Firmin Richard vs. Toon costume Richard

Who is the one that gets LB2 for defense? Only have one set of alphas. Any info is greatly appreciated.

For defense, i would go for Toon C Richard. Really hard to kill, hits like a truck.
Just one opinion :slight_smile:

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I would agree, the toons are ridiculous in how resilient they are. Plus they have innate resistance to ailments, which is annoying when you rely on Torben in attack.

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If you have cards like Odile or other buff makers who damage every turn, Firmin is amazing. He makes your team’s defense and attack scale very fast and the damage from buffs scale very fast as well.
If you defense is based on brute strength, Toon Richard lands death to one and he refuses to die almost always.

Thanks. I know he’s pretty good just didn’t know how they compare. I know FR gets huge stacks but unless he is firing he’s not as strong.

I think FR is too situational for def. He needs time to shine, but in the new era, what you dont have is time in def :slight_smile: