đŸ§Ș Early Information on General Hero Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

I like this compare/contrast
thank you

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Just how much longer will SG ignore this? @Petri
Why Thoth-Amun Needs a Buff

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You’re omitting a few things.

  • The main is mana speed. Margaret has very fast, while Kadilen with costume bonus is slightly a bit faster than fast. And Little John is slightly faster than slow. You don’t expect very fast heroes to do much damage. And for comparison sake, Margaret does 150% damage at 821 Attack, Gravemaker does 135% at 727 Attack. Yes, Gravemaker’s DoT will do more damage, but Margaret gets the extra dodge to avoid special attacks.

  • Costume Little John doesn’t reduce mana by 16%, that was a previous beta version. He only does the dodge special attacks.

A direct comparison would be Margaret (HoTM) vs Little John (4*). Margaret is a lot faster and hits 3 targets harder, while Little John is slower and hits all targets. I’d say that Margaret wins out.

When it comes to Kadilen, I think the comparison would be more with Inari who loses that one.


I didn’t feel the need to state the obvious, everyone knows. The point is not to compare like for like but to illustrate how bad a supposedly HoTM measure up.

Also, you are wrong about LJ - misread & fixed. Thx for pointing out (copy paste & didn’t remove)

Can we please please please just get a change to Grimble! Even if you rename him to grumble so I can finally stop fighting with Siri
that’s enough


The real problem has really alway been her dodge skill is too dependent on luck. It’s a chance to dodge on a special skills if you get targeted. Worst yet, my 3-70 Margaret is still getting sniped by Lianna, I find that unacceptable. I think SG misjudge it’s worth, I’ve alway considered it a horrible skill and considered Margaret worst then a 3*. Her other big problem is her stats. Huge attack but one of the worst defense and health and because of this and her special, she’s relegated to one position only: the flank. For her to be real impactful, that dodge needs to be all or if it’s still 3 then the luck element needs to be adjusted.


I’m jumpüng on the #averageKhagan wagon! Just keep the damage reasonable; maybe a 320% to target and minor to nearby.

Sadly, he’s definitely gonna keep warming benches at Slow speed.

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TBH, when I was weaker, I used to use her all the time at 3-70. I was one of the proponents of her even in her old form. But, never gave her tonics coz got better heores instead. I would just pair her with my 2 heores with the least defense or someone key - like alby. The AI takes out the easiest targets first, so, more often, it hits the one with dodge. You have no idea how many times she had bailed me out.

I personally like her dodge better than inari, it is easier to deal with lower damage and ailments with cleansers and healers. But, the real thing that kills the heores are the snipers.

But with this change, she is making damage almost as much as costumed Lianna but at v.fast speed. And she will get to do the whole 450% damage unlike other hit-3 heores that end up hitting only 2 due to busted tank. She is getting my next tonics if this change holds.


How was I wrong? You did see that the 16% mana reduction was crossed out.

Anyway, I think Margaret is a lot more useful now than before.


Compare her to costumed Lianna. Same effective damage. Faster speed. Different secondary special. In fact, dodge on 3 probably better than mana slow on one.


They had all this time to get Atomos right and this is the best they could come up with. I was hoping for better thought out buffs than this offering. I found it comical that one of the moderators told us to hang in there in regards to the Telly nerf because there were upcoming buffs to other heroes.

It’s been floated around that buffing other heroes instead of nerfing was a viable solution, looking at these buffs it’s clearly obvious they took the lazy way out. Doesn’t give me high hopes they will be able to handle an appropriate adjustment to Telly


(Sigh) Apparently. :pensive:


I agree on Atomos. A little added damage to his special is not going to do anything for him. His slow speed and varying skill on mana is too much to overcome. I would have loved to see average mana with less resurrection. making him similar to Ursena. I hope the guys in beta can relay that information back to SG


They have penchant of:

No sense of balance.

It wouldn’t be so bad if this buff hadn’t been months and months in the making. I really hope this isn’t the buffs we had been promised from so long ago.

Can you link your suggestion threads that hopefully aided them in their buff decisions?

Please make Atomos a hero not a sheep


Pump Atomos up!

I assume Khagan will get a costume at some point, so that will boost his skills and speed a bit.

But Atomos is a special case. Give the people what they want!
(Yes I have him. Yes he is at 1/1 for a while/ever)


That’s one of the issues though, putting buffs under the paywall that is the costume chamber that has just as crappy odds as all the other summon portal.

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For the chameleon, what if we do this: Instead of changing everyone’s colors to what they’re strong against, instead change them to the colors they’re weak against.

The results:
Suppose you’re stacking green to take down a blue tank (for whatever reason). Those reds can be a problem, yes? Pop the chameleon! Now they’re bite-sized blues too! Who’s the reds now? Their former blues. But them blues be gone already.

How’s that? I think the chameleon’s a puzzle to work with, but if this tweak gets made, Teltoc could be a more attractive place for summoning. I always thought it wasn’t a very good spot for 5* summons, but if this works in the chameleon’s favor, it wouldn’t be so bad.

I have fought the chameleon in a war once. It was in the tank position. If I stack reds, they turn green. Not bad against a green guy. But if they turn blue
 Well, suddenly you have a formidable adversary that I might not mind having in my own roster one day. The potentially clever move then becomes bringing blue heroes so they can turn red. This would make for a weak start, which gives the Chameleon’s team an edge