Emblem Path – Do you choose the +2% mana generation or the alternate path

I’d go mana node if i had to choose

Help! I need some opinions.
Mana troop currently on level 14.

Quoting myself from another thread below with evidence etc…

In essence, for average to go to fast (i.e. from 10 → 8 tiles to charge), you need a 25% mana boost. This is not happening for Puss without a special skill being fired (e.g Ariel, Khagan etc…)

The other break point is for 10 tiles → 9 tiles (1 tile reduction) which needs 12% mana boost. This is much more achievable.
Puss Mana Node = 2%
Need a level 17 mana troop to get the break point (11%)

Alternatively something like an elemental link (+4%) in red will drop the mana troop level needed down to a level 5 troop.


Guvnor - I am about to reach node 19 for Krunchen and like to chose 2% mana boost. My troop level is 24. Does this mean Krunchen mana improved from Slow to Average?

I don’t usually take mana node but with Sif I think I’ll make an exception. Charging her with 9 tiles with emblems at node 8 and Mana Troop Lv.17 is indeed very tempting …

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From above, average mana needs 10 tiles to charge (with no boosts) and slow mana needs 12.

To drop slow mana to average mana, you need a total boosted mana generation of 20%

So even with a level 29 mana troop (15%) and the class mana talent (2%) you’re still 3% short.

I am up to node 19 for MN and really don’t know what to chose since I always have a level 17 mana for higher for her anyway. Thoughts?


I suppose my case is unique, but I have pulled inordinately from mana boosters. Misandra, Alby, Ariel, Khagan, Brynhild, and the 3s. I usually take the mana bonus and give the heroes I know have the bonus the lesser mana troops. It’s provided a lot more serviceability among the non emblemed, and Misandra or Alby can in certain cases knock out a charge a turn earlier.

Edit: I really have to wonder if C. Isarnia +20 with L29 mana troops would pull it off

I know it’s kinda a necro topic, but i just have a question about average heroes with costume bonus.
Am i right that for heroes like Richard, Rigard, Kirill etc (average+costume) mana node is totally useless if you have at least 5 lvl mana troops? Or there is some kind of use it?

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@AnthonyArc , average heroes with costume already get 5% from costume + 7% from level 5 mana troop, =12%, firing in 9 tiles.

to get down to 8 tiles, they need +25%. with the +2% node they will only get 14%, so still 11% short. Unless you have other sources of mana boost (e.g. special skills like Ariel), it won’t help.

the use cases for the mana node could be in Rush Attack, where heroes are set to Very Fast. 9% mana boost is needed to drop from 6.5 tiles to 6 tiles. so 5% costume + 2%/4% mana node + a lower level mana troop to give the last % could work.

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I play mono most of the time. So often there is a tile or two missing to fill up the mana. The difference between 8 or 9 tiles could be crucial. You can get 8 tiles with a 3 and a 4 tile combination. The 4 tiles create a single dragon tile giving the eight tile. So I always choose the mana nodes on four and five star heroes. Even the costumed heroes can benefit from mana nodes because I have an hero who gives mana via elemental link in most mono teams ( Elradir, Malicna, Yang Mai).

Happy gaming

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