👺 Deadboot - 5* Dark / Purple from Goblin Village

I love this card, excellent vs the plethora of taunters out there. Charges so quickly it is timely and can then fire again soon thereafter.

Titans at 90 seconds are a bit tricky especially as the description for Whither explicitly says it is less effective vs monsters and titans. I tested that using Boots (had him maxed first, (link here) on monsters and got the same stats debuff as the card stated so it isn’t clear what the decreased effect is.

This from the Deadboot balance thread (the mythic titan that was mentioned was just prior to the big buff the Goblin heroes got from SG):

That said, I replaced LB2 Aramis with LB1 Deadboot and my first three flags averaged better than my usual scores on a holy titan. Tiny sample of three flags but the massive improvement from SG means he should be considered. If you have a tile buffer (Karnov), I can’t see Deadboot finding a place, I don’t so he may.