šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Contest of Elements (Nature) Event [Part of The Beta Beat v53]

Thanks. The reason for Zocc in with LotL is a couple of things. Slash attack may kill off her minions so Zocc is a bit of a safety valve for those situations, also he is one of my harder hitters. I could switch him down and promote either Franz or Caedmon :thinking:

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I wonder if anyone checked how G. Chameleon works on this event. He is green, so allowed here.


I was wondering the same actually since I have him, only at 3.70 but I made sure not to exchange it at the last SE.
@PlayForFun any beta tester tried that?

Unfortunately I do not have him so I could not test it.

What element will be used in February? I like to plan ahead.


We would have to wait for the beta but the best guesses are Fire and Ice
Going in reverse Hotm: holy - nature - Fire
Going in Aether order: Holy - nature - Ice

I have 24 of both ice and fire so I plan to divide it between both until beta gives closure.
Good luck !


The answer is already in the other thread (about heroes):


Itā€™s still only a guess. Could be Mythical Titan, Hotm, Aether or anthing else, Beta will tell. After the next one, we should know the other two.

Hmm Ok GIF|833x468.3534136546185

I did pull HOTM from this gate and this gave me an idea - Contest of Elementsā€™ color should match HOTM color.
So even bonus draw will be same color! Yay!

Guardian Chameleon 3-70 works really well. Thanks for all your predictions @Elioty33!


Yeah can confirm, Chameleon is really brilliant in this. In combination with elemental def down from Evelyn and normal def down from Silvaria the green tiles could do hundreds of damage each and Silvariaā€™s special did 700-800 damage. Of course you want to fire Chameleon first (and not again the next 4 turns), and then the others that give effects to the enemies.

I was worried for this event as green is my weakest color, especially offensively in the top end. But it did feel easier to me than the last one, not sure if it was only because of those changes but it was part of it I think (and Chameleon did help a lot on those last 2 stagesā€¦).

Roster used, in order of appearance:

Iā€™ve noticed the TP is sometimes accurate and sometimes off by more than 100 btw, not sure why that is. But clearly nothing close to 5000 but it was fine, no real problems at any stage. LotL is quite good to delay attacks almost indefinitely when down to 1-2 enemies standing. Mielikki is also quite good because of both +20 mana generation, perpetually as long as you can keep the minions, and also attack down for the enemies which is definitely useful against those last bosses especially. Plus the cushion of the minions of course (honestly didnā€™t need MN much).

Now letā€™s see if these 2 pulls are also luckyā€¦ at least itā€™s a guarantee there wonā€™t be any Dawas. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: video of the last stage

Burned my coins and got lucky.


I can confirm that Chameleon was great, the only negative side effect was having special Blue tiles on the board in the last stage after Xandrella and Roz fired their specials.

Iā€™m really praying for Dark to be the last one because I was so busy worrying about red healers that I didnā€™t see the only three purple ones in my roster! :scream:
(I only have Sabina, Rigard+C and Aderyn who needs to be leveled)

This version of the Contest of Element is added to the game.
You can discuss it here:

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