Create/Design Your Own Hero – Player Hero Ideas [MASTER]

I can see why they look OP, Gods (or avatars of) after all. Titan stats (other than their level and HP aren’t really shown). I also don’t know if the Titans we faced in game are spoken in the same breadth as the Titans of Greek Mythology. But these Olympians should be somewhat strong, if they are to overthrow the likes of Kronos, etc.

Truth be told, when I saw this topic, the beginning points were me thinking that hey, how come there is only Athena, Ares, and Perseus (non Olympian), did SGG just stopped going the route of Greek Mythology in favor of something that might be more original? Coming up with stats and specifics was never my strong suit, hence the stats may be a bit over the top. One aspect of this game I thought was a bit lacking was boss characters like the Dragons in Province 1 or 2. Instead starting from Province 3, you are resorted to having to pillage another player to advance. If you can’t already tell, I don’t like Raids

To me, you shouldn’t be challenging a god unless you are some sort of a stud yourself (see God of War, I was floored when I found out what that story was about). Please do not bring a group of 3 stars led by Gunnar and try to defeat a god. Most of the 5 Star Heroes in this game are still some what “mortal” themselves. I can probably see a constant Mt. Olympus series of stages located somewhere far away from center of the map, reserved for those built up players who are ready to challenge their own heroes against Olympians (No time limit, not for ranking amongst players, no restriction on battle items, no restriction on heroes or troops you can use). Just a flat out slugfest, by winning, you get to go to the next level against another God for rewards.

This whole writing experience has been more like a review/recollection of my Greek Mythology to see how much I still remember! Coming up with stats as to what is deemed reasonable is really the writer’s block here for me.

Appreciate the feedback though @NitrousOxide


Well maybe they’ll read this and season two will see more of those end stage bosses! Lord knows I don’t need to improve my watchtower anymore… And I don’t hate raids but haven’t done a single one for 3 days now and don’t miss them lol.

Poseidon (Blue) - Charybdis and Scylla - 6 Rounds of Actions in random order. Could be strike all for 125% base damage, self heal for 40% to all party members, remove all buffs from enemies, single target 200% damage, Mana decrease by 40% to all, single damage for 175% plus minor damage to surrounding targets. On the conclusion of the 6th round. Board shuffles.

Poseidon, ruler of the seas has a strange temper. On his good days, sailors and fishermen can expect swift travels and bountiful harvest from the seas. On his bad days, ships and lives were lost, with a simple wave and a stir from his Trident. These days, he prefer to let some his other subjects of the ocean perform any punishment for him.

Not many have managed to navigate through the narrow strait of Messina unscathed, not even the famous Trojan war hero Odysseus. The strait is so narrow you undoubtedly will sail closer to one of these monsters while trying to avoid the others. Poseidon thought, why not just have both of them work together. Scylla, described as a monster with 6 heads will strike with different forms of attacks and Charybdis, it might turn a bad hand into a good one, or a good one into a bad… Try to talk some sense into a big huge whirlpool that sucks all the seawater it can and spits them back out.

Aphrodite (Purple) - Fight over Me - 3 Rounds, depending on the enemy composition. Enemy male heroes will damage each other, females heroes against the other females. If special abilities are ready, positive spells will be towards Aphrodite’s party, negatives against other members of own party. Some scenarios that could happen: Remove buff from own party, remove status ailment from Aphrodite’s party, heal Aphrodite’s party instead.

The Goddess of Beauty and Love, while enjoying bring love and passion to the mortals when they seek her help, is not without a devious and wicked sense of humor. While undoubtedly a little upset after being played right into the hands of Eris who sowed the seeds of discord by leaving the Golden Apple for The Fairest, she can’t but feel a little glad as she did end up “winning” after all.

She decides to let the mortals have a taste of what she’s been through. With the wave of her hand, men fight each other for her affections, women fight each other over the title of the most beautiful.

All in good fun, maybe?

Hestia (Yellow) - The Eternal Hearth - 45% Heal, healing of total of 700 points for 4 rounds, remove status ailments, defense up by 30%, mana generations increases, no status ailment attachment to all until spell wears off, Can’t be dispelled.

The eldest and sometimes referred to as the youngest of the Titans Kronos and Rhea. Oldest because she was the first born, youngest because she was the last one to be spit out from Kronos during the war between the Olympians and the Titans.

Very often a forgotten member of Mt. Olympus because she does not crave the spotlight nor does she crave the power. Her seat as one of the 12 Olympians have long been occupied by Dionysus. Not that she really cares as she is often seen staying closer to mortals as guardian of the hearth, the central piece of every Greek home.

Home is where the heart is, and a heart is warmed by a hearth inside a home. When Hestia casts her spell, her allies immediately feels her warmth and find the strength to fight on and defend their home.

Thus ends the Olympian creation from my part.


I made this topic pure for fun and brainstorm. The seemingly way OP heroes can spark inspiration for 4* heroes, with just 1 of the OP abilities :slightly_smiling_face: Plus there are a few here to keep the OP heroes in check and adjust them to a more ‘realistic’ hero. Everyone has their talents and together we can maybe select 3 heroes, think of epic names, specials, stats and backstories and ‘present’ them to SG ^.^. Someone here might even be an excellent artist and can do some fan sketch :smiley:

— I do agree that Perseus is the odd one out… he is not a god and shouldn’t be a 5* imho. And when on that topic… Ares is more like a Transformer, or robot type hero than actually the god of war. And Athena is way too cartoony for my liking… but hey, who am I to judge :smiley: Regardless I still would love to have them on my team.

Good point, @GoVegan—none of these ideas are going t be rolled out as-is, but there are some very clever, new ideas in this thread that might inspire a dev working on the next HotM.

I’ve thought a lot about specials that can manipulate the board, but it’s tricky to some up with something that works on both offense and defense, I’d encourage others to think about teams on both sides of the board as they dream up new skills.


How about something along the lines of a skill like this…

Skill: Russian Roulette
Caster and however many living enemies there are split the odds of death evenly.
For example, if there’s 5 enemies, the hero who casts has a 1/6 chance of dying as well as each one of the enemies. If 4 enemies, then caster and each have 1/5 chance of dying… etc

On titans maybe chance of death changes to 10k damage or something

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I hope that can inspire them to work on non events/non HOTM 3 :star: and 4 :star: heroes aswell


I would vote for some additional 3 Star heroes to expand the current roster. The odd ball that is Boldtusk where he was a borderline 5 star is where I could see them work on bringing more 4 stars in to the fold.

I had a mobster themed idea.

WHere you’ld have different mobsters from different era’s…prohibition themed would cause misses the attack would be called moonshine…or a flaming attack etc.


Haha yes! John Gotti “The Teflon Don” — no damage can stick to him, just slides right off. Maybe his skill is turning all damage against into “minor damage” and buffs attack of himself and nearby allies


I would probably move Ares and Athena to a different category altogether. In case, devs decides to explore Greek Mythological figures again… They have been sending Krakens out to alliances every day, so why not?

I would probably place Perseus along the same levels of heroic figures like Hercules, Achilles, Theseus, Jason, Odysseus, Hector, etc.

In fact, here is another one that just popped into mind.

Odysseus (Green) - The Trojan Horse - Defense Up 30% for all allies. Sending a timed explosive device to the opposing enemy side, with each round counting down. When the timer expires, device explodes doing 300% damage to all enemies. Cannot be dispelled. Very Slow Mana Charge, even by killing Odysseus won’t stop the timer. The only way to stop the timer is by finishing up the entire party

The King of Ithaca is no stranger to long, harsh journeys. He may not have super human strength like Hercules or impenetrable defense like Achilles, what he has is courage and ingenuity. From sneaking into the walls of Troy and stealing back the Palladium, to the Trojan Horse that ultimately won the war for the Greek Alliance, his tactics in battle are proven to be invaluable.

It does take some time to assemble a wood horse of such epic proportion. But once set, remains hidden, until finally, the trap is sprung and chaos ensues for Odysseus’s unlucky and unsuspecting opponents.


This was one i posted awhile back

Al Capone Fire class Special attack charge speed fast Name: Prohibition 300% damage to 3 characters. Chance to miss 30% two side characters 300 damage over 6 turns Applies 30% chance to miss on caster for 6 turns.


The Trojan Horse. I like it. Will be so annoying to have a timer counting down, knowing it can totally obliterate your team :scream:


Janosik (Nature) - “Blow From The Mountains” Deals X% damage to all enemies & heals all allies for the split amount of damage dealt. The heal bonus for each ally depends on their current health (lowest get more). Plus maybe a small Defense against Fire buff for the caster (10-30% ?) for 3 turns.

High Attack but not so good Defense with average mana regen.

Inspired by real life (and also sort of a legend) Janosik from Slovak & Polish folk :slight_smile:

PS In general it would be awesome to see more folk/culture inspired heroes from different countries.

  1. Special Skill that acts as a super mana potion to all other (or adjacent) heroes.
  2. Special Skill that renders caster and adjacent heroes immune from debuffs negative and status effects.

Keep doing what you’re doing. This game is amazing!

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The Mirror Ghost (Dark) Hero
600 attack
1200 HP
1500 Def
Special Atyack Effects:
This hero has the 30% chance to reject the special attack to the attacker’s Heros with flipped elemintal to recive that special attack.
*notice: if the attacker doesn’t have opposite hero/s the skill turned into 35% chance to share damages with Alliances for 5 turns.

If the Attacker used special attack of Holy hero to the mirror gost (Dark) the Mirror reject the Special attack to a dark hero of the Attackers team heros.
If that attacker doesn’t have Dark heros the Special attack hits the mirror and by effect it has chance of 35% to share recived damages with alliances for 5 turns.

This skill is similar to a part of next month’s Hero of the Month’s skill set. Aeron prevents new status ailments from attaching, so it needs to be cast before you’re hit. Your idea (similar to one above) would suspend the action all status ailments. That might be trickier to code.

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It will be a great idea which will never happen and talking about heroes like Ares , Athena, Alberich and so on I think it’s not fair cause some ppl can not get them any more and it’s just annoying the specials they have its absolutely crazy good and the monthly heroes you just feel forced to get cash involved the player’s out there can’t afford, plus the gems are more expensive then gold

The devs have said that it is intended that the previous Heroes of the Month will become available again, but we have had no other word as to what method they will use, though it doesn’t seem to be by repeating the monthly draws judging by the occasional hints from beta testers about new heroes they are testing.

Thanks! That’s pretty on point with what I was thinking. Again, you all created an amazing experience. Thank you so much, and thank you for taking the time to write back to me.