🕵 Exeera – S4 Hero – 5* Ice/ Blue: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Definitely, she doesn’t threaten much other than DOT, which is easily countered

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I know that SGG wants variety and it’s really good to put some drawbacks to the poweful heroes. But she really isn’t so powerful and the drawback of not hitting one colour is the single worst drawback in the game.

There are some skills which aren’t implemented to the heroes such as e.g. tornado skill (at least for now) because they are either too good or too bad. Just recently we got Xnolphod with instant Mana gain. Such a powerful skill. And we got Mok-Arr in Atlantis. Such a horrible drawback of not hitting darks. It was terrible then and it is terrible now. I had some fun playing with the Shark but he was too unreliable to play in Wars. And because of this skill he is completely useless in the def team.

Which yields actually half a hero. Hope she will get some rework, or we will have one of the worst heroes in the game, useful to play map stages and some occasional raids.


Then just bring Red Heroes.
There’s 4 V.fast Hero that block ailments easily.
You can choose Vanda, Grazul, Emilio and Garnet. She is useless.

Even with Blue, i think high chance to win, if you can keep tile to Tank that does nothing until all your Heroes’ Mana are full


SG just taking the ■■■■ as usual, annoying people by making their pull luck worthless


True, but those are still prevention heroes. If she manages to fire first, those reds will still be in trouble.
I don’t know why they’re bringing back DOT with no further support in this day and age. If she gets priority dispel first before she deals the DOT, those reds are pretty much sitting ducks. Priority dispel alone makes her so much better


Why you release this kind of heroes?? No direct attack, nothing against blues. Pff, why you want ruin the game?


During the last year or so there has been HUGE problems with the game: Rocketing power creep, absolutely OP heroes released (for select few), etc. This has resulted in forum people (including me) crying for SGG to come in to senses and slow down.

Now they release quite OK hero, which is effectively fast for the first charge and who can produce massive and fast DOT damage in some situations. Result: Almost everyone is raging because such under powered hero is released.

I feel puzzled. (Not empired though, what ever that would mean.)


Do you think that is to difficult to put direct attack instead of wait one turn and that this attack affects to every one heroes including Ice? Is really to difficult and for you would be a OP heore?

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Agree but her dot can be cleansed.

And also agree bit weird that they introduce Hero that only do DOT and with a drawback of Blue Heroes are immune to it.

Probably SG try to make one :poop: Hero each season…
Season 2 : Mook Ar
Season 3 : The fish!!!
Season 4 : This kind of fish girl…


We also have :poop: Jade in ninja event.


she is far below ok.

DoT only heroes has always been bad especially after emblems got introduced.
heroes with better DoT don’t see play or worth ascending now because they can be negated by a simple withstand from a monk.

she has very restricted DoT without anything to offer to justify the restriction (no extra damage against fire or extra condtional aliments or stacks)

I’d rather use Roc and Lady Locke over her because they cleanse AND do DoT without the awful restriction even when they are considered below average heroes.

Exeera is only reliably useful on attack and against teams without blues or monks.

Good heroes are ascended without hesitation, i doubt she falls in that category.

assume you have all s4 5* blues, who would you max first (morel, passepartout, russula and exceera)

i doubt exceera would be in top choices


Her base damage should have been ~4-5 tiles worth higher. She’s just a bit too little damage with no secondary effect and too strong of a drawback at present.

Alternatively, add 2-3 tiles worth of damage and make her base attack significantly lower (~700) and raise her defense/hp by an equivalent amount. This will make her more consistent in firing as well as making her damage scaling with emblems/LB stronger.

Absolutely terrible hero. Desperately needs a buff. Compared to some of the brokenly OP heroes that they’ve been releasing, this hero is a joke. But the funny thing is that without these OP heroes they’ve been releasing, this hero would seem balanced and normal. The game is in dire straits now.

Possibly the worse hero ever, a watered-down Vela. And now I have 2. Could they have made a worse hero? what were they thinking?

Maybe if she was running at very fast speed she might be somewhat useful.

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Thx. I have fixed it.

I have added a Hero Balance topic for this hero in case anybody wants to provide ideas about how this hero can be adjusted.

Honestly she pales in comparison with C-Gravemaker, who cumulatively does almost as much damage as her, except at VF speed and to everyone barring heroes having burn immunity like Frosth or Kingston. She won’t be good even against Fire heroes because those have lot of ailment blockers among them, all at VF or faster (Grazul, Vanda, Garnet, Emilio). And of course, whether ailment is unremovable does not matter whether it’s blocked altogether.

The worst hero among S4 5* (Akkorog deals good damage at fast despite what others say) and probably worse than a bunch of this year’s HotMs, who at least do something.

Vela is ok. Not very good for those with a developed roster, but certainly better than Exeera lol

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Vela looks like a OP god when compared to Exeera :joy:

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I just read her card.

Ugh! Even I don’t want her, and I have hardly any non-S1 5*. She strikes me as a poor man’s J-F without the extra effects that actually make him decent (ailment protection, def boost).

She’d would pair well with Salmon Loki on a cup-dropper defense.