đŸ§Ș Early Information on Additional Telluria & Vela Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v31]

Zeline: fast, 143% damage, -34% attack to everyone for 4 turns, extra damage to ice, dispel buffs

New Vela: fast, 110% damage, -34% attack for 3 turns, 158 dot in 3 turns

Less damage, less debuff, no extra damage, no dispel



I have both telluria and Vela
 Please, make telluria druid and slow, leave Vela as she is now and close this bad chapter


I imagine that Devs strategy is to push nerf further everytime and then see the community reaction.
Nice move guys :thinking:

It would be so funny, if it wouldn‘t be so sad

Just disgusting!

Reiterating this


Yes they did the exact same thing the last time. They pushed the nerf far so that the community feels like the first nerf is acceptable.
The thing is none of the current nerf is acceptable Vela is being complety destroyed by removing the extra damages against fire which was the sole characteristics which was appealing when they featured vela!


Lets chill out a bit people, guvnor is not related with sg hes only a messager . Hes only telling us to stick to the topic , discussing about the changes and not asking for a compensation


@Guvnor to be honest I think you should create a separate thread to discuss compensation in case the nerf is applied. Proposals by members may help SG to make a decision so i guess it may help.

Completely ■■■■■■■■ what you are doing. Tell is the problem not vela. Lets see Tournament. Blue not allowed which tanks i see? No vela but Green green green green and green

There is no point creating any discussion thread about compensation for this current proposed balance changes

Reason being that any compensation/ dispensation is reliant & dependent on the degree of changes which are implemented. Which is not and will not be known until the balance changes are announced as final & implemented.

Hence, the (repeated) request to discuss the changes NOT to start demanding & discussing compensation about something which may or may not happen to an as yet undetermined and unknown degree.

Can just look at the history of THIS thread. There have so far been 5 different iterations of “balances” tested & reported. So the degree of “compensation” for one change is not & should not be the same as for that of a different iteration of the tested changes.


The biggest joke ever lets give her 50% and no more what a ■■■■■■■■

This is why things in beta shouldn’t be discussed outside beta. Should’ve just let the testing occur without visibility to others, and the final product be presented to everyone, with anything else that may or may not come with it.

Plenty of posts in this thread - many hidden but not all - demonstrate forum users do not have the maturity to handle possible changes being tested.


sounds good in practice, but if at the moments of the changes they go o and give the compensation they believe is fair, then nobody will be able to do something about it and all of the players will be done. Besides, it is a good way to let people voice their opinions. But anyway, it is your call.

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Back to the topic .

I think that is a good thing they come back vela to the hit to all road. I think that if they want to tweak her to stop punishing red so hard they should raise the % deal of her ability and set it at minimun at 150 as now.
Only cut off the extra dmg to fire and reduce one turn the dot and the attk down. This way she will remain usefull but not overpowered. Notice i dont believe she is overpower in her current state but i understand that sg want to lessen her impact when paired with green tanks

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That is exactly why they are trying to silence players related to compensation. Because they believe they can control player revolt with easy moves like this. And as stated before , this is even more insulting then developers actions. At least developers are getting paid to do a job, i assume Guntar is a volenteer who is not getting paid.

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Usually the order is:

  1. announcement
  2. time delay
  3. changes implemented
  4. time delay
  5. compensation.

Plenty of time to make threads and discuss the players desires & wishes relating to “compensation” in there without derailing this here discussion thread, specifically about discussing the various iterations of changes being tested


You did the exact same thing on initial Tel and Vela nerf. Did it work ? Nope. players didn’t had enough time to voice their opinion and if they do SG just ignored them because fromm SG’s point of view they already acted,

You are trying to create a never ending paradox.


Vela is a titan hero, because of that they also put her to the max, and now they want to make a waste of her, :triumph: Without extra damage on red, it has no value. At least SG taught me 1 thing. Never maximize a good hero, we’ll make trash out of him.

The extra damage against fire only applies to the Special Skill damage (Direct & DoT). not to the regular tile damage. 95% of damage against titans comes from the Tile Damage which hasn’t been (in any way) affected by any of the iterations of balance changes tested in Beta so far.


Fair enough here it is then Compensation for upcoming nerf on Vela and Telluria

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