Hello, I would like to ask your opinion about what to chose from my roster to create the most effective and powerful defense team. Actually I’m on that:
For a very long time i used Adalinda in my defence but lately changed her for Odette and there are some problems with her dance xD poor Phorcys is becoming useless I was considering adding Phantom of the Opera and Christine… but again, there will be problems… This cards are very good but I really dont see how to use them well all together in defence… maybe impossible…
Let me show you my roster:
I want for sure in my defence Odette, Aradia and Vivica.
Green, I love Roz, but I can switch her for Xiamara or Spartoi (which is still in progress). Or Relius? But again, his/her special skill will not he 100% used with Odette in the team… Also I have alfa for pulling them up to 90.
Im thinking about this cards:
I’m slowly getting crazy with all this cards and will be very grateful for all the suggestions and ideas.
Ps. Take a look as well at my legendary troops, it would be great if the purple hero is warrior or cleric…