🧪 Early Information on Hero Academy [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Alchemy Lab and Hero Academy conversions

Other than the Levels 10, 9, and 6, I’m very interested in level 3.

I don’t see the information listed, but just to make sure, for level 3 it’s just 2* trainers correct? It not going to be like level 7 where it’s 4* trainers or lower right?

Level 3 produce 2* heroes
Level 7 produce trainer heroes
They are NOT same

Click on the page numbers at the bottom right of this thread, then you will be able to scroll up to the top of the entire posts, there you will find the listed info.

I know (hope) I’m missing something here, and someone will come along and demonstrate that, leaving me a little embarrassed but mostly relieved. The food cost to research level 10 is currently 3311k, but with the three advanced food storages at level 10 and the one remaining regular food storage at level 20, that only gets you a maximum food storage of 3308k, which isn’t enough to perform the research. Will we be allowed to convert the last regular food storage to an advanced food storage at some point?

i think there is a mistake on the requirement because there are no hints on the last advanced food storage.

I remember having to max everything in beta to be able to build and research HA10. My guess is that the Stronghold also gives you a baseline of 10k food/iron storage, since you have to have some ability to build things when you begin the game.


Correct 100%…


Ah, OK, that makes sense. Thanks.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: :nerd_face: Hero Academy! FAQ, Links, Guides and Discussion

In level 9 can I convert a level 22 troop to a different level 22 troop? Or is it just level 1 to level 1?

You put in a 4* troop of any color and level and the output will be a different 4* troop at level 1.

So a level 22 troop → level 1 troop
level 1 troop → level 1 troop

Don’t put in anything more than level 1 troops there.

Ouch. Ok, thanks. That won’t help me then.

In another game I tried out: 3* and above dupes can be decomposed into parts that can be used to convert 4* into 5* and 5* into 6*. Very handy

If trainings produced alkashard…

A post was merged into an existing topic: :nerd_face: Hero Academy! FAQ, Links, Guides and Discussion