Crew-Jesters! Ticket line starts at the left entrance

yeah try being called normal…who would call me normal you ask…the audacity… I maintain a high profile of craziness and delusional tendencies…I couldn’t believe the hurt I felt when Pluto told me this…no worries I got him back and let him he was no longer a Planet anymore…now just considered an orb of no importance…The unicorn laughed

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We’ve learned a new recruitment method. Hang a jacket on the tree, then send @dez82 from Sapphire’safter them. They run right into the jacket…gotta love it, only one more to set and we’re full.

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why not bacon…everyone loves bacon

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We give them Bacon to calm them down…

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That’s how we do it in crew. We help each other out. Who else needs a straight jacket? Come hither! :rofl:


can one slither instead of hither…maybe one likes to be a snake or a worm…worms slither don’t they…lol


One last spot! Don’t miss that chance!!!


I would reccomend that the last person try to squeeze through the back window… I see space there…just a casual observer trying to help

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Do you dream to become a jester? Crew-Jesters will give that chance to one person to follow his/her dream! :wink: :grinning:

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I once dreamed of becoming a Jester but couldn’t handle my balls…they kept falling or slipping out of my hands…The clown college was not impressed…sigh

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:rofl: Keep trying and you will achieve it!!! :v:

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Still one spot open. Come and see how the fun continually evolves.

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Our last spot is still open!

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Happens to the best of us from time to time, I’m afraid.

Are you guys still recruiting?

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Yep we are still recruiting.

Come on down!


@jqhosko we are. Have 2 spots now. Stringing 13*s

Does one need to know how to juggle balls to join…asking for all those that haven’t mastered the skill so they won’t be afraid to join

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No juggling balls (I think you have a problem), but being able to set stink bombs without getting caught could be beneficial.