Updates from today’s beta:
1 Epic troops cost less food. Legendary troops now require 0 food and all iron (I guess I will be saving up more iron now).
2 The mana increase has changed
Level 1: 5%
Level 9: 7%
Level 18: 9%
Level 28: 11%
Level 38: 13%
Level 49: 15%
This is a huge improvement! Now you can level the troop to the mana point you want as we have more levels you can stop at. I expect to see a good amoung of level 38s as that can effectively take a fast hero down to 7 tiles as long as they have a 2% mana node.
Summary of what Legendary troops and these changes will bring me:
1 Higher power for easier PvE
2 recouping sunk cost of crit troops I leveled up (and making them now by best troop)
3 “Solving” the over abundence of iron and lack of food issue
4 Better mana breakpoints across all of my troops (and the flexibilty that provides)