Tarlak)
Frida (if you don’t have Arthur)
Zim or Grazul

Those that are nice to have…

Natayla (who I would take over GM right now with the current Telluria craze)

A few have been made pointless or soon will be
Athena - Will be overtaken by costumed Magni
Alassi - Costumed Magni again
Kunchen - on his way out and costumed Rigard is much better for offense
Aeron - Costumed Rigard again

Then you have those like Thoth, Margaret and Mushashi who have no place at all in the game right now.

If you need a red to pull for (most of us do), I recommend…

Natalya (again) - Her DoT and mana slow is deadly against Tellura and other greens.
Tyr - Only red hero that stacks his burn with other reds. It adds up.
Mitsuko - Kills Vela with cast. Vela is nearly always flanking Tellura.
Costume BT - Pair with lvl 11 mana troop