šŸ… [Dec 15, 2019] 35th Raid Tournament! ā€” 4* Buff Booster, No Fire/Red

I got lucky and no one attacked my Gad. C is better than E :rofl:


Day one was meh. Main went 2-3 (boards being stupid for two of the three losses), alt #1 went 4-1, and alt #2 went 3-2. Well best part of this tourney is that my lovable bear got to shine with his pals Wu Kong and Lord Fishface. And oh man he took direct damage specials like a champ! And on top of that his damage went up 30% due to all aspects of his special alone. So I am kinda bummed that he is my only fully leveled green rn on that profile.

I have almost the same defense setup, except I have Caedmon where you have Little John.

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I had considered him or peters in that slot. Maybe should have considered harder.

Day 1:

Offense: 5-0. Had a couple slogs but managed to pull through on all of them. This is the team I ended up using most of the time.

This tournament finally got me to taking my emblems off Scarlett and giving them to Peters. Iā€™ll need them for the rest of the days. Top 1% as of today.

Defense: whoo boy. 17 attacks as of this time, holding 7/17 wins by my count which apparently counts as a C. Last hit was by a Greymane Papito.

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No post from 2nd place @zephyr1 ?

Offense: 4-1
Defense: 2-1


Funny, I hadnā€™t even noticed until you mentioned it.

I won all 5 attacks, but my Defense is doing horribly so far at 4-10, a 28.5% win rate, and an E Defense Grade.

So clearly Iā€™ll drop a lot tomorrow.

This is what I ran for Defense:


@zephyr1 number 2? Impressive. Even if short lived.


Day 1 Update

Score = 2502, Rank = 25%

Not the best start to a tournament but itā€™ll go up Iā€™m sureā€¦ I hope (?)

Lost one but in my defence, it was a MASSIVE jump in enemy TP lolā€¦ Got lazy and didnā€™t pay proper attentionā€¦

Only 1 attack with is unfortunate cause it was a lossā€¦ Weā€™ll see what happens from here.


Day 1

Someone strip that costume from Melander

I started well, winning my first three. Saw a lot of riposte which I was able to work through with minimal challenge. But then I hit this beast.

I wasnā€™t even too worried about them. That 3.60 kiril was like, whatever. And really he was like, whatever. But melander Iā€™m costume with emblems is no joke. He healed. He buffed. He won (with help from big hits from Tibertus).

Still, ended up 4-1 and undefeated on defense. On to day 2!

Totals below with score unadjusted for defense total.

Day Win Loss Def Points
1 4 1 1-0 A 2,780

One loss today thanks to a LJ tank who fired and Proteus afterwards, uhh.
Yesterday they werenā€™t that heavily emblemed, today the defs were at least +19, more +20. Tough.
And Iā€™m not sure if the bonus is given for the specials, Sonya and Caedmon did around 400 damage with 2 buffs from Kirilā€¦strange. Unsure, because, as I said, I went against +20.

Highest TP yesterday: 3839
Highest TP today: 3965 -.- (Li Xiu & Rigard with costume bonus, uncostumed)

My def was attacked once yesterday and won. A grade, of course, lol.


Triton +7, Caedmon +4, Li Xiu +7, Cyp +3, Kiril +10 (TP: 3563)

Day Win Loss Def Points
1 5 0 1-0 A 3910
2 9 1 1-0 A 6621
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I went only in green tanks mostly. One exception, a fully emblemed Proteus (my longest battle since I play this game :rofl:). Against those Buddy and LJ out there, I go with 3 purples and 2 greens. Against those tanks the priority is the cleansing, not dispelling, so I bring 2 Rigard and own Proteus. If somehow I lose one, I have the second one to help me charge Proteus (the most important) and the greens. I didnā€™t lose so far, using this formula :slightly_smiling_face:


After day 1 in defence Iā€™m holding steadily at E with this team.
4 attacks = 4 defeats.
As always Iā€™m blaming Danza as Iā€™m sure he freezes himself every time just because he can :slight_smile:


I managed to kill LJ and Wu Kong (right flank), so I got some points. I think I could have won with a better board, but soā€¦the only tiles I had charged Proteus, too bad :stuck_out_tongue: but itā€™s okay, one loss so far against those +20 opponents is good enough.

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3 bad boards today against some poorly set up teams that I should have won but did not. Defense mired in E grade. Worst performance yet but themā€™s the brakes. Hope you all do better than I did!

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Soooo many close battles:

Not sure Iā€™ve had this many tough fights in a while, itā€™s actually a little stressful lol. 2 strikes after day 2, hanging in there. Gadeirus is killin it on defense for me, A grade so far.

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Day 2

Offense: 5-0 pretty much never deviating from my ā€œattack teamā€ (see reply) except for one match where I subbed in Gretel and Chao for the purple. Was a bit hairy, but ended up fine. Had a few sketchy boards, but I was more or less matched up with equal emblem levels, so hanging in there. Top 1%.

Defense: wow I guess this time Iā€™m in the ā€œattacked a ton pool.ā€ 4/14 win/loss which I think puts me at 11/31 total hits thus far since last report. My defense rank dropped from a C to a D yesterday then stayed there. Last hit was an ice giant shadow jack.

Update: hit 11 more times. Won 5. So 16/42. Lepus picador.

Update 2: hit 4 more times, won 2, 18/44. Joon Serge.

No, itā€™s double blue and double yellow, which caused the losses.

Your heroes position is wrong :slightly_smiling_face:

Near Gad should be snipers like Jackal and Caedmon, to increase their shots, not Melendorā€¦

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thanks. Was trying in vain to keep Melendor alive but he keeps going down early. We just got matched up with a Romanian team for war :thinking: :wink:

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