Diamond Infantry is looking for 6 new members (14* titans, no Line/Discord, Top 20 in Monster Island)

Hi there! We currently have room for 1 new member. Feel free to join us, if you have 4500+TP/2200+ cups.

We currently have 1 free spot. Feel free to join us if you have 2200+ cups/4500+ TP.

Latest MT result:

Alliance Quest result:

We currently have room for 1 player. 14* titans, no Line/Discord.

Feel free to join us if you have 2200 cups/4500+ TP :slightly_smiling_face:

1 spot open.

Feel free to join us if you have 2200+ cups/4500+ TP.

Hi there!

We currently have room for 4 new members.

Feel free to join us if you have 4500+ TP.

I would like to join after I finish this war chest. Probably Thursday. I never miss a flag or a titan. My war teams are all around 4700-4900. I use c. Killhare for all wars except rush i use lubu. My in game name is plus1 and my current alliance is Unchained Misfits.

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That sounds great @Plus1.

I am looking for an active alliance, not too complicated :slight_smile:
I always use all my flags on titans and wars.
My current trophy is 2761,
My current defensive team is 5169
My strongest defensive team is 5210
Current Alliance name: The knights Immortal
Player name: Kronfolitto
Ready to join after 8 hours.
Thank you :slight_smile:

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Thank you for reaching out @Kronfolitto

You can join us, we will be glad to have you in our alliance.

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@D_DI can you send me please the invitation in order to join ?
Thank you

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You can find us in alliances:

When you request to join, we’ll accept you in the alliance.

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@D_DI looking for two spots. How many are available?

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@BigSlick, we are full at the moment, but I can tag you if we have 2 spots.

@Plus1 or @BigSlick , we had 2 spots open up if you’re still looking

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Thanks. We joined Turpitude. Seems like a decent fit.

Hello everyone!

We currently have 6 open spots. Please feel free to join us if you have 4500+ TP.

We finished in the top 20 of the first Monster Island event:


Also, some of us have been in the alliance for 2000+ days:


We’re looking for 6 more members again. Haven’t missed a 14* titan in years. Just 24 solid players looking for a few more.

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Happy birthday :birthday::balloon::tada::confetti_ball::gift::chocolate_bar::candy::lollipop: @D_DI

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