šŸ‰ Dragonspire Overview

Not stated. Zynga left a clue: it can be found in map stages but no indication on higher odds for any particular stage as it is for regular S1-5.

What you need should pop up when you least expect it. Hope that is sooner.

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Eventually weā€™ll get the ruby cavern quest which has it in the third of five stages


Iā€™m farming 3-10 for these 3* ascension mats, I was particularly in need of Amethyst Snake Head or some crap named like that so I can work on purple owl (why the hell SGG thinks any animal can be turned into a dragon?). Got this one there too. But they are rare, like 1 3* AM per 5-10 runs rare, and of course you might get something else.

Also, to make things even foggier there are two headgears: one farmable and one not (which is the one which was in offer along with ascension mineral).

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I would guess hotm might have been the first ones, they started 2017. S2 and what is now Challenge Festival 1, was separate events back then. DonĀ“t know which one was first of thoseā€¦
Anyway, the game was very much different then and everything was much slower, well I wasnĀ“t playing then either, but it was when I started and I guess it must have been much slower in the beginning of the game. Todays game has nothing to do with back thenā€¦

Did you choose a 3star dragon? Those are much cheaper to get there. Costs are close to nothing, 1 or max 2 scrolls per level.

This. Itā€™s not that there isnā€™t work done on this new mode, but besides the special tiles, I donā€™t see a ā€œseveral yearsā€ development for DS. Maybe they had too many ideas to complement the main game with this and tried to do them but couldnā€™t.


This topic should help

New Chronological List of Hero Releases

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Erā€¦ point of order, having seven years of roster maturity generally matters a lot, LOT less than how many heroes one has from, say, the last year or so.

Having a roster full of uncostumed Ariel, uncostumed Odin, uncostumed HotM from 2018, et al. is hardly fearsome to a ā€œnewbieā€ with even recent HotM, much less Astral Elves, Goblins, Garrison, Foxes, Slimes, etc. etc.

If anything, itā€™s old-timers, not newbies, who are getting left behind, if they donā€™t have the luck and/or summoning budget to try to keep up with a much more exponential power rush than the power creep of ~4-5 years ago.

Counterpoint: thereā€™s already been negative effects of dragons for years in the form of lack of game content development and game issues.

A lot of folks who may well have been fed up with the game being increasingly ā€œALL PORTALS AND ALL-GIANT-NEW-HEROES AND ALL RE-RE-RE-LEVELING YOUR EXISTING HEROES ALL THE TIMEā€ may have hung on to see if see if dragonsdragonsdragons was something more than the reported reskinned copypasta.

Finding out in fact ā€œwe waited for anything much new all this time for THIS?!ā€ (not least, all the ā€œpay to play the game now, or wait a long time while big spenders rocket ahead againā€ offers) might have broken a few camelsā€™ backs, yeah. Is that such a surprise?

[Addendum: include other factors against VC2P/C2P, like players who ā€œjustā€ need new heroes more than anything else, finding that just-buying-coins offers seem to be mysteriously drying upā€¦]


Carthago delenda est. #52RareQuestsAYear | #SlayTheDragons


Exactly. It was known.

Do people not believe the truth? What are they fighting. I wonder how many mentions of reskin or copy paste or starting over were made. Why did anyone need to try it?

Probably a good opportunity for folks to look at why they play this game. For many it doesnā€™t seem fun.

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Ī™ decided it doesnā€™t worth playing. Too much unnecessary work (two bases) without getting payed. Sorry for being sarcastic but Iā€™m not wasting my life for a game. Cheers.


how are you guys getting dragon eggs? im repeting the 3-10 and im almost out of them

From what Iā€™ve played, the majority of them seem to be the chests of eggs that drop from opening idle chests once a day.

(1) Hope? Even futile hope. Itā€™s been all this time that dragons have been teased and clogging up the development pipeline, so maybe people were just hoping it would somehow be more than reported.

(2) Feeling justified in choosing not to play, i.e. the whole ā€œdonā€™t knock it til you try itā€ thing. Itā€™s not unreasonable to want to make an informed decision based on personal experience.

(3) Exactly how much other new playable content has there been over recent months and years?

Of that new content, how much of it is significantly different and didnā€™t get shelved due to technical issues or whatever?

(I mean, one of the biggest ā€œnewā€ content is Master Quests, where instead of playing through with only two classes allowed, only one class is allowed.)

Agreed. A lot of inertia builds up when one plays a game every day for literally years, but between technical issues, general lack of new content, abandoning at least some attempts at new gameplay beyond dragons, deafness to a lot of Betaā€”much less wider communityā€”feedback, making paid offers arguably worse, and now dragon copypastaā€¦ thereā€™s plenty of reasons some folks are dropping spending, or dropping playing altogether.

There are certainly plenty of times when I wonder why Iā€™m on these forums, for that matter.


2-6 seems to put out decent regularity 1-2 feathers

I donĀ“t know why people think that nobody plays the Dragon spireā€¦ Besides a few vocal SG haters here on the forum I would say basically everybody has checked the Dragons out. The fact that you can play it as relaxed as you like without any negative repercussions in the main game, is what I like about it.

According to the screenshot here, far more people have played Dragon spire than any other event that I know of and also far more than folks on the forum here always believe even exist. Just as a reminder, people here seem to always think we are down to like 500k players, because of the ā€œhuge numbers of people quittingā€ well apparently the quitters are compensated without a lot of trouble. People just donĀ“t play events like MTs (which were in the past used to guess player numbers) anymore, because there are other things to do these days.
Also that screenshot was less than a week after release of the dragons. So I guess there would be more of the occasional players that still havenĀ“t played, but will, as well as those that donĀ“t play the PvP part, but do play PvE. In addition a bunch of people that wonĀ“t play Dragons, so overall player numbers look pretty healthy to meā€¦

Also explains rather well why SG couldnĀ“t care less than whatĀ“s going on here on the forum. We love to hate them and SG is laughing at us, probably having a lunch break laugh about the fools on the forum :smiley: We are not representative for the players of this game, we are just a tiny extremist sub sample. Nothing more.


Stopping at 3-10 is really off-putting. The acts are filled with the same monsters over and over. Thereā€™s no variety like we see in the regular game. Hope they up the effort in later areas because the first three are really boring.

Raiding is pretty much the same as the main game. You can buy your way to victory by spending fish. You never really need to lose a battle. Set your defense weak and youā€™ll be given weak opponents to farm for materials.

The slower rates of energy gain are just annoying. Takes me 20 hours to fill up sixty world energyā€¦ and not much to use it on. The one quest they give and then just more area 3.

In the main game, Iā€™ve yet to find a reason to use dragon support. Iā€™ve tried it for the fun of it, but there really isnā€™t any point to strengthening a team that was already strong enough to play. Anything where being stronger is important has been dubbed ā€œcompetitiveā€.


I am already too bored of Dragonspire. Nothing to do and obviously just waiting, with too much fish (maxed)ā€¦ i already have to farm the main game, I canā€™t be bothered doing that in this tooā€¦

I keep forgetting every day to fly over to DS to collect rewards etc.

They need to hurry up and release more missions so it keeps us engaged.


Thanks, this is super helpful. So the initial release was 58 heroes, more than the 45 dragons by my count. Both initial releases have 15 5*, but the dragons fall short in the count of 4* (15 dragons vs 20 heroes) and 3* (15 dragons vs 23 heroes).

And the first new heroes came just 1 month after launch in the spring event. I wonder if weā€™ll see new dragons that soon.

Those first days my DS WE was constantly at zero. Nowadays itā€™s at my max (55) most of the time. Sad in a way, but I keep in hopingā€¦

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I donā€™t know about thinking that ā€œnobody plays,ā€ probably most people indeed have at least checked it out. How much it continues to engage players, on the other handā€¦.

Iā€™d say that the whole ā€œyou start the dragon!game with only one very useable or advanceable dragonā€ gambit maybe didnā€™t quite work out the way SG wanted, given the flurry of ā€œhave some more free pullsā€ mail we got.

And the ā€œyou currently almost canā€™t earn any more dragon pulls, other than just payingā€ thing (see: the rate at which silver coins can be earned, even when there are new map areas, much less when there are not) seems like it could be a problem for retention, but weā€™ll see how that goes I guess.

I suppose the issue becomes not just how many people donā€™t do MTā€¦ but also, say, donā€™t do Sanctuary Challenge Event, or Tower events, or wars or even tournamentsā€¦

The more players who disengage from more parts of the game, the more those players may increasingly be ā€œfor what parts of the game am I sticking around?ā€

For a decent while now, there hasnā€™t been much new (besides a rush of heroes and portals) and/or some attempts at new have folded (e.g. Monster Island, Hero League).

Folks who have been waiting and hoping for something new are checking out dragonsā€¦ but if it doesnā€™t pass the ā€œwhat am I sticking around for?ā€ question, it very well could be an inflection point.

We are the fools who are engaged enough with the game to spend significant time on the game outside the game.

Anything that makes some of a gameā€™s most engaged players less engaged is maybe not a great sign for the rest of the players, eh?

We donā€™t have to be representative per se, we just have to be a canary in a coal mine.

Alsoā€¦ forumites actually do talk with their non-forumite alliancemates, so the opinions and experiences we bring to the forums arenā€™t ā€œmerelyā€ our ownā€¦ and the opinions potentially influenced arenā€™t merely our own either.

Also Iā€™ve found the whole ā€œI will go to the forums and tell people on the forums that the forums donā€™t and wonā€™t matterā€ thing to be not particularly helpful for the forums :frowning:


You are right for sure, but it also shows the upside, there simply are tons of things to do. You can pick and choose to play th parts you like and ignore the rest. While a few years ago you were basically forced to play everything, because if you didnĀ“t play one thing, you were not playing anything at all at the time. There were no alternativesā€¦

I donĀ“t know how many new things we even need now, every time there is something new people mostly complain about it anyway. I am always happy if new things come up, but it usually means I ignore something else if I like the new thing, or I soon ignore the new thing and go back to the old. I love the Monster Island, but basically ignored the Hero league and did regular old raids instead. And now the Dragons are kinda in between, I play them (or not) after I do my regular old game stuff. But what I overall like is that I have the choice. I donĀ“t have to love every feature anymore (well I never had to love them, but I more or less had to play them anyway, if I didnĀ“t want to ignore the game completely), no matter if new or old. I have enough good features now, to ignore what I donĀ“t like.

Why? TheyĀ“ll never know we are less engaged. The only ones who know is us.

I donĀ“t know if its helpfulā€¦ ItĀ“s just pointing out facts to people who donĀ“t understand facts. In real life it seems pointless to do that and it seems to be the same here. But facts are still facts. I personally like those, so on occasion I point them out, what people do with it, is up to them, I donĀ“t care too much.

Absolutely that is possible, but I think we are now talking of a small subsample of an extremely small subsampleā€¦ Sure influencers and allā€¦ I wouldnĀ“t know how much of that trickles down in the end. My guess is: not much, otherwise SG would behave differently, but at least a little, as the occasional reaction to a major upheaval shows (Ninja-gate, Pepper-nerf, etc)

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