If tank is supposed to do more than just shield themself why does Baldur exist?
Well hes definitely not a tank either, hes more like a mana protector? I don’t know Baldur is not a good hero I see him only to counter heroes like Onatel or Guinevere.
Some heroes are good ones some are bad but Fenrir is on the good side.
I’ve just got him. Still, I think I should do Alice first as his special doesn’t seem very balanced (not enough attack for fully health enemies, overkill for enemies under 50% of health).
It’s not an overkill, especially at the start of the battle, when everyone is relatively healthy. You can use tile damage and another Fast sniper (Alice for example, but I use Misandra) to bring some hero to less than 50%, and then use Fenrir to reliably kill them without need for any defense debuffers. After that, Fenrir will become Very Fast, and you can just use him again after ghosting of 3 tiles. At that time, you can have more heroes down to 50% with tile damage, or you can have your defense debuffers ready to get a reliable kill.
When I use Fenrir, usually he is responsible for 3 out of 5 hero kills.
They should make it so he heals/gains a max health shield for 50% Of the damage dealt. So if the target has 600 health left and he hits the target for 1200 he heals 300 then gains a 300 max health shield. This would make him fun and unique along with keeping him in line with other Valhalla themes. But this current version where he really is only good below 50% health and then too often he’s only healing 250…well it’s super annoying.
Fenrir is my favourite hero of the ones that I have. I like that he is great in a lot of different situations and in several cases he took down 3 heroes in raid while it was the only hero that I had left on my team. The heal and mana gain are great and the 300% damage if enemy has more than 50% health isn’t that bad of a hit. Fenrir has been particularly good if you use him together with a hero that boosts attack or mana generation. One of the situation I like Fenrir is when you have an enemy with counterattack, if they have low health I use fenrir and he stays alive, heals for part of the counterattack and the enemy is dead.
For info; I have fenrir emblemed at the moment, but I don’t own any 4* blue troops, so I am guessing he will be a lot better with a 4* blue troop.
Nope. Just his attack stat. He’s pretty underwhelming at 3.70
I have it too at 3.70 and I used it last times in the wars and I was excited !! that there was less than 50% life of an independent hero and mainly with emblems he cleans everyone!I believe he will have a good cooperation with Wilbur like Finley or Mok-Arr!
- Fenrir: Direct damage increased from 300% to 320%. Direct damage when the target has less than 50% health remaining increased from 600% to 640%.
Guys, kudos for looking at this guy!
Please consider:
If this wolf god was buffed to +2000% damage,
Nothing would change!
It’s an interesting concept, but the requirement either causes:
- Nothing, remain charged and wait
- Pounce on something Graymane could also finish
- Hard-fought Sweet-spot Jackpot
That sweet-spot? Is the problem…
<44% health is a good range for any other blue sniper, of which there are plenty. And an enemy between 45-49% health with minions. It’s very uncommon.
Meanwhile other blue sniper can kill >50% health, with benefits!
I would suggest that the original damage is fine, but that the sweet-spot shouldn’t be so narrow.
Skill level 1 - 45% health
Skill level 8 - 60% health
This may give the woof god appropriate fangs without being a hate magnet. But if hatred is an issue, try 55% first?
Very good point here. i like Fenrir but maybe only because I havent been blessed with any of the notorious great snipers out there. I like his health and mana refill, but lets be honest, everything he does, he does worse than his fellow snipers
I really wanted to like him and he was my first s3 back when he was featured. I think he needs more damage on heroes over 50% though. What good 5* sniper can’t kill a hero under 50% anyways? So giving him 640% damage is nearly pointless.
Essentially, he’s not trash but he needs way too much handholding and setup to work effectively.
However, most thought Grazul was crap and she’s become essential in the ailment/DOT meta. So maybe someday Fenrir can shine too.
I really like his combo with magni or other sniper. Magni shoots and fenrir finish very similar to Jackal Joon combo but here both are 5 star so you don’t need to bring 4 star into a fight for the same result.
Also he is the best vs seshat and overall vs minion meta standard sniper have trouble with minion plus 50% HP but not him he devour them and gain mana and become very fast even if he deal 320% and heal in the second hit still not bad.
He and Raffael are often 2 survivors in my blue mono and finish off 2-3 heroes by themselves.
Pair the wolf god with the fisherman, and then this +2000% will be an instant win
Wilbur does widen the window.
Got him now along with Tyr. He’ll be excellent with Miki in events, and not only because of color stacking: with Miki’s boost one can whittle down enemies’/bosses’ HP until Miki’s boost stops to work, then just fire Fenrir to finish them off. Me likey likey.
You had defense down on Gravemaker. I don’t think Magni finishes GM without it
Hi did u get answer about hero who increase hp and how much Fenrir damage them?
Does it work with hero which increase hp point? Generally which hp state consider for him?
The cut point is 50% of base health points. So if a hero has boosted health (>100%), Fenrir does 320% dmg. He’s particularly useful against heros with minions. Seshat with <50% health and 2-3 minions is most often dead - which very few snipers can achieve (except Gefjon).
I don know, a lot of people does not appreciate this hero, but for me he’s very solid, if not great. Combined with others and tile dmg, there’s almost always a hero to be finished off with his gargantuan bite.
Plus, his ability to revive and self-heal proved to be super handy many times. Hence, he got some emblems.
Yes he is much better with embmlems I had some on him but then I summon Tyr and he go into my def team so I strip wolf and he was a lot worse.
Now he gets them again since Tyr and Boldtusk are +18.
He work kind of like Tyr with emblems he can return from 1 HP to full all by himself won me many battles.