FAITHFUL DEFENDERS Recruiting all Levels

Looking for like-minded players to join our relaxed alliance. We don’t chat much, we occasionally miss a war flag, but we are friendly and want to get back to at least 10* titans.

About 4 months ago we lost half our alliance due to waning interest, and have never regained members. We are open to a merge, but would prefer not to move. We moved once and had to come back.

Come join us for a week and see if it would be a good fit!

Its going to be difficult to find players who will be active and yet still overlook the missed flags thing, especially if it happens often or is the same members consistently.
If you ever decide you would like to give relocation a try again, you can tag me here or on line and I’ll try to help you find the right place.
Good luck!!

It is an occasional missed flag. We have a few still in the alliance that have stepped away as well. Not sure if having members that look inactive is a problem. I’ve considered removing them, but one’s has been with us 850 days, the other nearing 1100. It’s tough all around!

Thanks for the input!

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Went through the same dilemma myself. Lost someone who had been with us since the beginning, but I just couldn’t find the heart to let her go … finally, I was able to find the strength to get it done. It’s certainly not easy, but if we want to move forward, we must adapt to grow.
As far as someone’s perceived impression of your alliance, well ask yourself, if YOU were looking to join a group and they had some long-term absences, would you bother to join or ask?
You can always try setting the alliance to open and see what falls through the door.

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